Saturday, September 26, 2020

I’ve been up, I’ve been down, I’ve been up again, and now I’m coming down again. Here is some of my story AMA

When I graduated HS 17 years ago at this point I was up over 350lbs. I found a small website that explained calories in calories vs calories out, and for the first time it made sense how I was going to lose weight. It became a system of numbers rather than some unknown force. I started lifting, cutting calories, and progressing for the first time in my life.

I eventually ended up down at 235 over the next 2 years. Then for the first time ever I was getting attention from girls!!! And I felt confident, and started partying, because I had felt the need to make up for the lost time when I was overweight.

A few years later I ended up getting into a marriage where we both just weren’t ready for. It ended up really derailing my fitness goals. When things went south I started lifting again where you see the 2010 pic. I was soft and doughy as the weight started going back on. Eventually got a divorce, and the lifting kept me sane... but I never really got my diet back right. I ate everything and anything.

Fast forward again with a couple ups and downs to 2017 I ended up at an all time heavy weight. See the March 2017 pic. I had some high blood pressure and they tried to put me on meds.... I decided screw the meds and once again started my weight loss journey with the lifting.

You can see in oct 2017 I dropped some weight, and over the past 3 years there have been some breaks and small ups and downs, but never fully gave up. I also have an amazing fiancé who lifts with me, and supports me in my journey. I also am working with a great coach now.

It’s a long journey with ups and downs, but you are never too old to be a better version of yourself.

submitted by /u/Nottheonlyjustin84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not losing enough weight per week?

I strictly control my CICO. Lol for the sake or argument please believe me.

I eat on avg no more than 1300 a day. My meals are high protein and vegetables. I may over indulge on sodium and that adds to water weight but that should not mean it hurts my weight loss every week. There is a upper limit on how much weight I can gain due to water retention. So one week I can blame my weight plateau on water retention but not every week.

Last month I lost 5 lbs. By my math I should have lost 10 to 13 lbs. I honestly cannot cut my diet anymore. I get 130 grams of protein a day for 1300 calories. I am 6 foot mid 20s male, 230lbs, I am at a loss what else I can do to hit 2lbs or 2.5 lbs loss per week. I walk 3.4 miles a day, but I guess I should start running to?

submitted by /u/RuneChicken45
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

WFH is making me fat

Hey everyone. I'm (31/F) working from home because of Covid and my weight is just spiraling. I can't bring myself to even get on a scale cuz I'm too afraid. If I had to guess I'd say I've gained at least 10-15 lbs since Covid. I used to go to the gym regularly and with Covid I just haven't felt comfortable to go back. I tell myself that I can still go on hikes, do yoga, etc and just never do it. In general I don't have much time for myself because I have a baby too. I feel like I could incorporate her into my exercise routine though if I really put my mind to it. My office is also my dining room so I find myself meandering into the kitchen multiple times a day to grab food. I tell myself I'm going to set limits but I don't even realize I'm doing it half the time. WFH also completely threw off my work life balance so all my meal prep stuff I used to do feels harder now. I feel like I need to reimagine what weight loss can look like WFH. My job also recently said WFH might be a permanent thing so I really need to get myself together. Any suggestions you have would be amazing!

submitted by /u/unochampion26
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today is Day 1

Hi everyone!

Long-time lurker here who's ready to start losing in a real way. Have always intermittently tracked calories but this year was stressful at work and I gained a few stubborn pounds that I want to lose. I'm pretty short (5'2'') so my weight loss goals are relatively low, but at this height, even a pound or two makes a huge difference.

My plan is to eat 1,200 calories/ day and exercise daily. Hoping to reach my "move" goal on my apple watch of 500 calories a day.

I want to set a tangible goal- lose 4 pounds in 1 month (ie- by the end of October). If anyone wants an accountability buddy or has any suggestions for me, please reach out. I'm planning on updating frequently to hold myself accountable. I love the community here and am so excited to be on this journey with you all!

SW- 122; GW- 118 (first goal); 115 (ultimate goal).

submitted by /u/jeremothill
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Confused about weight loss.

So I woke up from surgery 40lbs heavier than I went in. They said it was water weight and would go away after some time. Recovery took over ten months as I adjusted to my new metal plated ribs. The extra weight was still there. I started exercising, kettlebell swings, walking and lifting weights. I loss about 25 pounds over the course of six months. Then three weeks ago I broke my ribs again and stopped exercising. During that time I've lost more weight doing nothing. Took myself six months to lose 25 pounds but lost an additional 20 over these three weeks not exercising. Is less more here? Is it muscle loss? Is the water weight finally leaving? Just super perplexed and wondered if anyone had any idea.

submitted by /u/Raraavis292
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Healthy caloric deficit

So I’ve started taking my weight loss seriously. I’m currently 320 pounds. 5’8”. 20 years old. (And a guy)

My idea is to eat 1200 calories a day. I’ve done it for a couple days now and I’d be lying if I said it was EASY, I’m hungry as hell but I already feel better. And all it takes is me being mindful of what I put in my mouth for once. With no snacking and no sugary fizzy drinks.

BUT now I’m worried it may be too much of a deficit. My tdee seems to be around 3000 calories from the different calculators I’ve used. I’ve seen a couple posts that say this is too much of a deficit so I’m concerned that I might be damaging myself in my bid to lose all this damned fat.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/reallyfatthrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Reverse Diet

I have been in a gradual calorie deficit for around 3 months now, currently down to around 1700 calories per day. I have started to weigh myself every day to work out the average over the week but I have came in at exactly 67.4kg for 10 days straight so around 148lbs. (for reference I am 6ft and waist is now 31cm).

Although I am still storing a low amount of fat in my lower stomach I am at a level of leanness I am happy with. During lockdown and the weight loss I have lost a lot of muscle and want to build it back without putting the fat back on. I have been through this before and put the fat back on too easily.

So from what I understand I want to reverse diet which is a gradual increase in calories back to maintenance. However, I feel like my current calories is maintenance but I understand there may be a "range" that I can work with. And how slow is "gradual"?

Shall I just increase calories on a weekly basis until I put on weight, take a step back, and stay there? Is it the case that I can remain lean whilst building muscle if I am at the higher end of my maintenance calories?


submitted by /u/87on
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from loseit - Lose the Fat