Sunday, August 9, 2020

Day 3 of Keto

So my story is very simple. Over weight. Eating habits where unhealthy. Low to no exercise. Type 2 diabetic. Blood sugars all over the board. I was sitting eating and watching tv. As usual. Disgusted with my self and I found a documentary on Keto and the possibility of reversing type 2 diabetes. I was amazed at the possibility of this as just recently my Diabetes specialist was thinking of moving me to injections as well as he just added more meds for me to take (7 in total). By the end of watching the documentary I was convinced to give this Keto thing a try. Set was easy as I’ve been a big user of MyFitnessPal and just need to start watching my carbs. Day one I was at 157 grams of carbs and my morning BS where 4.1 low I know but not that scary. Day two my carb intake was 42 grams morning BS where 5.6. Now on day three I’m at 25 grams of carbs and I haven’t had my meds for two days. I’m also excited to see the results of the weight loss. Current weight is 295. Weigh in on Friday. Fingers crossed.

submitted by /u/Rob-Bateman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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