Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Adding accountability to lose weight

First time posting to Loseit, maybe to reddit entirely...

Current stats: 36M, 5' 9" (175 cm) and 200 lbs (90.7 kg)

I've resolved to lose weight so, so many times, and apart from one glorious summer where I achieved my ideal weight (160 lbs/72.6 kg), I've never been able to stick with it or maintain it long-term. For the most part, I've only been accountable to myself in terms of weight loss, so I figured I'd mix in a little outside accountability by joining Loseit.

My ultimate goal is to get back down to 160 lbs, maybe a bit lower, and stay there. Along the way, I hope to post my progress in return for some cheering on (and maybe some playful jeering). Please wish me luck!

submitted by /u/SoundsAndScience
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/37hl3qf

Started a diet on the 16th of May, life looks full of hope for a better future.

I am a muslim north african so i was observing the ramadan during the month of May, usually i always lose weight in it due to fasting but this year felt different as i did cur back on food but not on soft drinks, some friends recommended that i take a chance and go see a nutritionist to help me with weight loss and i went for it.The shock was big, first i never thought i was this heavy, i am 185cm tall(6ft) and found out that i was 358lbs, what shocked me the most in all this that the nutritionist gave me the little slip after scaling and i found that my MetaAge is 42 and that was it for me my body is literally 14 years older than me and with cholesterol history in my family(taking regular meds for it since 6 years now and its super stable thankfully) and some other heart issues i saw the finish line was waaaaay closer than i ever thought, the nutritionist gave me a strict diet and i can proudly say that i have not tasted anything sweet or anything that is in the constellation of bread and pasta since that day.I hope that in a year or two i can be satisfied with the result and that i would stay disciplined in my diet. Here is a link to a picture of my nutritional stats(they are in Kg) from the start until now and by posting them here i hope to commit myself to keep posting them every step of the way.

To everyone still hung up on that first step towards a healthier life i can assure you it is worth it, i feel way better both physically and mentally and the knees hurt less every day.

submitted by /u/mrtalel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3cMWthS

Road to 130 lbs. Week 1: Successful!

Just a bit of a victory post. During quarantine I didn't do a lot of exercise or watch my diet. Went from low 160s to upper 160s which granted isn't that much, but it's noticeable on someone like me who is ~5'6". I've also been trying to get back down to 145 lbs FOREVER since I left Japan 2 years ago and gained back what I had lost in the states.

So here we are for the umpteenth time going from upper 160s to lower 160s. Last week I set a weight loss goal of 1lb and that anything after that was extra credit. I cut back on the alcohol, soda, and food overall. Ate protein-based foods, with a goal of consuming half of my body weight in grams of protein, and biked 10 miles every day for work while running every other day on top of that.

Combine all that with a daily limit of ~1500 calories give or take and I lost 2 lbs! Went from 168 to 166. Time to do the same this week!

submitted by /u/OfficiallyRelevant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3h95q8F

Becoming a foodie was the best thing for I did for weight loss

Growing up, we didn’t eat healthy, and we frequently repeated a lot of the same meals. Greens were not prevalent in our diet, it was meat (typically beef), starches, and carbs. Years ago my impression of eating healthy was merely eating the “standard” vegetables: lettuce, tomato, broccoli, and maybe some onion. Luckily, in my adulthood I’ve been an adventurous eater, so when I started dieting it became a LOT easier to find enjoyable dishes that are veggie-heavy and not bland or doused in sauces/dressings. Take the time to know your way around some good hearty vegetables that make great meat replacements, or how to sauté some kale, or how to season and cook a great salmon piece. When you know your way around a kitchen, eating healthier doesn’t mean eating a bland salad, it opens up a whole world of flavors you didn’t know existed.

submitted by /u/tacoscholar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2AaYlnD

Overdoing it ruins the party yet again.

I wanted to lose 50lbs this year.

I told myself I wanted to do it slowly, steadily and still enjoy my life while doing it. I figured ~1lb/wk would put me down 50lbs in the year.

I am a 250-lb female, but because I’m 6ft, you can’t tell just how overweight I am. I start to look actually like, GOOD, around 220. I was excited for this plan. I’d look pretty good for the summer, continue chipping away throughout the latter half of the year, be down 50 by New Years and debut the ~new bod~ in 2021.

I was going to do CICO, something I LOVE because it works and you can still eat what you want. I had a plan.

But despite making a feasible plan I loved, I figured I’d start myself off EVEN BETTER by doing Whole30 in January. I did it for 24 days and lost 18lbs. It worked. I only needed to lose 32 throughout the next 11 months!

Except... it didn’t. Because after Whole30, I was miserable. I figured I did so well, might as well splurge for a week and THEN get into CICO. Well, 1 week turned into 2 turned into 3 turned into 2 months. Oops. In March, I was back to 250 and 3 months behind.

Then I’m playing catch-up. Okay, now I have to lose 2lbs a month. So I better get myself ready. Whole30? Keto? OMAD? Anything? Tried and failed, tried and failed.

Now it is June. Had I just stuck to my year-long plan, I could be down 20+ lbs. I’m down 7. I have 43 pounds left to go and only half the year.

But at least I’ve learned something. I have learned that trying to speed my goals along does NOT work. It isn’t sustainable for me. And now that I half the same amount of weight to lose and half the time to do it, that lesson is important: now, instead of doing dumb diets that don’t work for me to reach by 50lb goal in 2020, I’ll just extend it.

As long as I keep working my way towards it, who cares if I achieve it in December 2020 or April 2021?

This was a pep talk more for myself than anything. But it might serve as a reminder for some: slow progress is still progress. And 3-4lbs a month consistently over the course of a year is better than 18lbs a month that is immediately gained back.

Good luck to everyone on their continued weight loss journeys!

submitted by /u/lilspaghettigrandma
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2znwtw4

10 Workday Habits of Healthy People

Spending a good chunk of your day inside an office, plopped and stressed in front of a computer, can take a toll on your health, frame of mind and diet. You’re likely not moving your body enough and perhaps sticking your hand in the communal candy bowl a little too much. Making a few small changes to your workday routine or office space can help you stick to your diet plan, shed unwanted pounds and even sneak in a little exercise and added weight loss motivation!

9 Fat Traps at the Office You Need to Avoid

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Here are 10 simple strategies to help you stay healthy at work:

1. Fill up before work.

eat a healthy breakfast

Eating a nutritious breakfast not only helps provide the fuel you need to begin your workday but can also help you lose weight and keep it off. A survey from The National Weight Control Registry showed that the majority of people who maintained a 30-pound weight loss for one year or more ate a breakfast. Plus, according to Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce, studies have shown that consuming breakfast improves cognitive function and energy levels during the workday.

Whip up one of these satisfying flex-approved breakfast recipes before heading to the office. If you don’t have any time to cook in the morning, stock up on healthy grab-and-go breakfast options from Nutrisystem. Learn more from our diet and recipe experts at The Leaf and read these five breakfast habits that melt pounds for your work week! >

2. Lighten up your coffee order.

Healthy Workday Tips and Habits

Consider a sweetened cinnamon latte from a popular coffeehouse: a large sized beverage topped with whipped cream can contain over 400 calories and 13 teaspoons of sugar. Order a white chocolate mocha and you’ll be sipping even more calories and sugar. Those fancy brews you pick up in the morning (and again in the afternoon) are no good for your waistline.

A research report, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows that regularly consuming sugar-sweetened drinks is linked to greater weight gain and obesity. Plus, sugar stokes your appetite. Unsweetened tea and coffee are your healthiest options. For extra flavor, add a dash of cinnamon or pumpkin spice to plain coffee, stick to skim (not whole milk) and skip the whipped cream.

Still looking to hit the local coffee shop throughout your work week? Our experts at the Leaf show you what to order with our Coffee Shop Guide! >

3. Make a prioritized to-do list.

Healthy Workday Tips and Habits

If you tend to get overwhelmed or feel under pressures during your workday, making an organized to-do list can help you manage your time and ease some stress, says Mayo Clinic. They explain the importance of managing stress, as it affects everything—your health, your mood, your behavior and even your weight. According to Harvard Health, stress increases hormones that stimulate your appetite and cravings for comfort food that tends to be high in fat and sugar.

Other ways to help ease workday stress include deep breathing, taking a walk to regroup or talking to a colleague for insight or perspective. If you often stress eat while at work, try these tips. >

7 Things to Do on Monday to Lose Weight All Week

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4. Stand up.

Healthy Workday Tips and Habits

That’s it… simple as that. Take any opportunity you can to get up off your chair and onto your feet—such as when you’re on the phone, during a staff meeting, whenever! That little movement not only burns more calories so you lose weight, but it may also help reduce your risk of more serious ailments, like heart disease and type 2 diabetes, says Harvard Health. Prolonged sitting causes the body processes that break down sugar and fats to slow or stall. So, walk a little, try a simple 15-minute workout during your lunch break or just stand up to kick the processes back into action. Read these 6 reasons why you should be standing up right now! >

5. Skip the fried side at lunch…

french fries

That’s just one strategy you can use when meeting a client out for lunch or picking up food to eat at your desk. Sometimes you just don’t have time to pack lunch to bring to the office or maybe you forgot your Nutrisystem meal at home—and that’s ok. Just make smart selections when you’re dining out or ordering in to keep your healthy eating plan and weight loss diet on track. Try starting with saying no to the fries or onion rings and opting for a salad or veggies instead. Here are more lunchtime tips for dining out when you’re trying to lose weight. >

6. …and eat your meal slowly.

Healthy Workday Tips and Habits

When you’re eating at your desk between meetings or mid-deadline, you’re likely to rush through. However, it’s worth the effort to pay attention and slow it down. According to Cleveland Clinic, research shows, “people who eat quickly are more likely to weigh more.”

When you eat slowly, it gives your brain time to receive the “I’m full” signals from your stomach, says Harvard Health. Inhale your meal and you may eat more than your body actually needs. To help you slow down, Psychology Today suggests taking smaller bites and putting your fork down or taking a drink between each mouthful. Check out these five ways slow eating can increase weight loss! >

11 Delicious and Convenient Frozen Lunch Options From Nutrisystem

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7. Keep a water bottle on your desk.

Healthy Workday Tips and Habits

It’ll serve as a visual reminder to take a sip stay hydrated. According to Mayo Clinic, “mild dehydration” can impact your memory, sap your energy and up your anxiety, which can negatively impact your workday performance. Plus, thirst is often masked as hunger—prompting you to grab a snack when all your body really needs is a glass of water. Nutrisystem recommends drinking at least 64 ounces of water every day. Here are more tips from the Leaf to help you reach your water quota. >

8. Schedule a walking meeting.

walking health benefits

Your workday may be too packed to hit the gym during lunchtime, so try to sneak physical activity in where you can. One idea is to walk while you talk business. Instead of sitting in a conference room, head outdoors with your colleague and brainstorm on the move if possible. Adding a total of 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine can burn about 150 calories, says Mayo Clinic. Plus, according to Psychology Today, the fresh air may help improve your mood and reduce stress. Read these 10 reasons why you should start walking outside today. >

9. Stock up your snack drawer.

Healthy Workday Tips and Habits

There’s no candy bowl on your desk and you try not to indulge in your colleague’s stash of sweets too-too often. However, those leftover doughnuts in the breakroom or bag of salty chips beckoning you from the vending machine can be tough to resist. In a study, published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, overweight people were asked why they chose unhealthy snacks. The most common response was temptation.

To help keep your diet on track, keep a stash of Nutrisystem diet food snacks at work so you can nosh when the need arises, without a bit of guilt. Choose from a wide variety of options—from popcorn to cheese puffs, and cookies to cupcakes. Try some of our top 20 Nutrisystem snacks and sweets. >

13 Healthy Snacks to Beat the Afternoon Slump (Flex-Style!)

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10. Make a health buddy.

Healthy Workday Tips and Habits

According to HealthDay, research shows that you have an increased chance of taking on a healthy habit “if you find a friend with similar traits to share the experience.” Team up with a coworker and encourage each other to make healthy food choices or go for a quick walk during a break. Here are seven reasons to get a healthy workout buddy in your life today! >

The post 10 Workday Habits of Healthy People appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/2APIYRt

Big (no pun intended) day for me!

Today was a special day for me. I woke up this morning and did my weigh in and the scale gave me 314.8 pounds. For some people stepping on a scale and seeing that number would be a horrific experience but for me it was pure joy.

I started my weight loss at 387 pounds in November 2019. That is a loss of roughly 72 pounds so far which is great but not why I’m so happy today. The reason this day means so much to me is that it represents the lowest number I’ve seen on a scale since I was 16 years old. I remember weighing in for football in the 10th grade and seeing 316 on the scale, that is literally the last time I saw a number under 320 in the last 29 years!

I have tried to lose weight before but have always failed in the long term. I would drop twenty or thirty pounds then hit a wall and stop losing. This would invariably lead me to depression, self-doubt, self-pity, and right back to my old friend and comforter food. The weight loss would be gone in a few months and I’d end up as large or larger then when I started and feel like a total failure.

This time is different. I hit that wall, but I didn’t give up. I struggled for months on a plateau that refused to budge, months of a Covid lockdown, months of waning motivation, months of feeling like a failure yet again, but this time instead of giving up I doubled down. I reached out to for help and powered through it.

I am not where I planned to be when I started in Nov. My goal was to be under 300lbs by my Birthday in May and I didn’t get there, but I’m so damn proud of myself for not giving up this time. Today I don’t feel like a failure, I don’t feel like a number on a scale. Instead I feel that anything I want to achieve is possible, I CAN DO THIS.

submitted by /u/EasyPickings01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/30kOgiu