Wednesday, January 29, 2020

When your weight loss is SO SLOW ... tips.

Hello! 46/f here, hoping to give some encouragement and tips to anyone struggling with super slow scale progress (and no, that should not be your sole method of marking your progress). Trust me, I have every reason to be a turtle when it comes to weight loss -- insulin resistance, PCOS, thyroid issues, the full gamut. And so, when the scale didn't budge, I blamed my body and I found myself giving up on my efforts, time and time again. "It just isn't worth the effort to see a .2 loss in a week when I have loads of weight to lose."

I have since changed my tune. I've changed my mindset. I've changed... kinda everything. And, since I did that, I've now lost 17 pounds since Christmas. Which is just... WOW, for me. Here's what I did - YMMV.

  1. Log everything. Don't lie to yourself or MyFitnessPal. Be honest and include everything, even that teaspoon of olive oil you cooked in, and that handful of pistachios. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're satisfied.
  2. Buy smaller plates. You'll be surprised how much this impacts how much (or how little) you eat.
  3. Watch your starchy carbs, especially if you're insulin resistant. I am not Keto, but I cut WAYYY back on starchy carbs, even healthier ones like sweet potatoes and brown rice. Rice and potatoes are more of a splurge these days, MAYBE once a week. I cut gluten and bread entirely.
  4. Eat in a shorter window of time. I try to give myself a hard stop at 7pm, and I try not to have anything to eat the next day until around 10am (drinking lots of water during the day helps, I find myself not nearly as hungry). Sometimes it varies, depending on hunger (I honor my body's cues). This helped me stop grazing after dinner -- my biggest downfall.
  5. Send an email to yourself from your future self. This sounds cheesy, am aware. But it really impacted me. I've actually written myself a FEW of these -- sometimes I'm in Disneyland, sharing how much fun it is to enjoy the rides without worrying if I'll fit through the turnstiles or squish the person next to me, how I didn't need an extender on the airplane, and how I was able to walk all day long without any issue, and I loved all the on-ride photos I saw of myself. I ended the email with a THANK YOU to my current self, for not giving up. It actually brought me to tears and played a significant role in changing my mindset to a future-focused one.

Hope this helps someone!

submitted by /u/ginaration
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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