Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Made the discovery that breakfast absolutely KILLS ME.

I’ve only been back on the wagon for about a week, but have been determined that this time it’s going to stick. I’m 32 years old, enough is enough, I don’t have the luxury of deciding to fall off the wagon haha

So, in an effort to really do things right, for the last week I’ve been starting the day with a serving of oatmeal, about 110 calories plus a splash of milk. I figured this is a nice healthy grain that would stick to my ribs. Unrelated (or so I thought), I’ve been MISERABLE since day 1- just constantly thinking, dreaming, craving more food. I’ve come in at or under my calories every day, but it was rough.

Day before yesterday, I decided to double my oatmeal consumption (2 servings at 220 calories total) in hopes that it would help with my insane hunger. It was a huge bowl and super satisfying in the moment, but the rest of that day was the absolute worst one of the whole run. I was at work and wasn’t able to DO anything because my mind was so hyper focused on needing more food. I was starving and miserable and going insane.

I figured, this is weight loss in your 30’s, deal with it.

Yesterday, I was running late so brought my packet of oatmeal with me to work with the intent of scarfing it down upon arrival. Of course, I got busy and just...forgot. And then lunch time rolls around, so I eat my lunch. And the rest of the day was SO PLEASANT. I wasn’t thinking about food at all. I wasn’t hungry at all. I just...was. By the end of the day, I came in under my goal by about 200 calories. And when I went into the freezer to get ice for my ice water, and saw the thin mints sitting there, I considered having a couple because I had the calories...but then went “meh, I’m not really in the mood for them. I’d rather just have my ice water”. And then I closed the freezer and didn’t think about those thin mints again- which never happens with me.

Today, I skipped breakfast again just to make sure yesterday wasn’t a weird fluke. And so far, so good.

Everyone always says breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I bought into that hard.

Screw breakfast.

submitted by /u/Wonderlandian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2U58JVw

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