Monday, May 11, 2020

Mood Swings, Irritability, Feeling Depressed - Looking for Guidance

Background: M/26/5'9 SW 335+, CW 273ish, GW 180

Hey all,

A few years ago, I came off some meds that numbed my emotions about my health. When I came off of those meds, I dropped weight through almost all diet and a bit of exercise. I went from 335+ to 300 quite easily.

Life kinda hit, I had some big life events, and I maintained for about a year. I then began a high-stress, long-hours job and lost track of my loss. I bounced up to 310.

In December of last year, I decided I wanted to get back to my health journey. I started hitting the gym for the first time in WAY too long, was lifting, doing great cardio, etc. My eating was still pretty garbage.

When quarantine began, I realized that it was such a perfect opportunity for me to lose - I take all the time that used to be spent commuting, getting dressed for work, etc. and use that time to cook, meal prep, etc. It has been great.

I don't really follow macros - I've been doing pure CICO. I have been eating at a deficit. Initially I was probably eating around 1800 per day, and I hit a speedbump, so I dropped to about 1000-1500 per day. Weight loss continued.

Now I have started experiencing extreme irritability. I get very angry when I get off-hours work emails. I get mad when my girlfriend is chewing too loudly. Even silly stuff like video games can get me angry.

But the next second, I'm sad, scared, anxious, whatever, about myself, the state of the world, my job, my diet, my weight loss progress, etc. Just negative emotions. I probably have cried every week day for the past week.

Has anyone else experienced this in a deficit? It makes sense to me that one may experience this in a deficit, but maybe if I can just get some real affirmation, I can frame my negative emotions and realize that they are part of a bigger improvement.

Sorry for the rambling, but anyone experience his?

submitted by /u/ezweight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My mom’s weight loss success has inspired the start of my own weight loss journey

My mom has lost more than 100 pounds and while she still has a long way to go, I can see all the positive changes in her.

First of all, her breathing is a lot better. Before she lost weight, she wheezed a lot and snored loudly when she slept (she literally was as loud as a train) but now, she breathes so much quieter and better than before. I can actually sleep in the same room as her now. This also goes hand in hand with how much better she sleeps. She is able to get a good night’s rest and not feel so tired during the day.

Another thing worth mentioning is that my mom has rheumatoid arthritis. This causes her joints to become swollen and painful and is part of her motivation to lose weight. In addition to her arthritis treatment, her weight loss has greatly improved her quality of life in this aspect and it has caused her to be in a better mood when she gets home from work.

Also, my mom feels more confident. She always looked so uncomfortable. She hated shopping for clothes for herself and she hated taking pictures without someone hiding her fatness. Now, she feels so much better about herself and, again, it helped improve her moods. She is better mentally and I am so happy for her.

Finally, she has a lot more stamina. She is able to climb the stairs to our fourth-floor apartment without breaking a sweat and last week, we even walked a whole mile together which was unimaginable before.

I wish I could post her before and after pictures because the transformation is truly amazing and it’s definitely something to be proud of. She hasn’t declared victory yet so she isn’t ready for an after picture. She has inspired my sister and I to start losing weight. I am 17F, 5’3 187.5 lbs and I have been overweight for as long as I can remember, even during childhood. I hope that by the year’s end (or maybe by the time college starts this fall), I will have dropped at least 15-20 lbs.

submitted by /u/im_losing_it_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After 3 weeks of a 12-week combined IF/CICO and workout regimen to kickstart my weight loss and get fit, I managed to lower my resting heart rate from 75bpm to a range of 62-65bpm. A small victory but a great step towards improving my health 💪🏻

I have been very frustrated lately, as despite all of my hard work with tracking calories and macros, doing 20:4 everyday and running/working out 6 days a week, I’m still not noticing any changes on my body. It’s very disheartening, to say the least, and I was feeling very discouraged this morning as I got out the door at 6.30am for another morning run.

Then I was about to start my Fitbit to track a run and I was going through the app and noticed how my resting heart rate has been dropping. I used to hover between 75 and 77 and the past week and a half or so I’ve been hovering between 62 and 65bpm. I was so thrilled!

In fact, I was so over the moon that I found the energy to run a little further this morning! Always improving!

I guess there’s something to say about the imperceptible changes in your body. I don’t have any gorgeous transformation photographs of my body, or clothes that are baggy and loose... but I feel so awesome knowing that even if my body doesn’t actually let me lose weight or become skinny like some people here it’s still on the road to becoming healthier.


submitted by /u/lifeincoolcolours
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone feel...bored after losing weight?

I lost a bunch of weight. Before that, my focus on weight was obsessive; I felt awful about my body 80% of the time, and when I liked my body I was p narcissistic about it.

Now I’m thinner and I don’t care. I just have zero thoughts tied up in this anymore and no worries about weight loss. But there’s not a huge sense of accomplishment or no longer has the same value to me. I’m just kind of here, slim, existing.

I know this is probably a good thing, but it feels weird to lose that subject which was legit 20% of my thoughts; can anyone relate? What do you do to regain value from other obsessions once you stop obsessing over this?

submitted by /u/sickcorgbro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting Again

This time last year I was hovering around the 250 mark, 25 pounds down from my previous weight. While that was nowhere near my ultimate goal weight, I felt really good about myself for losing some of the weight and was experiencing some of the benefits that come with weight loss. I hovered around that weight the rest of the summer, which I was slightly annoyed about but thought at least I was maintaining and not gaining, right?

Things took a turn in September when I got my first full-time job in my field after graduating a few months prior, which resulted in moving to a new city and state alone. At the same time I was broken up with out of the blue and didn’t get any closure about it. That first month was really hard for me in a lot of ways and I ate far more than I should because I knew it would at least make me feel better at the moment. For the first time I was buying all of my own groceries with no one there to have an opinion on what was in my cart and I suddenly had access to all of the restaurant delivery services in my new town, so I went crazy with all of that and created a new, unhealthy norm for myself. I was always aware I was making bad choices but just let myself sink further into it.

Now I’ve gained that weight back and a little more. I’m at my all-time highest weight and I really just can’t stand it. I don’t like the way I look, the way I feel, the way my clothes fit. I don’t want to spend my whole life feeling like this.

This past week I did an overhaul on my groceries, deleted my food delivery apps, and logged everything that I ate. I went over my allotted calories a few days but didn’t binge. I ended up still staying under the calorie threshold for the week so it was a success. I know I’ll mess up but I want to be able to fall back in line when I do. I want to change. I know I’m capable of it.

submitted by /u/ClumsyPikachu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My story of success and impatience.

Allow myself to introduce..., myself.

49M 5'7" SW:221 CW:180 GW:150

Hi. Started out January 1 2020 with IF. 16-8 then 18-16. Calorie conscious- nothing strict. No attempt at planned exercise. 20 minute dog walk daily. Exciting weight loss with basically no effort. Avg 2.3 lbs per week. That was consistent- I could look at the calendar and know what I would be on that day. I was amazed. By End of February I was at 200.

March came and things were a little more erratic. Gone was the consistent daily downward numbers, and I know that it isn't linear, It still depresses me when it is linear for a while, and then it is not. Upped the exercise. Started a couch to 5K running program. Started counting 10K steps a day. Quarantine forced healthy changes in eating. Still not strictly counting calories at this point, but more aware. By the end of March, 191 lbs.

April was tough. I felt like I lost the same 6 pounds over and over. I started counting calories, and upped exercise. Felt like I should be able to "muscle" my way through this. Running 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week, averaging 10K+ steps a day, active hours (walking/running) were up to 2 per day, and I was trying for 6 miles combined on the day. Yet I was 186 at the end of April.

Continued into May with similar routine. Made two changes. Started with SIT training, found an app called JogRunSprint, and focused on this more than long runs. 30+ minutes, 4 times a week. Also got hard core on calories. Some data: BMR: 1667. TDEE: 2251 Daily Calories 1576. Logging meals with an app, I am trying my best to log foods that don't have bar codes to scan. Big time results last week. May 5, 185. A daily drop averaging 1.24 lbs. 180 on May 9th. I know this is a lot and but also willing to change nothing and take it for as long as I can get it.

May 10th, though, also 180. Same diet, same exercise- if not more, had 17K steps due to yard mowing.

May 11th: also 180. Indian last night for Mothers Day, did a OMAD knowing I would want to eat plenty.

Three days of no movement after averaging -1.24 for 5 days. Why?? It's maddening. I feel like I should with brute strength alone be able to force this happen.

"why is this guy complaining?" Yeah I know. Overall- not stupid. Good gains, and I should be happy. I've lost a lot, trending downwards. But I am impatient.

And that is me. Good luck with your goals. <3

submitted by /u/Bezier_Curvez
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

18/F/69 kg How do I chill when losing weight?

I think the reason for me always failing at weight loss is that I have dates set for my goal weight, like this time it's my birthday, so if I'm not losing enough I end up restricting too much to lose it all in time. This is obviously bad and I end up gaining everything and more back. How can I stop doing this? It's really hard to accept maybe I won't be that size by X date..

Last time this happened, last year, I lost a good amount of weight but it spiraled out of control and I got really mad at myself for not making the deadline. I also didn't really have a motivator after the deadline, which just led me to eat all the things I couldn't before.

If you have struggled with this, how did you change your mindset?

submitted by /u/strawberrychristine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat