Saturday, September 19, 2020

Slightly annoyed by slow weight loss but that has brought some benefits.

I’m just slightly annoyed today because my weight loss is going so slow. Much slower than it has in the past. Of course with getting older that’s to be expected. My body use to be so responsive which is probably why I didn’t treat it with much respect.

I was doing well until the pandemic. I had finally stopped listening to the advice that everyone was giving me. It’s not that advice isn’t valuable. Advice given without listening to the person and understanding them is usually worthless. When you are fat no one listens. I can honestly count on one hand the number of people who actually sought to understand me before giving weight loss advice.

I even had to stop losing weight. Because of somethings that happened in the past and me being a gay man focusing on my weight was not the healthiest option. Too much of a roller coaster like today. I was actually very proud of myself for going to the gym 5-6 days a week for 6 months straight. I only stopped when cases started rising in the U.S. Even though I know the majority of people would see it as a failure because I had only lost 10 pounds in six months I also know the majority of people only care about my appearance, not my health.

Today I’m perturbed at how slowly the scale is moving down. I want my 20 year old body back 😅. On the other hand my blood sugar was in the 80s today. That’s down from over 300 hundred four weeks ago. It was a steady decline then wobbled in the low 120s. So today marks the third day of waking up to a normal blood sugar. That’s what I have to focus on. I honestly don’t care how many people I anger by saying this, if I never lose another pound I won’t see that as a failure. My weight is not the totality of my health. Mental health is so important. I’ve found that western society thinks that you can stress people into losing weight. I honestly think that approach is what created the body positivity movement. A impassioned reaction against a toxic stress. Even though I’m losing weight at the slowest pace I have ever in my entire life I’m less discouraged than I’ve ever been. Weight loss isn’t my most important goal. Because of that I’ll probably succeed at losing weight.

I’d just like to ask anyone who got this far to not give me any words of wisdom or advice. Unsolicited advice has been a detriment to me so far.

submitted by /u/NewYearNewMe2021
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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