Monday, June 15, 2020

Is it impossible to lose weight after abdominal surgery?

Hi guys.

Sorry if this isn’t the right place to post but I’ve never written in any sort of weight loss community before. I saw there was a Daily Q&A thread but I figured because my question pertained to a more general discussion topic I would make my own post.

Here’s some background on myself to start out, you can probably skip this. I am 21F, and I’m 5’7. Before this event, I had been sitting around 117-120 lbs for several years without any major weight gain or weight loss. I felt insecure about my body, but never “hated” it or anything. I suffer from very severe anxiety, depression, and agoraphobia so those issues kind of exacerbate any woes I have over my appearance. But before this, it was always more issues with my general shape, than thinking I was “fat”. But 2 months ago, I had abdominal surgery. Of course I was bloated and full of fluid for a few weeks after that still, but I’ve been fully recovered for a long while now and it seems that since the surgery I’ve suddenly gained 10 lbs, going in between 127 and 130 lbs. I’ve never weighed this much before and I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror. I can’t even look at my body, it’s genuinely shocking and upsetting to me. I am vegan and don’t eat very much (I’m almost certain I’d be at a calorie deficit 75% of days), so I don’t think that’s been the issue. I admittedly don’t exercise very much, but I didn’t before this either. I’ve started working out over the past month though a few times a week (yoga, biking, weights) and that hasn’t helped at all. I had to go gluten free a few weeks ago for another health reason but that hasn’t seemed to have any impact on my weight.

Basically I’m eating clean (though I will admit I could be more consistent with times and amounts), trying to exercise more than I have, and yet nothing has helped. I am still stuck with these 10 extra pounds I never asked for. My clothes fit differently, I feel self conscious in everything, I’m really at a loss. I am wondering if it has to do with the surgery also because my abdomen is significantly larger than before, whereas there isn’t a huge amount of difference in other parts of my body.

Anyway, if anyone has any experience with this situation I’d be very interested in hearing. Am I doing something wrong? I don’t even need to go back down to the weight I was before, even being in the 123 lb range would be fine. I just can’t look at myself like this. It doesn’t even look like the same person to me.
Thanks for reading. And again, if there is a better place to post this, please let me know.

submitted by /u/throwawayijijijijiji
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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