Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Getting discouraged. Is this normal weight loss?

(F, 30, 5'8, SW: 215, CW: 206) I started my weight loss journey late April to early May. From late April to the end of May, I lost 7 pounds total, and I was so proud of myself for such quick progress.

So far in June, I've only lost 2 pounds total, but it fluctuates up and down due to water. I drink 1.5 L daily or more depending on my workouts. I work out 6 days a week and burn roughly 400+ calories daily doing cardio. I'm also on a low carb diet due to being diabetic.

I have been measuring my waist recently, but I didn’t keep track of my size until this month. I think I lost 3 inches off my waist this month, but I can’t tell for sure. I haven’t been tracking my waist size since the beginning of my journey.

Compared to last month, I feel like my body is lagging behind. Is my experience normal, or am I doing something wrong? I’m starting to get discouraged by losing only 2 pounds this month.

submitted by /u/kora098
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VcxpLo

Even in failure or disappointment, don't get discouraged

Tldr; When you win more than you lose, you're a winner. Don't let today's defeat sour your previous accomplishments.
Just about 6 months into my second foray into getting healthy and I've lost around 20 pounds (down from 290). If you would have asked me how I felt about my progress two days ago, I would have smiled and said "I'm doing just fine."

I've been pushing through Couch-to-5K and started week 4 yesterday. I knew it was going to be a hard run. There was that egregiously long, massive hill that always syncs up with the times I should be running and not walking. The humidity made it feel like 110° F when it was really 85. This week is a split of 3 min run/90 sec walk/5 min run/3 min walk and repeat twice -- hard, but not impossible.

I get through the first leg and I'm already gassed, but I push on. The second 3 minute run hits me and I'm just about ready to give up, but I push on again and my lungs feel like they're gonna explode. During that 90 second walk that felt like 15 I pumped my self up and promised myself I'd make that last 5 minutes count. I start running and after 2 minutes I can't carry on. I stop and hang my head, defeated, as I walk out the last of that leg. The rest of my day goes on, but I try to shake it off.

This morning the super cool scale that can tell me my weight and body fat percentage comes in and I'm psyched to get my first reading. I knew things weren't going to be great, but I felt that I had been working really hard and I expected a BF% around 30%. I painstakingly set up the app that comes with it to track it, calibrate the damn scale, hold my breath, and step on. The scale flashes the weight (271.2 lbs, not unexpected) and I look at the app for my BF%.

My heart dropped when I saw a nasty 37% body fat right in the middle of the screen. This was the second day in a row that I felt I hadn't made enough progress. I felt that it was all for not and, even though I knew I've been working hard, I wasn't doing enough to make a difference.

For the next hour or so after I sat here in front of my computer sipping my coffee and trying to focus on work with the specter of my own disappointment looming over me. I took a second to listen to some music and calm down and one of my favorite "pump me up" songs came on.

Normally, I'd just rock out to the sick banger, but this time I just sat and listened and it reminded me of how far I had come. It reminded me that even though I had failed my own expectations today and yesterday, I was still making progress and will continue to if I keep my head up and take the losses with the victories.

I like to think of weight loss like a team in sports. A team that loses 50 games and wins 51 is still a winner. I try to remind myself that I don't need to go undefeated to be a winner. Yesterday I failed my own expectations, but you better believe I'm going to go out tomorrow and push it and try to beat it.

submitted by /u/ReklawTheBear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VdwqdN

Monthlong Plateau Advice? (21F)

I’m 5(5) and about a month ago I got to 136lbs from my starting weight of 150. I was so excited to only be 6 pounds away from my goal weight and have been pushing myself since to get there but at that point the scale just stopped moving.

I brought my base calorie count down 200 and have been sticking to 12-1300 calories a day. I started doing increased strength training and continued to have at least 90g of protein a day. I cycle once a day and for the last two weeks have increased my trail length. I also have been doing Chloe Ting for the last two weeks and old P90x videos the two weeks before that. I also entirely cut out alcohol over the last two weeks. HIIT isn’t really an option due to joint injuries.

My partner suggested a refreshing day a week ago where I ate around 2300 calories. I did and two days later dropped half a pound. The next day it immediately came back.

I’ve never been below 136 pounds (since puberty) and I feel like my body is pushing back on me losing these last few pounds. My partner thinks it’s just new muscle mass... but my measurements haven’t changed at all either. Any suggestions on what I can do differently. I know I’m in a healthy weight range but I really want these last few pounds off and I’m starting to lose motivation. I feel like I must not be counting calories correctly but I’m doing it the same as I was for my first 14lbs of weight loss (with a scale) and feel more hungry than before. I’m tired and frustrated. What do I do.

submitted by /u/Loitch470
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/315PzlP

A person close to me is always telling me I’m too skinny even when I was overweight/obese according to BMI. It makes me afraid to make the last push to lose 20 lbs that I want to.

I genuinely hate them for it. They’re always messing with my mind and just because they’re fine being obese doesn’t mean I want to be. Why can’t they just support my weight loss instead of trying to sabotage me with their idiotic bullshit? It’s like they engage in toxic positivity “you don’t need to lose anymore weight”) and shaming me for wanting to be thin.

For reference, I’m an average-ish height, American man and went from just over 200 lbs to 162. Right now I’m skinny fat (I know the solution to not being skinny fat is lifting weights which I’m doing). I objectively have a gut and want to cut to 140 anyway.

submitted by /u/tridentwhite20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hSS7tm

Self-sabotaging because I’m afraid I’ll gain it back

If you follow the daily accountability posts you’ve maybe seen my recent struggles.

I’ve lost about 30lbs since January 163/165> 136 and I’m really pleased. My goal weight is 125 and then I want to focus on recomp and fitness more.

I pride myself and advise others often to make their “cheat” days maintenance days instead. You still get indulgence but without setting back progress. I had said I’ve only had 3 full blown cheat days since January and I was proud of that.

Now I’ve had 2 this week.

So I tried to look into weight loss mental fatigue last night. Why do I feel so tired of dieting? Not literally tired but mentally tired?

Part of it, I just started an intense grad school program. I’m mentally exhausted, frustrated I’m struggling in a class, and spending 6-8 hours a day on my ass doing school work.

The weather is hot and I’m being a lazy bum about going out in it.

It’s been 6 months and I want to be done, but done never happens, because then you have to maintain. This thought has led me to the real thing:

I’m afraid I won’t maintain. My husband has planned a shopping trip for me. He’s using his rewards from work to take me shopping for new clothes before school starts up, I’m a teacher. But I’m terrified when school starts I’ll gain it all back.

I’m afraid I can’t maintain. So lately I keep over eating, but luckily I haven’t gained. And it’s almost like on one hand I’m proving to myself I can maintain and be bad, but also just telling myself I’m “maintaining” when I full well know I’m not, I’m falling into old habits.

I haven’t got to this weight since college and I’ve never maintained it working. I don’t want to count calories for ever but as a small woman, I don’t see how I wil be able to not at least somewhat. And I don’t want to waste money!! (Also RIP to my boobs, I miss them. Not making me feel the best that they’re long gone and my thighs are still down here smacking and rubbing together).

So I just thought I’d share my struggle. I usually seem confident and easily give advice but I’m kinda gettin my ass kicked right now mentally.

I’m hoping having awareness of this fear will help me tackle it appropriately and beat this thingy.

submitted by /u/littlebuffkin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2B3whmf

5 Tips to Plan a Diet-Friendly Backyard Summer Picnic

Planning on a staycation this year because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Join the crowd in not joining the crowd. Not going to the beach, the lake, the mountain or the water park puts a lot of pressure on your backyard to be the place you want to be, especially for fun summertime activities. Now is the time to plan for a summer picnic… and to have a plan to keep it healthy and diet-friendly!

Here are five fun ways to enjoy backyard summer picnic food and still lose weight:

1. Load some veggies on that grill.

grilled vegetables

Even veggie haters find grilled vegetables to be irresistible. That’s probably because this particular cooking method brings out their inherent sweetness. Slice up some onions, zucchini, eggplant, carrots and even cabbage “steaks,” then grill them up as a healthy side.

To keep your meal diet-friendly, load up half of your plate with veggies. Trending now: the carrot “hot dog.” Cook whole carrots on the grill and serve them on a whole wheat frankfurter bun with all the fixings. You can also use veggies in another way: in some grilled vegetable recipes, vegetables are layered between cubes of chicken, a firm fish like tuna or swordfish, shellfish such as shrimp or even lean beef. Vegetable kebabs can help you keep your meal balanced between higher calorie protein and lower calorie veggies with a fiber-friendly twist.

Check out these seven foods that taste better on the grill! >

2. Make sides that are the star of the meal.

The Leaf healthy summer picnic tips

Forget the mayonnaise-laden potato salad, pasta salad and coleslaw that crowd every summer picnic table across the land. They’re as ho-hum as they are fattening. Instead, focus on some of the farm fresh produce that’s readily available this time of year.

Consider replacing slaw with a Zesty Cucumber and Dill Salad that takes minutes to prepare and can sit in the fridge for hours, just getting more and more savory the longer it marinates! You also don’t have to nix slaw completely from the menu—just liven up a cabbage-carrot mix with a dressing of low-sodium soy sauce, rice vinegar and peanut butter. This Spicy Peanut Slaw recipe supplies one PowerFuel and two Vegetables to your daily count.

Love pasta salad? Broccoli, bell pepper strips and cherry tomatoes turn a simple Creamy Pasta Salad (mixed with nonfat Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise) into a work of art. Plus, it clocks in at only 228 calories per serving, even with the chopped turkey bacon added for crunch and protein. One serving counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel and one Vegetable. Click here for the recipe! >

You also don’t have to banish potato salad if you make it the Nutrisystem way, using reduced fat mayo, nonfat Greek yogurt or even a piquant vinaigrette. Think outside the summer picnic basket too: Eliminate half of the potatoes from the recipe and mix in turnips, cauliflower or parsnips. Add fun and flavorful ingredients like dill, green onions, chives or capers. Then throw in some of your favorite vegetables, like fresh peas, bell peppers or radishes for a flavorful bite. Make a healthier potato salad for your summer picnic with these five tips. > 

3. Add Nutrisystem foods to the mix.

The Leaf healthy summer picnic tips

How good would your Nutrisystem Hamburger or Grilled Chicken Sandwich taste if you made it on the grill? What about the Chicken and BBQ Beans? Yes. THAT good. End your picnic meal with a Nutrisystem Ice Cream Sandwich or, as just about everyone does, with s’mores. Well, with our own S’mores Pie made with a graham cracker crust, ooey gooey marshmallow and real melted chocolate tucked inside. Mmmmm—and it’s only 140 calories!

4. Plan active backyard fun and games.

The Leaf healthy summer picnic tips

Exercise off any excess calories from your summer picnic by planning outdoor activities for young and old. If you have enough yard, set up a volleyball or badminton net. Kids aren’t the only ones who can enjoy backyard games like tag, freeze tag or dodge ball, particularly if you incorporate water balloons into the fun. You can even do a riff on the egg-and-spoon relay race with filled water balloons and a wooden spoon. Throw Frisbees back and forth or set up a game of cornhole or horseshoes. Organize a post-picnic walk around the neighborhood or a nearby park.

5. Hydrate wisely.

The Leaf healthy summer picnic tips

While you can always turn to light beer and wine coolers to save some calories, don’t forget that studies have shown that alcohol can stimulate the appetite center of your brain and make you eat more, says the United Kingdom National Health Service.

Both wine and beer come in non-alcoholic versions. You can also whip up some delicious and satisfying “mocktails” that will wow your guests. Try a non-alcoholic Strawberry Daiquiri that combines fresh and frozen strawberries with water and lime juice in the blender. It’s only 55 calories per serving and counts as one SmartCarb on Nutrisystem. Find this mouthwatering non-alcoholic drink recipe and four more mocktails right here! >

Avoiding alcohol at your backyard picnic can help you avoid unnecessary calories. However, you can still enjoy alcohol in moderation on your Nutrisystem program. If you’d like to have a drink, check out this article on 10 Low Calorie Beers That Actually Taste Good! > You can also brush up on your Nutrisystem knowledge and learn more about alcohol on our program right here. >

Be sure to explore The Leaf for more tips to enjoy this summer season with family and friends, including expert fitness and nutrition tips as well as delicious seasonal recipes for your weight loss journey!

The post 5 Tips to Plan a Diet-Friendly Backyard Summer Picnic appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/37XYxTE

Maintenance Monday: Do people come to you for weightloss advice? What do you do (or say)?

Reached your goal weight and in need of a space to discuss your maintenance journey with others who have gone or are going through similar experiences? Welcome to the weekly Maintenance Monday thread, for weight loss maintainers! Whether you're new to maintenance and don't believe your TDEE can be that high or wondering how to increase your calories, you've been around a while and want to get advice during times of struggle or the holidays, or if you're keeping on as normal, this place is for you! (If you're losing weight, community threads are posted daily and weekly, linked in the side bar, as well as the daily US and European 30 Day Challenge.)

Do people come to you for weightloss advice? What do you do (or say)?

(suggested by /u/mionni)

How have you handled sharing your journey with other weight losers? With the family? With the coworkers? Or with the other muggles who wonder about your magic?

Any stories to share? Have you waited to be asked? Have you anticipated it and acted proactively in some way?

Share your stories and approaches in the comments below.

ALSO: Anything else on your mind pertaining to maintenance? Is your diet going effortlessly, or have the last few weeks been more of a struggle? All questions, remarks and worries are welcome topics of conversation!

Previous Maintenance Monday threads can be found here.

PS: Sorry I'm late. Insert a long and unbelievably dull story here about a broken closet door, two guys who didn't know how to fix one, high humidity, air conditioning, a comfortable chair, an unscheduled nap, and two Zoom meetings.

META: Volunteers for Maintenance Monday posting for July are being sought -- maybe we should all share this, each of us taking a month when we can and lining up the next volunteer...

submitted by /u/funchords
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