Friday, January 17, 2020

What weird food helped you lose weight

Hello, beautiful people of r/ lose it I have been a long time lurker but now first time poster on this Reddit. When I started my weight loss, I made a healthy snack option for every craving I often had, and this has made my life so much easier. I definitely have some things and snacks that I never used to eat but now can live without and I want to know yours because we are all here for a good time.

My top four,
- cold brew with a protein shake instead of creamer (not less calorie dense per se but the macros are nice - students cant be buying that much meat sometimes)

- yoghurt cups for dessert - I really like the key lime with one or two mini ginger snaps crushed in it my weird version of key lime pie

- halloumi cheese- its 100 calories for a small amount of fried cheese but it completely kills my chip/ salt cravings

- lightly watered down hummus - it has more of a creamy ranch texture and adds no calories with more volume

you don't need to read this but a bit about me, I guess. I started in august and lost 20 pounds gained 8 but back on my bs and almost back at my start in a few weeks. 5'10 F 200 pd start - 184pd now GW 160ish. Doing CICO (1500-1800) and mixed strength and cardio five days a week.

submitted by /u/fxsvg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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