Friday, September 11, 2020

You all have inspired me to start documenting my weight loss journey!

TLDR; This subreddit was a HUGE factor that taught me how to lose weight, and I lost over 50 pounds because of all of your posts. I made a youtube video showing what I eat in a day so that you can see how someone like me maintains her 50+lb weight loss in these difficult and uncertain times. Click here to watch it:

Hey all! I (22/F/SW: 225lb CW: 162lbs) lost a bunch of weight last summer and since then, I have had ups and downs where I have been super anxious about gaining the weight back. Once quarantine started and I cancelled my gym membership, I was petrified that I would lose all my progress. I was so afraid, even though I had all of the knowledge of how to lose and maintain weight, that since my activity levels were dipping so low, I would get "fat" again.

Well, six months into quarantine and I have not gained any weight. I have been between 160 and 165 pounds in every weigh in I have done since March, even though I feel like I eat terribly and never work out. I am conscious of my CICO, and my knowledge of weight loss that I gained through this reddit has paid off. Although it would be nice to lose more weight, I am proud of myself for maintaining my weight through a global pandemic.

I made a youtube video showing you what I eat in a day to maintain my weight during this global pandemic. If you want to support me and see what a normal day of eating looks like for me, please click this link and watch my video!


submitted by /u/urnice2jk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I can feel my knuckles!

23F 5'3 SW: 204/CW: 177/GW: 150

For context, I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of July when I moved home from college. I started walking at least 5 miles every day, splitting it up in the mornings alone (listening to podcasts) and again at night with family. Nowadays, I can walk 7 miles in one go (and often do!), though with fires burning here, I opt for Youtube workouts on days that air quality is bad.

For a while, I didn't notice the weight loss around my stomach and felt discouraged, but that's the last place my body has decided to get rid of. Last night, I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when I clasped my hands and noticed... bones. I could feel the knuckles protruding from my fist! Before, my hands were large blobs. One comment from long ago stuck with me in this moment when I was in bed: "you don't even have knuckles." I could not stop smiling to myself in the dark. It's unfamiliar when I accidentally knock my hand on something and it hurts, as opposed to having the excess hand fat shield me from injury.

I feel so good about myself these days and can't wait to continue working! If you're in the same place I was (not seeing "progress" for months), keep going. I guarantee you it is happening!

submitted by /u/crocslite
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just really needed to talk to someone....

Hi folks
I've been on my weight loss journey since january now, and i've hit kind of a slump. These past few weeks have been pretty emotional for me, and I've been relying on eating to deal with it. In the process... I've gained back 10 pound. I was pretty distraught when i stepped on the scale this morning and realized how much of a huge step back I had taken. I feel like i don't know where to go from here. As if I lost all the knowledge and helpful tips on weight loss i had accumulated during my journey. I'm at a loss, and I didn't really have anywhere else to turn to. I don't really know why i'm writing this post. Maybe I just need to hear words of encouragement, or hear from someone that can relate to what I'm going through...

submitted by /u/Tsakirama
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wardrobe Adjustments

TLDR: What do you guys do when you’ve made great, significant progress in your weight loss journey and you’re already drowning in your current clothes but still have a long ways to go before you reach your “final” size?

When I first started my journey, I told myself I would revamp my wardrobe once I hit my goals as a reward for all the hard work I put in and because at that point I would need to anyway. What I failed to consider was halfway through my journey, none of my existing clothes would fit anymore because of how much I have already lost.

Because of COVID, I am not going into work everyday so I get away with not upgrading my clothes yet and that’s been a nice perk. But still for the occasional socially distanced picnic or even to wear at home, I am debating if it would be worth the money.

If I am realistic, the rest of my journey will take 8 months (since it took me 8 months to get to 50% and my relationship with food and being healthy is better than ever). I won’t be upset if it takes longer but I am happily working on that timeline (which is already cushioned with wiggle room).

So would it be worth buying clothes that I know will run loose? I am 50% in but still have a lot to lose so I am guaranteed to shrink some more.

I would love to hear what you all did? Did you guys buy interim clothes? How did you navigate that? Especially with COVID, I’ve had trouble online shopping since the sizes I normally order come in way too big now and I can’t go into stores to try things on like before.

I also need to mention I am shamelessly so happy that I am having this problem 😊

Thanks, everyone.

submitted by /u/sweaterweathervibes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss is now on track

Hello guys, newbie here and not a native english speaker. I will use metric system for my post, since I have all my measurements on it.

I am a 25 year old male with a bit of a strange and, at the same time, common experience. When I was about 16-17 I was at 1.81 and 78-79 kilos which on me looked decent. I wasn’t muscular at all in my upper body, but had good muscle tone on my legs, since I was playing football 3-5 times/week. Then I started working in IT on my own business and sedentary life style kicked in. When I was 18 I moved to a new country and had to work nights and days to provide for me and my now ex-gf. Was a bit hard but I now understand it had to be done in order for one of us to go to university at least.

Life was decent, as money kept coming and everything seemed to be going fine, except my health. I reached ~117-120kg and boy, did that feel both gut-wrenching and embarrassing. 21 year old that almost cannot see his wee wee is sad.

Then at about 23 things went south and I no longer had a relationship and realized my life was just a mess, I worked out and got to maybe 110 or so, felt a bit better, but then again reverted to some of my old habits and was hovering around 110.

Met a new girl (and boy, what a girl) that was able to hear me out. Didn’t really need to hear much from her, just for her to listen to me, which she did and god damn it had done wonders. Only thing she told me was: ‘If this is a problem for you and you don’t feel good, go out and do it, don’t postpone it, don’t find excuses.’ And I am now on my way. I am now standing at 100kg, but I put more than 4 kg of lean mass on me and lost ~ 15 of fat on total. I eat better, I feel better, I can run 1km without feeling the need to call 911 right after. Last week has been the greatest, I lost one kg of fat and got under the obesity line, which boosted my anyway high morale.

I can now aim and am sure I will get to under 15% body fat and show some abs that myself and my girl both deserve to see.

As for my ways, I am on a low carb, moderate-high protein diet. Aside from a slice of toast a day I cut all bread and similar products. Also on a suplement of whey protein as it helps my muscle recover and grow. I train 4x a week with a trainer, both cardio circuits and weight training and 2 times by myself with Cristiano Ronaldo’s cardio circuit plus some weights. I can feel my abs now, even if they’re under a fat layer, but I can feel them. I am happy I found it within me to take the hard way and enjoy every part of it. From telling my trainer to stop the session because of me feeling sick and puking I am now telling him 12 when he asks me to do 8. Because I can do it and, if I can, I will. From missing training because of a chaotic schedule to going two times a week for extra training. I am now sure that I won’t fail because not only I don’t want to experience fatness again, but I love every bit of my weight loss and body, as it transforms. And I will make a promise that, in two and a half months I will update with a pic of my abs.

Stay strong and motivated!

submitted by /u/MeetTheV
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5 Fun Fall Activities to Burn Major Calories

Cooler weather and outdoor activities are part of what make fall fantastic. But this can also be a great opportunity to up the ante on your calorie burning potential. Getting outside and moving more automatically puts you at a major advantage to sitting indoors in front of a computer or TV. After all, being sedentary is one of the biggest downfalls to healthy living. But when you add in some fun fall activities to help keep you on your feet and moving around, you can really make a difference in your health.

Don’t let those beautiful and crisp fall days slip away without spending some time outside! We’ve rounded up some of the fall activities that are not only fun to do but can help you get fit in the process.

12 Fall Snack Recipes Under 200 Calories

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Here are five fun fall activities to help you get fit this autumn season:

1. Go Pumpkin Picking

fall activities

Nothing is more quintessentially “fall” than visiting a pumpkin patch and picking out that perfect pumpkin. But this fun activity can also burn calories. Squatting to pick the pumpkin up and carrying it around helps build muscle mass. And the more you hike around the patch—particularly while holding a heavy pumpkin—the more calories you’ll blast. So, take your time and enjoy that fresh autumn air. You’ll make memories and contribute to a healthier lifestyle, too.

2. Pick Apples, Too!

apple picking

Similar to pumpkin picking, walking around an orchard and reaching up to pick apples can also burn calories. Reach, stretch, twist and pick! It’s like a yoga sequence. Again, the more time you spend walking around (and on your feet), the more calories you’ll torch. Plus, think of all the healthy apple snacks you’ll be able to make—helping with your plan to eat better, too. Apples are a superfood which are fat, sodium and cholesterol free, plus they’re high in vitamin C and fiber.

5 Sneaky Fall Weight Loss Traps & How to Beat Them

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3. Get Lost in a Corn Maze

fall activities

Getting lost on purpose is not something we’re accustomed to when we have navigation apps at our fingertips these days! But chasing your kids—or maybe your date—through a corn maze is another way to take in some fall fun while burning calories. You’ll easily get in your daily steps if you choose a tough maze and you’ll have found a fun way to do it! Maybe make it an ongoing activity by trying out some different mazes in your area and determining which you like best.

 4. Do Some Fall Foliage Hikes

fall activities

If the fall foliage is one of your favorite aspects of the season, then plan some solo or family hikes to truly take it all in. You’ll certainly get in plenty of steps and if you choose a more challenging terrain, you’ll blast away even more calories. Look for hikes that include some areas of incline to build and define those leg muscles. The cooler and crisp autumn air often makes it less taxing to go long distances. Plus, you’ll be able to fully take in all of nature’s beauty as you go. It’s a great way to spend a weekend day.

5. Rake the Leaves

fall activities

So, it’s not exactly fun, but if you have a lot of trees on your property, raking needs to get done and it just so happens that it’s a killer arm and core workout! In general, getting outside and performing some fall yard cleanup is a great calorie-torching activity. According to Harvard Health Publishing, raking the lawn can burn around 149 calories in a 155-pound person. It has the benefit of not only keeping your body in top shape but your lawn, too! If you truly want to summon your inner child and make this activity more fun, take some running jumps into your leaf piles before hauling them away.

Looking for a convenient meal delivery service to help you lose weight this fall? Get started with Nutrisystem today! >

Fall into Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight This Month with Nutrisystem

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The post 5 Fun Fall Activities to Burn Major Calories appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Losing Motivation? This May Help!

F 22, SW: 184.6lbs, CW: 135.6lbs, GW: 120lbs

I started back in Jan 2020, but didn't actually hunker down, use CICO, and begin running consistently until March 2020. 9 months in, i am about 15lbs away from my goal weight!

obviously with COVID, i haven't been out much since losing weight and running 6 days per week. however, just 2 weeks ago, my bf + his family and I went on a hike that was 99% uphill, consisted of turns and tight spaces, and i was actually able to uphold a steady pace, maintain normal breathing, and did not require a break (the times we took a break was for him or his family members) ALL while wearing a mask!

above all the vanity that comes with weight lose, i don't think anything compares to feeling strong and being able to rely on your body physically. just 8 months ago in Feb 2020, a similar but not nearly as long of a hike was extremely difficult for me.

long story short, weight loss needs to be less about vanity and more about your health. you CAN do this. focus on your health above all. HEALTH needs to be your #1 priority.

submitted by /u/petals2019
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from loseit - Lose the Fat