Tuesday, February 4, 2020

I've never felt lower. How do I do this?

I'm 23, F, 5'11" and at last weigh in the nurse told me I was 29st. Don't know if there's any pounds with that, I couldn't bear to look. I have hypermobile joints, depression, anxiety, adhd, suspected endometriosis, and migraines. Can't even confirm if my symptoms are endometriosis, because to do that they need to do a laparoscopy, which they can't/won't do because of my weight. So I went in to ask for weight loss surgery. My health is failing and they won't recommend me to the team to look into it, they're asking me to see their nurse and do another diet, and apparently then they'll consider it. The nurse made me feel judged and horrible, and told me to do all the things that haven't worked. I also can't see how this would end up in a referral to that team.

My family and friends always tell me that at least I am not ugly. I made the mistake of posting to amiugly to get an honest opinion and posting publicly on imgur to do so. This resulted in a wide range of comments on both platforms telling me how ugly I really am. It feels hopeless. I have to lose close to two thirds of my current weight. No surgery to help, no real support, and I've never felt worse. It feels like I either fix the weight or end it. I can't live like this.

What do I do? How do I dig myself out of this?

submitted by /u/Wistfultortoise
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/31pzBRu

Stuck and I need advice/help

Hi everyone, first time posting! I'm having a bit of a problem though

Background: Female/5'6/CW 203/ SW 219

So at the end of September, I got out of an emotionally abusive relationship and had to get on antidepressants. These slashed my appetite ( emotional binging and anxiety snacking) to the point where I was eating a single small meal a day. As my body adjusted to the medication I lost 17lb doing nothing but lying in bed until December. I was really excited to try to get under 200 because I haven't been for years.

My gym schedule was irregular at the start but I finally built up to 5 times a week for 2-3 hours per session. This includes about an hour of cardio ( moderate, heartrate 100-140 range, try to burn 300-400 calories per session) , and targeted weight lifting.

Monday & Friday : Abs and Legs
Tuesday & Thursday: Arms
Wednesday: Back and Chest

This is going into my third week on a consistent schedule ( but 5th week of 3 or more days per week ). Last week, I did not do cardio because school just started and my schedule was irregular. I closely monitor my water intake and on monday-thursday I get about 100 oz.


Have not lost weight/gained weight in the last 3 weeks - I went from 200 and fluctuated around 201-202. Today I weighted 203. I have lost inches and see improvement in my body. A bodyweight % calculator says I've lost 2% body weight but also gained 2lb of muscle.

Not eating/Nausea - I have always had an unhealthy relationship with food, and since getting on my medication, it's really hard to eat enough. I have low energy most days, I know caused by not getting enough calories. If I don't work a day, I may eat about 1200 -1500 calories, and if I work out, I rarely surpass 2000. Calorie calculators put me at 3000 per day to get maintain.

This brings me to yesterday. I had eaten a breakfast sandwich and a coffee about 2 hours before going to the gym ( 650 cal.), 23 oz of water before the gym and about 40 oz while working out. I did an hour of walking @ 3.0 mph with 3 6mph 30 sec. runs ( I'm trying to build up my running stamina). Did about 6 different abs workouts, and 3 and half leg workouts. I got super dizzy and ended up vomiting in the bathroom. I also vomited later that day.

I think I know that I need to increase calories, focusing on protein intake and making better choices, but its really hard because my body does not get hungry, and if I overeat/ am full, the sight/smell of food makes me nauseous.

As for goals, I don't really have a single goal because I know weight loss is different for different bodies, so these are just rough guildlines.

Current - Goal

Body fat % - 36 25

Weight - 203 155-160

Waist 33.5in 27-28in

Hips 42in 38in

Chest( overbust) 41in 39in

Chest( underbust) 36.5in 35in

Dress size XL(12) M(6-8)

submitted by /u/Soapring
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2UnqYp1

SV: It’s been a slow journey, but I’m less than 10 pounds away from my goal weight!! (First time poster)

I don’t brag to my friends or family often because I always feel like they don’t care or it makes them uncomfortable in their lifestyle to hear about me changing mine and getting results so I’m here to brag a bit.

It’s been a long time compared to others here, but in June 2019, I was 198 pounds. I was just on the border of obese by BMI terms, though I may not have looked it. After college graduation and going on a cruise (those constant buffets were definitely a treat), my mom and I started a bet where if I lose weight to 160 lbs. in three months, she would give me $200. That’s honestly what started my weight loss.

I started tracking my calories more seriously, I went to the small gym my apartment had more often (even if it was just for 10 minutes because that’s all I could fit), then I started a job at subway. I went from 198 lbs to 175 lbs in the span of 3 months. By then my mom had forgotten about the bet but I was learning to eat healthier and smaller portions from subway lol

I got a very well paying job offer that correlated with my college degree to start in October. This meant moving out all of my significant others and my belongings to go to the desert. We had a month buffer from when our old lease ended and the job started, so we went to live with his parents for a bit. They eat nothing but carbs and protein, and as tasty is the home cooking they do, it’s all comfort food and no veggies or fruit. I gained some back but still stayed below 180.

After moving out here on our own again, it’s been 4 months and I finally found what works for me to keep this sustainable. We freezer meal prep (raw ingredients in the freezer) once a month to cook into batches of daily meal prep for the fridge. We joined a gym initially for the water aerobics class, but tried out a cycling class and fell in love. I’ve started a routine trying to get a schedule I can follow down and it’s worked so much. Go to work from 7-4, eat dinner, cycle at 6 at least 3 times a week, and intermittent fasting 16:8.

At this point the pounds are very slowly coming off (they usually come back on around my period then shed off again even more). It’s been a process to find what works and I’m so glad I found that for now even if it may not be my routine forever. I still don’t have the healthiest relationship with food and I definitely feel like I have bouts of body dysmorphia when I look at myself (still see the 198 pound body), but it’s a process. I’ve lost almost 30 pounds damnit and I’m only 9.6 pounds away from my goal weight!!!

submitted by /u/juicy-_-juice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3b7amrE

Working out, reduced eating, gaining weight???

Hey everyone. I've been going to the gym regularly for about 4-6 months now. I go 2-3 times a week (rare weeks 0-1 times) and do 1.5-2.5 miles of moderate intensity cardio on the elliptical and then do upper/lower body weight lifting alternating each visit.

As far as eating goes I use MyFitnessPal and try to be pretty strict about it. Admittedly sometimes I don't get everything. But I have my goal set to 1400 cal and very rarely go over 1800. Gym days obviously I have more but still aside from once every couple of weeks I never eclipse 2000cal in a day.

Still, I'm gaining weight. I'm a 6'1 (currently) 231.2 lb male in my 20s. MyFitnessPal progress shows I was 233.2 at the end of December, went down to 229 mid January, dropped to like 226 overnight (water weight?) and slowly climbed back up to 231.

I know the inclination is to say "oh you're eating without measuring" or "you're underestimating your calories" but there's no way I'm missing 600+ calories a day. I have black coffee for breakfast and a veggie burger for lunch most days, like idk what's going on.

Is it just water weight? Am I somehow gaining muscle at a rate it's keeping up with weight loss? I feel like maybe I'm getting slimmer but I've been fat all my life so what do I know

submitted by /u/UgDugMcLugs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2vQPHrN

Deeply confused about how many calories I should be eating (I've used allll the calculators)

Current Stats:
Female, 5'2", 157lbs. Goal weight of 130lbs. Diet is pretty clean, workout minimum 3x a week, cardio & weights.

Background info:
I started losing weight in September and have made some good progress. I was at 179lbs and am currently at 157lbs. I did this mostly through really cleaning up my diet, drinking only water, walking more instead of driving, and I took up running.

The Issue:
I'm a rather petite person at 5'2" and have been aiming to consume around 1200 calories a day, which I typically manage to achieve below that but do experience some pretty intense hunger sometimes. Nothing I can't overcome. That said, I've hit a plateau. I was stuck between 158 - 160 for a couple weeks before I finally broke through yesterday and hit 157lbs. I was researching ways to break plateaus, and came across some literature talking about how under-eating can stall progress. I got curious and started calculating BMR and TDEE. Depending on the calculator used, the numbers are all over the place, but my average BMR consistently comes out at approx. 1,400, my TDEE at approx. 2,000, and my recommended calorie intake for weight loss of 1lb/week at approx. 1,500. This would mean I'm regularly under-eating by a couple hundred calories. I would assume that the less calories consumed, the faster the weight loss. But is it possible that this is actually contributing to me not being able to lose weight? And if I am indeed under eating, is 1500 the correct amount I should be consuming?

submitted by /u/SamanthaFC
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3beColg

I've lost and regained my weight twice already, today is my first day at my third (and hopefully last) weight loss journey.

lost 30kg in 2017, regained it all back in mid2018. Lost another 30kg in 2019 and regained all half of it back in late 2019 (till now). This time I made a conscious decision to stop and to not baloon up to my original weight.

I have to keep reminding myself that I am still in a better spot than I was in just a few months ago.

I can do this, I can lose around 7-10kg in 2 months and be back at my lowest weight.

So, this is kinda my declaration and starting point for myself. I'll eat at around 1450kcal a day and force myself to stick by it for atleast 2 months.

Thank you for reading, I wish you good luck with your own weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/TellMeToStudyPls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/37YNwQT

This wake-up call...


Long time lurker, I never actually showed the emotional strength to endure the process of stopping food binges and losing weight... Now I need doing it for real. Like an alcoholic who needs to stop drinking.

I went from 90 to 100kg in only one year (2018 especially was full of disappointment), and since got stuck here with some bumps on the road (102, 105, 98...).

I was found to have insulin deficiency in July 2019, and took Glucophage to help. Still taking it. I also take complements of Omega 3 and Chrome Picolinate.

Now I'm finding out that I have a Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and I'm freaking out.

So here I am, 185cm, 100kg (that's 6"1' and 220lbs roughly), ill from my eating habits at only 27 years old. As I live in Turkey, most of the food served in pop restaurants and work's canteen is not suitable for the new habits I have to take. Also my job as a flavourist, basically consists of tasting flavours in multiple supports as sweet water, cookies, chewing-gums, candies and the like, on regular basis... So it's fucking me up, too, to some extent.

Lastly, it seems this condition calls for a low-rate weight loss, for if I lose more than 1kg/week, my liver will get irritated of sorts. So it's a good rate to aim for maybe. Or even 500g/week.

I'm searching now some ways to adapt my eating habits. Basically I should cook, use raw veggies, avoid the popular pastries they have here for very cheap, avoid alcohol, avoid eating late, and increase my sports practice. It's something I can do. I already stopped eating carbs and big meat portions at canteen, and I already stopped buying chocolate bars and pastries when I'm out, which is a big deal, although the past habit already has consequences. The biggest practical challenge is to manage the quantities I buy and those I cook, in order to never have to throw some rotten leftovers I've forgotten or wasn't able to eat due to big quantity... It's already hard. My nights-out planning isn't consistent weekly, therefore it's unreliable to plan meals.

But do you know what's even more difficult, eating always has been my way-to-go cope for fighting negative emotions. Nothing will be there anymore.

How do you deal emotionally, with the deprivation of this sweet, sweet ecstasy. How do you introduce these good practices at the accurate times in your planning. Lastly, I don't know how to give feedback and follow-up on this loseit venture, do you suggest opening new threads every now and then, or maybe participating in these Wednesdays' superthreads? How to keep up the pace and ask for help when I feel weak-spirited? Any advice is welcome... Thanks a bunch.

submitted by /u/qantuum
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/39a8TyP