Monday, June 15, 2020

I gained 8 pounds over the past week and I feel like I’ve failed and I want to give up.

I was doing so well. I was eating great, lots of vegetables and not too much fatty stuff, I drank water like it was my job and I would exercise every single day. Then I f**ked up and ate too much bad stuff and not enough good stuff over the past week and some how managed to gain 8 pounds!

I started my weight loss journey at 17.5 stone and last Monday I was 16.7 stone. I was so proud of myself to see such a big change as that! Sure it took me well over a month to reach the point that I’d almost lost a stone but I still did it and damn I was proud of myself. Then, over the past week, I haven’t eaten as well as I have been, I didn’t exercise as much and I didn’t drink as much water as I usually do. I know it’s my fault and I really want to get back on track but I just feel like giving up now. What do I do at this point? HOW DID I GAIN 8 F**KING POUNDS IN A WEEK? I’m just so truly disappointed in myself.

submitted by /u/ThrowawaySigCheck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Concerns about losing weight too fast

Hi I'm a 21[M] 5'8" and I just have a few concerns about my rapid weight loss. I'm currently doing Intermittent Fasting to aid and plan out my weight loss, which I started last month (May 17) and my starting weight was around 202lbs (92kg). Currently, I weigh at around 190lbs (86.7kg) and I'm extremely satisfied with the journey and the progress but I was just concerned about my rapid weight loss causing loose skin problems. I eat an average of 1600-1800 calories a day, workout 20 mins a day, and my work involves a decent amount of physical work. My goal weight as of the moment is at around 160lbs (73kg) and I was wondering if losing 10-12lbs in a month is normal in my current weight range?Any advice and tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

submitted by /u/Huppey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it impossible to lose weight after abdominal surgery?

Hi guys.

Sorry if this isn’t the right place to post but I’ve never written in any sort of weight loss community before. I saw there was a Daily Q&A thread but I figured because my question pertained to a more general discussion topic I would make my own post.

Here’s some background on myself to start out, you can probably skip this. I am 21F, and I’m 5’7. Before this event, I had been sitting around 117-120 lbs for several years without any major weight gain or weight loss. I felt insecure about my body, but never “hated” it or anything. I suffer from very severe anxiety, depression, and agoraphobia so those issues kind of exacerbate any woes I have over my appearance. But before this, it was always more issues with my general shape, than thinking I was “fat”. But 2 months ago, I had abdominal surgery. Of course I was bloated and full of fluid for a few weeks after that still, but I’ve been fully recovered for a long while now and it seems that since the surgery I’ve suddenly gained 10 lbs, going in between 127 and 130 lbs. I’ve never weighed this much before and I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror. I can’t even look at my body, it’s genuinely shocking and upsetting to me. I am vegan and don’t eat very much (I’m almost certain I’d be at a calorie deficit 75% of days), so I don’t think that’s been the issue. I admittedly don’t exercise very much, but I didn’t before this either. I’ve started working out over the past month though a few times a week (yoga, biking, weights) and that hasn’t helped at all. I had to go gluten free a few weeks ago for another health reason but that hasn’t seemed to have any impact on my weight.

Basically I’m eating clean (though I will admit I could be more consistent with times and amounts), trying to exercise more than I have, and yet nothing has helped. I am still stuck with these 10 extra pounds I never asked for. My clothes fit differently, I feel self conscious in everything, I’m really at a loss. I am wondering if it has to do with the surgery also because my abdomen is significantly larger than before, whereas there isn’t a huge amount of difference in other parts of my body.

Anyway, if anyone has any experience with this situation I’d be very interested in hearing. Am I doing something wrong? I don’t even need to go back down to the weight I was before, even being in the 123 lb range would be fine. I just can’t look at myself like this. It doesn’t even look like the same person to me.
Thanks for reading. And again, if there is a better place to post this, please let me know.

submitted by /u/throwawayijijijijiji
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Strength Training vs Cardio?


I'm currently on a quarantine weight loss journey and putting all my energy into maintaining a healthy lifestyle like most of the people here who have really inspired me.

When I first started dieting and exercising, I was super motivated and loved the results.. so I ate less than 900 calories and exercised for 2 hours everyday: 17 min stretch, warmup -> 21 min abs, glutes, arms strength workout -> stretch and take a break -> 11 min cardio aerobics/dance workout -> 30 min cardio dance workout.

It helped me lose 9 pounds. Now, its been 2 months since I began this journey and I have been unmotivated, on a weight plateau, and have used more daily time into other things I enjoy doing.

This has shortened my workout to an hour because I always put it off until 9pm and don't want to exercise too close to bedtime as it interferes with my sleep.

For an unmotivated person like me who can now stick to a maximum of an hour to workout, should I do cardio or strength training to see the most weight loss results and get out of my plateau? I want to tone my body but before that I need to burn my stubborn stomach, thigh, and forearm fat.

Sorry for the long post, any help would be appreciated :))

submitted by /u/anonymous3531
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I kickstart long-term weight loss?

General context, I am 20 years old and female. I’m around 5 7’ and I weigh currently 170 lbs exactly. It’s been fluctuating with what I assume is just water and access weight by about 5 lbs. otherwise the number hasn’t changed at all, and it’s been 2 months. I workout 3 times a week, and I’ve upped my workout time to about 35 minutes to an hour, depending on the day and how I’m feeling or how much time I have. I usually do video workouts, and I stretch before and after and I also do some yoga each week that I don’t count as exercise per say. I’ve been using resistance bands and weights for a few weeks as the normal YouTube workouts have been getting too easy. I eat healthily, and I splurge once or twice a week but I keep my calories around 1,500 per day, and I’ve been counting my calories per week since some days I’m not as hungry or hungrier (like when I’m on my period, for example) I shoot for around 9,800 - 10,000 calories a week. I try very hard for healthy options, eating lots of fruit and veggies and I don’t eat a lot of meat so I’ve been eating protein bars and replacing most meat with plant based proteins, like beans or tofu. My diet isn’t always perfect but I try to keep my calories at my goal. I don’t have an active job or do any additional exercise. It’s been frustrating. My jeans are too big in the waist now (although the thighs are still fitting the same as well as my calves.) so I’m wondering if possibly I’ve just gained some muscle in place of fat? That could explain the number being strictly 170lbs no matter how hard I try, and it’s only been 2 months. But I have some progress pictures and I’m seeing very subtle differences. I don’t look any slimmer, but working out has toned my body up a bit. I’m wondering if I need to eat less/more, workout more etc. any advice is appreciated. It’s become a habit now to be healthier with my meals and I enjoy working out for the mental benefits, so I’ve been sort of teaching myself to do it without thinking about my weight and being skinnier. Now that’s it’s habitual I want to start working super hard, and try and loose even more weight so that once I reach my goal weight I can go back to a less strict plan.

submitted by /u/-Akw1224-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Whole Year!!

At the end of last June I started my weight loss journey for the hundredth time at 24 years old, 5’6”, and 220 pounds. Nearly a year later and I came in today at 139 pounds; over one-third of me gone.

some graphs and progress pics

5k progress

After a month of acclimating to the diet change, I started walking/running at the beginning of August, a lot. I was doing low-carb, staying under 50 grams. I was doing strictly cardio and not eating enough protein, but I did this for 6 months and lost a ton of body fat.

At the beginning of 2020, I got busy with school and stopped working out as much, just focusing on diet. My weight plateaued a bit, which was fine. I had been losing rapidly. When things shut down for quarantine, I kicked things into gear, cleaned my diet up, started tracking my macros strictly, and increased my strength training a lot. I eat my body weight in grams of protein everyday, I do not want to lose any more muscle. I transitioned from low-carb VERY SLOWLY over 5 months and eat about 150grams of carbs per day. I do a lower-fat diet and try to focus on only healthy food fats. I definitely eat “clean” 80% of the time.

Tip: I was very scared about losing muscle; for awhile, it seemed like I was losing a ton. I did some research and found that studies say around 25-27% of weight loss will be muscle. I’m sitting at around 20% (if my math is right), so I feel better about that.

Tip: that RENPHO scale was the key for me. I looked into it, and apparently, even if the initial number isn’t accurate, the progress will be accurately tracked over time. So those graphs I feel are an accurate representation. But! I definitely want to get a body composition test soon for sure.

Anyways. Super excited for the next year and to see how I continue to tone up. Please let me know if you have any advice for doing that!

submitted by /u/liv622
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How many kilograms/pounds can an obese person [me, F, 123kg or 271 pounds] lose in a week/month?

Hi! I have a lot of questions on weight loss and I wanted to put a weight loss goal for me to reach. I want to lose an X amount of weight until a certain date (not really specific, but just for me to know I'm doing well and. doing my best). Do you guys have an idea of how many kilograms someone obese is able to lose in a week, healthy? I want to create that personal goal realistically.

I did google that question and it's about 0.5kgs to 1kg per week, but heard that iobese people loose a lot of weight in the begining, and start losing weight slower after the few months. Is that true? How can know if I'm being realistic on my goal setting?

Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question haha

submitted by /u/GreenTurtleSarah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat