Sunday, August 9, 2020

Day 1 of my weight loss journey and day 1 on this sub

Edit: I adjusted my GW based on height

F14 5'3" SW/CW: 142.2 lbs GW: 115-120 lbs Typically sitting down doing school/leisure related activities, but I also do a good amount of walking throughout the day

I'm not really sure what to post but I'm just doing this so I know where I'm starting from so I can look back later. My goal is to lose forty pounds if not by the end of this year, then in the next few months. I'm slightly overweight, unathletic, and not that healthy but I want to start turning my life around as I go into high school. I'm already planning on dropping refined sugars this week, and eating smaller portions. I also want to start some sort of exercise schedule. But if anyone has any tips on anything that would be greatly appreciated! I hope to keep posting here over the next few months so I can have people hold me accountable and so I can get motivated. :)

submitted by /u/unnoteworthy_reader
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Walked 8 miles today.

SW 220 CW 177 GW 145 I started in January but didn't find lose it until late February. if anyone asks I say I have been dieting since March because that's when I really got serious and started walking everyday. It started with one mile and then two miles but still a disdain for walking. it wasn't until early June that I started to actually want to go out and walk and didn't see it as such a chore. As far as eating goes, i don't struggle with cravings or finding excuses to cheat, I haven't cheated since early February. Everyday I eat 1290 calories and walk at least four miles. Today I really outdid myself and beat my previous record of seven and a half miles by walking 8 Miles. I loved it, every step. also, I've learned not to deduct my exercise calories from my total calories because I'll lose weight faster that way. When I was adding calories to my daily limit with exercise I started to slow down the weight loss so I decided it wasn't a good idea. So yeah today I ate 1200 calories and burned 811. Not looking glamorous yet but feeling good.

submitted by /u/lemonlimemakeyoumine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've been exercising around 150-300 minutes a week, but the scale has no significant difference.

I am 24F, weighing 59 kilograms standing at 157 cm. I started my weight loss journey last May. I weighed around 62 kilos then. (I am also Asian) I want to trim down my weight to 50 kilos.

Since I am studying, I tend to eat and can't maintain a 1200 calorie diet. I eat around 1500. My exercise consists of Youtube Videos (Pamela Reif and Madfit) using weights (4 pound dumbells)

People have commented that I lost weight overall especially my face. But weighing myself weekly, I don't have that much to show for it.

How should I go about this? Is losing 1 kilo a month acceptable?

My meal consist of nuts (local ones with no additives, coffee with no sugar or cream, mangoes, oranges, brown or white rice (around 2 cups a day), pork/beef, wheat bread. Since the pandemic, I am having a hard time finding healthy snack options.

Thank you so much for the insight. I am a bit disheartened when I look at my scale.

submitted by /u/fivepasttwo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SW: 410.8 | CW: 364.3 | GW: ? (TBD)

Hey peeps,

A quick update that I’m still plugging away: Achieved the halfway milestone to my 2020 goal today (-46.5 lost so far). Gained a bit back earlier in the year—lockdown with a full pantry of munchies for a couple months will do that—but refocused and am back on track.

Maintaining this current rate of loss, am confident I’ll reach the 90-pound weight loss goal by the end of October or November. I’m already feeling so much better with just over 10% of my starting weight gone. Strength, mobility, and balance improve each day.

Hope you all are doing well as I want you to be.

Photos from today’s workout

submitted by /u/chunkysundae
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 3 of Keto

So my story is very simple. Over weight. Eating habits where unhealthy. Low to no exercise. Type 2 diabetic. Blood sugars all over the board. I was sitting eating and watching tv. As usual. Disgusted with my self and I found a documentary on Keto and the possibility of reversing type 2 diabetes. I was amazed at the possibility of this as just recently my Diabetes specialist was thinking of moving me to injections as well as he just added more meds for me to take (7 in total). By the end of watching the documentary I was convinced to give this Keto thing a try. Set was easy as I’ve been a big user of MyFitnessPal and just need to start watching my carbs. Day one I was at 157 grams of carbs and my morning BS where 4.1 low I know but not that scary. Day two my carb intake was 42 grams morning BS where 5.6. Now on day three I’m at 25 grams of carbs and I haven’t had my meds for two days. I’m also excited to see the results of the weight loss. Current weight is 295. Weigh in on Friday. Fingers crossed.

submitted by /u/Rob-Bateman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Exercised for the first time in years today

This might be long, but I hope y'all hear me out.

So I'm 156cm, 84kgs and have been considering to start exercising these last few months. I've joined so many subreddits about weight loss and fitness, have tried to think about how to fix my diet, and all that fits in between. However, I still haven't started anything. I was (and still am) just putting it off.

I've been off in the mental health department for years and would hate it when people would tell me to exercise to just feel better. I did try in the past and just got impatient, because it didn't improve my mood, nor did I lose enough weight to feel proud of it, so I stopped altogether.

I've also been having sleep problems where I'd either stay up for a whole day or sleep for a whole day. It's been hard, especially now that I'm grieving over the passing of a beloved pet three days ago. Yesterday felt like a sleep for a whole day kind of day because I really felt sad. I took my meds at 3AM and slept until 2AM today.

So today, after staying in bed for about 2 hours, I decided to exercise. I don't know what the driving force was, or why I did it, but I did. It's almost 6AM now, I'm currently sprawled across the floor waiting to cool down so I can shower, and all I can think of is that I really hope I can stick to this. It may have been sudden to start exercising out of the blue, but I hope I can sustain this enough to reach my GW. Whenever I would feel down and out of motivation, I'd remind myself to go back to this post so I can remember why I started.

That's all. I guess I just really wanted someone to hear me out about it. Thank you for reading and have a nice day (:

submitted by /u/jazzychizzle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV/NSV: today i reached something I didn't believe was possible just 6 months ago.

For a few days now I've been teetering on the edge of 80 kg, and I never thought I'd get there. My highest weight was around 105 kg and honestly, for the last few years I'd pretty much accepted that was going to be my weight forever. I had convinced myself that I was fine like that, maybe not super thin, but definitely not that fat either. I was kidding myself.

One day, I looked up my BMI just to see. I assumed I would be in the overweight category, but my heart dropped when I read the number 35: firmly in the obese category. Obese. I'd never thought I'd be classified as obese. It was shocking.

This revelation came at a good time though: I'd been going to therapy for some relatively minor unresolved trauma and self esteem issues, and I'd started to take better care of myself already. I was ready to tackle the last hurdle: my horrible relationship with food. I started slowly changing my habits, planning my meals, and eating less snacks. I also stopped getting fast food completely once the pandemic hit. To stay active indoors, I looked up some home workouts. I wanted to be healthy, not necessarily thin. I wanted to take care of myself. For me. I stepped on the scale after a few weeks and saw that I'd lost almost 5 kg: nearly below 100 kg now. I wanted to get there. I kept going.

Now, around 6 months later, I'm nearly down 25 kgs and I'm amazed at how natural and easy it has been. My self esteem is through the roof and I'm starting a new job soon. I guess what I want to say is, don't give up. Don't be too focused on the end goal, but focus on improving your health and your habits. Once new healthy habits are in place, the weight loss will follow. I was kidding myself before when I thought I was happy. I was settling, I'd given up, I didn't believe I could do it. But I did. And you can too.

submitted by /u/plantmom124
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from loseit - Lose the Fat