Saturday, May 9, 2020

ADHD meds and weight...

I was 155lbs some time ago- I can’t even keep track of time anymore because I’m a slow loser... it took me a looooong time to start down my weight loss journey. I’m currently at 122lbs. I’ve been in therapy for a while for anxiety and an episode of depression (which has thankfully resolved for now), and I’m in a good place! I think my weight loss helped me to feel more optimistic about myself too!

More recently, I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. Apparently, my eating habits may have been associated with this disorder (along with anxiety and depression). Impulsivity in ADHD is linked to binge eating. Knowing all of this obviously doesn’t change the fact that I was able to lose weight, unmedicated (though, very very slowly), but it explains so much about my habits, my lifestyle, and the areas of my life I need to develop more compassion for!

I’ll be starting on medication very soon and I’m afraid of becoming reliant on the hunger suppressant side effects, and gaining all the weight back when I stop my meds (which I plan to do after quarantine). Anyone else successfully stop taking their meds without bouncing back and then some in weight?

submitted by /u/BeginningGlove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A few tips that I've been telling myself to use as modivation.

  1. Easing myself into calorie restricting. Biting off more than you can chew is never a good idea. When you instantly go from 3,000 to 1,300 calories a day, that will only be mentally challenging in my case. Which is how people tend to mess up on their weight loss.

  2. Remembering that it's more than just a temporary diet. If I want to keep the weight off, I have to keep the excess food away.

  3. Telling myself that I'll survive without food until the next afternoon. You're not gonna die op. You could live off of your fat for a month after all. Do you really need those excess calories before you head to bed? No. I didn't think so.

  4. Fasting is very effective I have been easing myself into fasting and, I have only been moderately accomplishing it for a week. I've stopped eating way before the sun even starts to set. I'll stop eating around 6pm and, won't take a bite of something till around 1pm the next day.

5.Hungry? Dink some tea. I don't know what it is about tea but, it just puts my hunger to a halt and, makes me completely forget about food. Not only does drinking sugar free tea, help with weight, but it helps you relax.

  1. For the love of everything, keep yourself occupied from eating out of sheer boredom. Oh you're all alone with nothing to do? Well don't even think about heading over to the fridge. Go learn something new or read.

  2. Don't let the people you live with, enable and, influence you to eat poorly. This means saying no when being offered junk and, keep it out of sight so you don't even think about it.

  3. Remember how far you've come already. Compare yourself now to what you use to be. You've lost 35lb so far. You're slimming down and, are able to fit in clothes that use to never fit, or be too tight for you to wear. Just look at you now. Those jeans that you couldn't even zipper and button up 5 months ago, are now falling down. For the first time in over a decade, you can finally fit into a regular belt in a regular store, without it being plus sized from torrid.

submitted by /u/ImaginaryMusicLover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Quarantine Weight Loss

Hi guys, I just wanted to share my weight loss during quarantine. I am 17(M) and 5'7 and before quarantine I was 152lbs and now I am 125lbs and I have been in quarantine for about a month now. I think one of the main reasons for my weight loss is intermitten fasting. When I wake up in the morning (I like to wake up at 8:00AM bc I feel really unrpoductive waking up late lol so I try to wake up 8-9AM and sleep around 10-11PM) but anyways in the mornings I don't really feel hungry at all so I just skip breakfast and eat lunch around 1PM and dinner around 6PM. (also I don't drink soda if that matters at all)

Also maybe another reason I lost weight is because I don't have to take my anxiety medication anymore which I took for a whole year (wooo!! ^_^). I haven't taken it for about 3 months now but I am not sure if that has anything to do with my weight loss so sorry if this is wrong.

Another reason why I think I lost weight loss is because I don't eat out anymore (I've doordashed like twice during this whole quarantine time I would order more but it's super expensive for me). I used to eat out sooo much before quarantine maybe like 4 time a week, I would go to pho,ramen,poke, etc but now since I can't do that, I just eat whatever is left at home lol. After quarantine I will definitely try to eat out less as I have saved more money and I actually made a lot of good dishes from following recipes on youtube!! like the bulgogi beef it was soo good ;_;

Oh and another thing I've noticed is that I get full SOO fast recently. I used to be able to finish a whole chipotle bowl but now I can only eat like half :((

But overall I was super shocked to see how much weight I lost because I don't exercise like at all and at my work I just sit down so there's no exercise there either.. I rly rly want to join the gym tho after quarantine just to be healthy and tone and stuff but I'm just scared to go alone lol XD maybe I'll invite my cousin or smth.

submitted by /u/pluhmet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New weight loss accountability method?

Hey guys, 20F here. I've been trying to lose weight this entire year, in something like a lose-weight-for-one-week-gain-it-back-the-next, style, and have not been very successful. In fact, I think I gained a kilo or two. Then I realised I have literally zero motivation because I think that nobody is going to see me anyway so am slowing degrading into a slob. BUT I know this can't keep going on so I'm trying to get myself together. I'm planning to go on a two-month weight loss plan to lose 8kg and I'm want to blog every day of it to keep myself accountable. This way I can log what I eat, how I exercised and how I feel every day. I was wondering if anyone wanted to do this with me, so we can be like weight loss blog buddies, and comment on each other's blogs to encourage each other everyday (I'm using wordpress but I don't mind what you use). DM me or comment below and I'll send you my wordpress blog address :). Also if you could tell me a bit about yourself and your goals that would be cool too. Thx for reading!

submitted by /u/infiniteinscription
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just started loosing weight and not sure if I'm doing it right. Looking for advice

For context I'm 20yr old female, 5'6 and currently 246.6lb as of yesterday (been counting calories -1500 per day- since quarrentine in uk started, start weight was 258.8lb) I just need general advice because I'm quite naive to weight loss. I grew up fat because of a morbidly obese/abusive mother and I have never shook the weight. I have been fat since I was around 8. Im desperately trying to get it off because im feeling trapped by it. I don't know what excersizes to do for my weight or if I'm just doing it in a healthy way so advice would be really really helpful. Im terrified of getting loose skin and my back hurts all the time. I used to do near 10,000 steps daily before quarantine because I would take my sisters kids to school but I wasn't counting calories then. My family are all fat aswell so I often try manage my own meals because dinners arent weighed out or are just high in calories in general, but its never anything nutritious. Usually heinz soup or sandwiches. I take multi vitamins to try semi make up for it

My main questions are what excersizes should I do? Am I taking the right amount of calories? And just what advice would be useful for me do you think?

Sorry for the ramble. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Fabled-Sparrow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stalled Weight Loss and No Period in Over a Month

I'm sorry for the throwaway I just had a couple of questions. Ive been pretty strict with myself since the start of the quarantine as I've been working from home, and not going out as much. Unfortunately, it seems that I've lost my period and I'm not losing weight consistently despite what I'm doing.

My day includes: - 1,200 calories M-F, I'm a little more relaxed Saturdays (sometimes 2k, other days 1,600) and on Sunday I have a cheat day where I eat 2k calories or a little more. - 21,000 steps a day minimum - Dumbbell/Weight training 4-5 times a week - 3 - 4L of water - Around 90g of protein a day - Weigh everything that goes into my mouth

My stats: - Height: 5'3 - Age: 26 - SW: 132 lbs - CW: 128 lbs

I have never weight trained before this and I started a little over a month ago. I realize that this could be a factor but, still I wanted an outside opinion since my family is now starting to say I need to stop losing weight, even though I clearly have a lot more fat to lose.

My problems: - I haven't had my period since I started wfh around March 15 (started wfh on my period) - I'm hardly losing weight despite keeping active. I was 131 for 3 weeks. Last week I was 128, and today I was also 128. (I only weigh myself Saturday mornings) - My mom is saying I should stop because I'm damaging my body by doing too much, "or her and my dad will have to intervene" (which I take her advice with a grain of salt as she never exercises, is overweight/obese, eats like garbage, but she drinks celery juice every day so she'll live until 150 🙄)

Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated 😊

submitted by /u/edrumnoob
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Depression caused me to lose weight. Now that I'm mentally stable, I started gaining again.

I was severely depressed last year which caused me to unintentionally "start" my weight loss journey. I was 22F at 69kg (153lb), and I lost 9kg (19lb) until a month ago. I just reached the 59.9kg (132lb) mark, and was extremely ecstatic because I had never seen my weight that low before.

I am finally in a good place and I started to regain my motivation and appetite. However, in the past month my weight has slowly been creeping back because I realised when I followed my eating habits when I was depressed, I was constantly ravishing. I calculated my calorie intake using an app, and it said I was eating 1700cal a day when I should be eating 1400cal a day (without exercise).

Right now, I am 63kg (139lb) and I want to continue to lose weight till 55kg (121lb). But it seems to me that I only lost weight because I was depressed, and I dont want to go back there again. Does anyone have any advice on how to manage their food intake, especially during those ravishing moments?

submitted by /u/WATER_TOASTIES
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from loseit - Lose the Fat