Sunday, September 20, 2020

A journey of water weight - thought it might help people struggling with fluctuations to share my story!

So as the title says, I figured sharing an anecdote from my current weight loss journey could help people who worry about gaining a little after a 'bad' meal.

Saturday 12th September - I weighed in at 164lbs. 2lbs away from having lost 50lbs total, 4lbs from a big goal. Feeling like I'm really achieving in my weight loss.

Then came a week 'off plan'. An anniversary, family visiting, and a mini holiday where we ate out every meal and I did not track calories (this was a conscious choice - I wanted a break).

Saturday 19th September, one week later - I weighed in at 170.2lbs. I gained nearly half a stone in a week! Cue the terror, the guilt and the stress that I had ruined all my progress. But instead of letting those feelings rule me, I picked back up with my calorie deficit and drank a bunch of water.

This morning - Sunday 20th September, and I weigh in again (as I typically weigh daily). And I am suddenly 166.6lbs. I've dropped 3.6lbs of the weight I had 'gained' in just one day. That's the magic of water weight! I would expect to lose most of what I gained within the next couple of days, and maybe have one pound ish of actual fat that I need to lose.

I guess in essence, I'm saying don't stress about fluctuations, about days or weeks off plan. Just give yourself some grace, pick back up with your eating habits, and you will see the weight shift pretty quickly!

submitted by /u/msryluvscmpny
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loose skinnn

hey friends. few years ago i gained a shit ton of weight from my depression. from that i got hundreds of stretch marks everywhere on my body (don’t mind them) but from stretch marks i got loose skin. im only 21. I’m now down 50 pounds. Don’t feel like loose skin has gotten better or worse. But Its hard cause I’m only 21 and feel like my body looks like an old persons :( any tips on how to manage it and make it bettterrr? it’s literally only my left arm (weird ik) and my stomach and bit on my legs. im starting to care for myself a lot more. so it’s not a horrible issue for me but would like to minimize as much as possible. Anyone have success stories on getting loose skin from weight GAIN and it going away with weight loss . Probs not but I’m hopeful lol

submitted by /u/ivegotroses19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting rid of the weight... help!

I am a 20 yo female about 5’6 and 150lb. I am wanting to lose about 20 pounds. I just can’t seem to do it and I have tried losing weight so many times. My biggest problems are my mindset and my munchies after my recreational activities haha This year classes are online too which doesn’t help because then I just sit at my desk at home all day, eat dinner, and go to bed.

I have tried using my fitness pal to help me track my meals. I try and stick to fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits, etc. I walk a lot outside. I do drink pop and coffee and energy drinks, so I KNOW I need to drink more water but I have a hard time with that as well.

I need any and all tips for sticking to diets, any meal suggestions, increasing water intake, ways to avoid hunger, recommended workouts or physical activities avoiding the gym, etc. I really want to lose this weight but it’s like every time I try I find myself in the fridge or making excuses or feeling lost on the weight loss journey. Please give any advice and tell me about your college and young adult weight loss journeys and what worked and didn’t work for you!!!!!

submitted by /u/elizyzamsal_0527
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have no idea how to NOT develop an unhealthy, appearance based mindset when dieting

I gained a bunch of quarantine weight, like everyone else, and I’ve always been a little on the chunky side, just never properly overweight. Now I’m calorie counting and dieting and at first it was fine but every time, my whole life, I always develop a borderline “what if I developed an eating disorder” kind of mentality. Like I have yet to go over my daily calories but I keep pushing myself to have a wider gap, to eat even less and exercise more. I always torture myself by googling stuff about weight loss (why does 90% of the internet treat weight gain as a moral failure?) and I’m obsessively entering lower and lower weights into BMI calculators (I keep using Asian BMI calculators even though I’m middle easter because I’m afraid of being considered fat by anyone) and checking celebrity waist sizes. It’s gotten to the point where these days when i see something that says “oh that’s too few calories, that’s not healthy, I’ve been thinking, “oh, well I don’t want to be healthy, I just want to be skinny” or “but I’d be prettier, and no one will make fun of me and I’d look better in clothes, so what’s in matter if it’s good for me or will inevitably yo-yo” and then I over do it and end up in such a calorie deficit and bad headspace that I wind up binging... is it even possible to have a healthy outlook on weight loss if the bulk of your motivation is you don’t want to be seen as fat by others? How do you lose weight for yourself?

submitted by /u/theosnorea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Slightly annoyed by slow weight loss but that has brought some benefits.

I’m just slightly annoyed today because my weight loss is going so slow. Much slower than it has in the past. Of course with getting older that’s to be expected. My body use to be so responsive which is probably why I didn’t treat it with much respect.

I was doing well until the pandemic. I had finally stopped listening to the advice that everyone was giving me. It’s not that advice isn’t valuable. Advice given without listening to the person and understanding them is usually worthless. When you are fat no one listens. I can honestly count on one hand the number of people who actually sought to understand me before giving weight loss advice.

I even had to stop losing weight. Because of somethings that happened in the past and me being a gay man focusing on my weight was not the healthiest option. Too much of a roller coaster like today. I was actually very proud of myself for going to the gym 5-6 days a week for 6 months straight. I only stopped when cases started rising in the U.S. Even though I know the majority of people would see it as a failure because I had only lost 10 pounds in six months I also know the majority of people only care about my appearance, not my health.

Today I’m perturbed at how slowly the scale is moving down. I want my 20 year old body back 😅. On the other hand my blood sugar was in the 80s today. That’s down from over 300 hundred four weeks ago. It was a steady decline then wobbled in the low 120s. So today marks the third day of waking up to a normal blood sugar. That’s what I have to focus on. I honestly don’t care how many people I anger by saying this, if I never lose another pound I won’t see that as a failure. My weight is not the totality of my health. Mental health is so important. I’ve found that western society thinks that you can stress people into losing weight. I honestly think that approach is what created the body positivity movement. A impassioned reaction against a toxic stress. Even though I’m losing weight at the slowest pace I have ever in my entire life I’m less discouraged than I’ve ever been. Weight loss isn’t my most important goal. Because of that I’ll probably succeed at losing weight.

I’d just like to ask anyone who got this far to not give me any words of wisdom or advice. Unsolicited advice has been a detriment to me so far.

submitted by /u/NewYearNewMe2021
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I be supportive?

My little sister is having weight loss surgery at the end of the year due to many, dangerous medical issues at a young age. My family members are notorious fat shamers and comments have caused several of my cousins to have eating disorders due to it. I have always been slim until I had a baby and most of the weight fell off naturally so I don’t truly understand what she’s going through. I believe that you don’t have to be a certain size or weight to be beautiful. the only thing that should ever matter is that you’re healthy. So my question is how can I be supportive and encouraging without making her feel like the only reason she’s getting hyped up is because she’s losing weight?

submitted by /u/daladybrute
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 265 lbs, now I struggle to eat

I started my weight loss 3 years ago at an unhealthy 480 lbs. I’m a 46 yo female, standing 5’8”. I was a hardcore Diet Coke addict, and my addiction caused my body to constantly be in insulin resistance. I researched this information myself and quit all artificial sweeteners over a 60 day period, replacing Diet Coke with 7-up.

As soon as the artificial sweeteners left my system, the weight started falling off. I lost around 100 lbs in the first 6 months alone.

My appetite began changing substantially around the second year. I used to LOVE chocolate, now I honestly could pass it up without a second glance. While I struggled to lose weight with the insulin resistance, I also ate huge portions. Now, instead of 3-4 item meals, I grab a couple of bites of protein and maybe some carbs (rice, veggies, fruit).

The major thing that “came back” once I started losing weight was my full signal. I haven’t had it since my late teens, which is when my daily Diet Coke addiction started. The signal I began relying on was the physical feeling of being full, which I now know means you’ve eaten way too much. Today, full signal kicks in after a tiny amount of food. I’m very rarely physically hungry, and to be honest I kinda dislike eating altogether.

I’m worried this is s sign of my eating addiction turning from addiction to food to anorexia. At the same time, I’m actually enjoying trying to get through the day eating as little as possible. I’m fully aware this is a problem, but I’m not sure how to address it just yet. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist next week and I do intend to address it with her.

Is this something everyone experiences after losing a large amount of weight? I’m just hoping to hear from others who’ve been through something similar. Thanks for reading, I’m a prolific writer.

submitted by /u/UltimatelyKismet
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