Sunday, June 21, 2020

6.5 Months of Weight Loss and 56 lbs Down

Weight Loss Progress [249>224>199]

F/30/5'5" SW 249 > CW 193 > GW 149

Late last year I decided I was sick of being overweight and decided to make a change for good no matter what. On January 1st I gave myself a goal of losing 100 lbs in 1 year.

I've been strictly CICO (1200-1300) due to an injury. The only "exercise" I've been able to do is walking and not every day or even consistently. When I am able to walk, I do not count that against my calories and eat more, I simply think of it as extra 'bonus' calories burned that week. What has been consistent is my eating habits and because I have such a large number of pounds to lose I've been focusing on 25 lbs at a time which has helped.

submitted by /u/queenbofeverything
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Last week I posted about my weight loss history and experience with the fat liberation movement. Now I'm starting a new, healthier chapter.

Last week I made a very heartfelt post spilling my guts about my rocky history with weight, disordered eating, and fat liberation. You guys were all amazing with the support and advice you gave, and I truly appreciate all of the encouragement. I have never, ever admitted to anyone out loud how much I weigh before and it was really cathartic. It was like I couldn't just ignore it anymore because it wasn't just news for me and my doctor. Again, thank you.

After a few days mulling over what the next step would be, I decided to just open up MyFitnessPal and track what I ate every day without trying to cut back. I just needed to know where I was starting and dive into the habit.

I bought a food scale and a bathroom scale (I had thrown mine out when I first started the fat activism thing) and made a list of the things that I used to love to do that my current body holds me back from doing. I put up photos of myself when I was at a comfortable weight and doing those things (mainly hiking huge summits, now I'm winded by a big flight of stairs, ugh). I calculated my BMR and TDEE, subtracted 1,000 from the TDEE and plugged that in as the goal for MyFitnessPal. I considered Keto pretty heavily but decided with my history with bulimia and a gnarly binge/restrict cycle, it wasn't a good idea to cut out entire categories of food, outside of sugar/processed stuff.

So, today is the first day I ate less. I'm so worried that I'll fail, but I feel really grateful for being able to talk about it here. I'm sure I'll be posting here more and lurking a ton. Again, thank you to everyone who empathized and encouraged me to get started.

On another note, if anyone wants to hold me accountable on MyFitnessPal, my username is gabstotheabs!

submitted by /u/cleverfibername
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 year ago vs today


Hi everyone, last november I decided to finally start losing weight. I can now finally say that I am confident about my body and I wish to inspire people to do the same as I did. Words cannot describe how much better I am feeling, both physically as mentally.

So this picture shows a weight loss of over 33 kg (72,75 lbs). I am sorry the month dates are in Dutch, but with some deduction I think you all will figure it out.

I could ramble on for 15 pages (FRONT AND BACK), about all things I did so I won't do that, but I shall try to answer all question about my weight loss. But for now I shall only name a couple of key things that worked for me.

hunger is just a feeling. If you eat whenever you feel like it, you are not in control. Try to be in control of what you eat and being hungry is not the worst thing in the world. Also, if you are not acting upon your hunger it will stop after a while.

even if you are not actively trying to build muscle, eating lots of protein will make you feel fuller for longer, things like chicken, tuna, and eggs worked perfect for me to reduce my total caloric intake. Which it is all about in the end.

Losing weigh is a hard process but BELIEVE me if I say that it is worth it. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. I am going to sleep now, if there are any questions, I'll answer them in about 8 hours :)

submitted by /u/esbecheesay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Very disheartened and worried

Like many here I’ve tried for years to be at a healthy weight and stay that way, with varying success. At the moment I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been, minus the few kg I’ve lost since starting again a month ago. This time I’m being smarter, counting calories and moving more. No more fad diets.

Two weeks ago my partner sat me down and gave me some frank truths. That he wasn’t attracted to me and hadn’t been for some while (eg some weight gain), and that he was seriously worried about my health and how that would impact the family we’re thinking of starting. He made it very clear that I need to get to a healthy weight, or he would leave me.

I accepted everything he said, it’s not like I didn’t know any of it, it had just never been said out loud before.

Cut to this morning. I normally weigh daily, but missed it the last couple of day’s. Nothing changed, I still ate 1250 calories, I still did some excercise. But instead of a drop, I had gained a kg. A kg. I had only lost 4, so in a few day’s I gained back 25% of what I had lost. Despite having changed nothing and doing everything like I’m meant to.

I use happy scale, and I know weight loss isn’t linear, but it was still enough of a gain to make my smoother and kind graph spike.

It’s just feeling inevitable. I’ll do everything right, but he’ll still leave me and I’ll still die of a heart attack.

Honestly I don’t even know why I’m posting, I’m just so frustrated I want to cry.

submitted by /u/babynewa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve made excellent progress on my weight loss but still dealing with problem areas

Male 6ft1 started losing weight a year and a half ago at 245 pounds currently sitting at 185 pounds.

My problem area has always been my chest, loosing weight has been a great decision, I can see my abs and my body over looks a lot more toned, unfortunately I still have man boobs and it’s annoying.

I am well aware that fat loss cannot be targeted but am curious if dedicating a day in the gym to my chest will help flatten the curve (: I workout 3 times a week doing a full body workout of around 19 sets.

I’m thinking at this point the only solution is to continue loosing weight but I’m afraid if I get down to 175ish I’ll look too frail? Have any guys been in a similar situation or felt with similar issues?

submitted by /u/they_callme_j
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I just saw pictures of myself from 2 years ago.

And I'm so sad.

I had lost a lot of weight back then and I looked amazing. But I regained some weight and I've been feeling terrible aboutit lately. I try to eat as healthy as possible but I lost the motivation to work out. Thanks to my boyfriend I have an entire home gym and I don't use it. Because of covid19 we weren't able to go to our kickboxing club, but it shouldn't be a big deal with all the equipment we have at home. Yet I don't work out at home. I can just feel myself gaining weight again. I don't have a scale at home (on purpose since I got obsessed with it) but I can see it on photos and in the mirror. I feel it in my clothes, I can't stand wearing jeans anymore.

I'm just so sad. And angry. How did I let it get to this again?? I had lost all this weight and just like that I'm regaining it. All the hard work I put into it years ago has been thrown in the trash. I learned all these things about weight loss and healthy food and exercise, god damnit I was becoming an expert in all this. People came to me for advise as if I was one of these "fitgirls" on Instagram and now I've turned into this lazy, unmotivated piece of crap.

It's as if I was waiting for motivation, well those old pictures are it. Tomorrow is Monday. Day one again. I have my low cal protein shakes. I have my low cal snacks. I have water. I have an entire home gym, I have space to go for a daily walk, I even have inline skates. I don't have a very tiring job so I have plenty of energy when I get home. No more excuses. Wish me luck.

submitted by /u/Cressonette
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to lose weight feels (almost) exactly like trying to quit smoking

Hear me out. I know it is not the same thing exactly but I used to smoke. I hated it but loved it also, just like an addict does I suppose. Most people were surprised I smoked because 'it wasn't like me' and I agreed but also could not quit for years and years.

Any of the highly palatable, processed type foods invoke the same kind of craving for me as cigarettes used to do. I knew it was mostly psychological and that if I abstained the craving for cigarettes would subside and that I would eventually join the millions of people who go through the day never thinking about smoking. Yet it took me years to finally quit successfully.

Living in a city right by many shops didn't help. I can't even count the times I finished my pack in the evening vouching I would quit and the next morning I would be on my way to the corner shop before noon even hit with some sort of excuse like 'today is not the day'. I knew that I was lying to myself of course but I 'needed' to smoke. Typical behaviour of an addict.

I will meal prep healthy meals and make the same kind of excuses to go get junky foods from the shops anyway. In fact it is exactly the same pattern. I also feel the same type of shame like with smoking about not being able to control my behaviour.

I am not the type of person who can smoke once a month at a party and abstain the rest of the time. With food, I know so many here preach moderation: fit the muffin into your daily calories etc. But I can't do moderation, I will obsess over food and go get it anyway and overeat. Even if I'm full with a hearty but healthy meal I'll still crave something junky.

I feel like I need to abstain completely from those types of hyperpalatable processed foods... Even if just for a while to stop the cycle I am currently in.

But then isn't that also extreme to never eat cake again? Food is such a huge part of social events, I can't imagine showing up at someone's house and telling them I can't eat 95% of their food. I find it embarrassing that it seems like it must come to this where I must abstain to break what truly feels like an addiction. Why can't I just have one cookie?!

I can write about this for ages but honestly just hoping for anyone who feels the same or some insight or encouragement.

Right now I am getting nowhere with weight loss because I self sabotage and just like with smoking, that corner shop with junk foods is just a 2 minute walk away.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/BriiightLights
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from loseit - Lose the Fat