Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Gained 40lbs since lockdown began in March. I’m fed up and I have been trying to stick to weight loss to no avail

So since March I’ve gained 40lbs, putting me at 190lbs at 5’2”. I have lost 40lbs between Sept. 2016 and January 2018 and regained all of it back and more but this time around it’s so difficult for me to lose weight, with many gyms in my area still being closed and all. I’ve been walking for a couple of weeks and truth be told I struggle with food and keeping track of anything. I feel so bad about my weight gain because I feel like I gained a substantial amount in such a short time and I feel very bad about. Barely any of my clothes fit anymore and I don’t feel as confident as I once was. Anyone have any tips for sustainable food plans? Thank you

submitted by /u/pelicunt98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

UPDATE: F36 / 5'4 SW 240 lbs CW 195lbs GW1 195 lbs GW2 165lbs GW3 140lbs

Hello Everyone!

I've been on a weight loss journey for most of my life. The first time I stepped on a scale and I was put on a diet was when I was 12. Back then, with only a few pounds to lose, doctors and family thought I was "obese". Since then, for the past almost 30 years I've been struggling with body image, self-worth, depression, insecurities, and of course, food.

Food has been the only constant in my life. When everything was changing, food was there. If sad, happy, conflicted, depressed, doubtful... food was my only true friend. The one that didn't judge, the one that comforted me in my darkest hours.

I've tried many diets. Many "lifestyles". Many tricks to lose weight.

Name it.

Paleo? done it. Keto? done it. South Beach? done it. Acupuncture? done it. Moon diet? done it. Slow-carb? done it. Low carb? done it. Liquid diet? done it. Juicing? done it. "Enter your new year's resolution diet here?" done it.

For so many years I've been frustrated because I thought there was nothing I could do to lose weight and feel and look good.

But everything had to do with the way I think. How I see myself, the things I would tell myself every day, the beliefs I've acquired through the years (that were 90% not true) etc.

For about 5 years I've been having digestive problems. Early this year this condition got worse and I was devastated. It didn't matter what I would eat. I would end up in the ER just for them to run a bunch of tests to tell me I have nothing.

I started to count calories, walk and worry "less" about life. It wasn't perfect. Still not perfect. Some days are better than others.

Long story short, I am still figuring this thing out. I have to retrain myself to see food as fuel for my body and not indulge. I've read about intuitive eating, about calories and nutrition, and a holistic way to approach it. Need to make peace with the fact that I LOVE FOOD but it is not supposed to control me. I need to live with it. Eat to live, not live to eat.

It has been a journey of a lifetime, and I am not even halfway there! But I need to work on my thinking and start purging the things that don't benefit my life. Letting go is always a hard thing to do, but it is time to do it.

I've reached my first goal of losing 45 lbs and I am over the moon. Feel better, look better but I want to give this my 110%. I am documenting this small victory so might be encouraging for anyone that is struggling with the same type of issues.

You need to do this for yourself. No one else would appreciate it more than your body and your spirit!

Have a great day!

PS: I was trying to post pictures but is not letting me... anyone having the same problem?

submitted by /u/cintiaPB
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stage 1 liver disease and weight loss

Hi all!

Looking for some help.

I had an interesting conversation with my doctor today telling me that I have stage 1 liver disease.

It's reversible at this stage but I have to loose 10kg in two months (roughly 2.5lb) per week in order to see if my diet makes a difference.

He's told me to portion control, only eat three meals a day, no snacking and to not cut out any food groups ...

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how else I can go about this (while sticking to the guidelines above) and playing it safely!

Having pcos makes life a bit harder.

Any help welcome.


submitted by /u/katielou123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hardcore binged for the first time in my weight loss journey

I am so disappointed in myself. I have been on this journey since April of this year. Since then I have had some slip ups but nothing too bad. I really thought I had my emotional eating taken care of! Then I let a boy, who I wasn't even serious with, derail my progress and literally ate a whole pizza. I also haven't been good since then (been a few days) either. I really don't want to get on the scale because I am scared how bad this weekend (pizza, drinking, ice cream) has affected my weight. I know we all have mess ups and we just have to get back on the horse but for some reason I am having a hard time this time around. I guess I am just looking for people to commiserate with and asking if anyone has gone through this recently? It would be really helpful to hear some stories of people getting out of a funk and back on track!

submitted by /u/etm31
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Phantom Fat

I'm getting to an uncomfortable spot with weight loss, you guys.... I'm down enough where people are starting to notice, but I have a very hard time noticing it myself. 85 pounds on a 5’ 10” frame has thinned me out a bit, but I could still stand to lose another 50, which I’m working on now. I still cut doorways widely in fear my hips will hit the door frame and they don't... Exercise has been easier. Clothes fit better, and I even purged some items that had gotten “too big”. The clothes that were too big just made me feel frumpy, and to be honest, it was hard to determine within myself it was truly too big or simply a bad fit/ugly piece. I see and acknowledge these things but I still feel like I haven’t come far enough. It’s temporarily validating to hear from others, but I struggle with feelings of my progress not being enough to show, I suppose. Since I’m not at my goal, it almost feels like my progress isn’t as meaningful and almost prevents me from being able to see it.

It really sucks. I have a weird anxiety about seeing people I haven’t seen in awhile. Scared of their reaction, kind of scared how I’ll feel if they don’t have a reaction, because my anxiety brain would convince me that I indeed haven’t lost as much as I think I have and that I’m still at my highest weight. I’m all over the place with this.

Sorry for venting, I just wanted to get it out there. It’s maddening and so frustrating to not feel happy along the way for something I’ve been wanting to do for YEARS. sigh

submitted by /u/Hayzahh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 5 lbs in 4 days!! Here’s how I did it.

F25, SW: 283. CW: 278. GW: 130. Normal weight: 275.

I finally broke my plateau after 2 weeks!! I’m so happy! ☺️

The main thing I did was drink over 90 ounces of water. Seems like a lot but it really isn’t!! Yesterday I made it over 100 ounces. For exercise I did 20-15 minute workouts during those 4 days. Not long but I didn’t have a lot of motivation but I always feel great after!! I’m so happy with the results so far and going to continue drinking this much water every day to help with my weight loss. I highly recommend it!

I also need to keep up with my workouts even if I don’t feel like it. Cause I’m sure it wasn’t JUST the water, it’s about burning those calories too. Aiming for 30 Minutes every day! I used to be able to do a lot more but like I said I’ve had lack of motivation until now. Breaking my plateau really helped.

submitted by /u/AstraArmorer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Break for the Cold Months?

Hi all! As you can see from my flair, my current stats are 5'6" and 138lbs (coming from 168, woo 30lbs lost!) and that I'm aiming to lose another ~12lbs, and then bulk/regain muscle to the 130-135 range.

The problem I'm having is that I live in the Midwest. It has already started snowing, and I am generally frickin freezing during the winter anyway, on top of Seasonal Affective Disorder-ISH symptoms (I wouldn't say I have it, though). Lately it has been really difficult to maintain my deficit (thanks Halloween candy, election, and midterms!), and as such my weight loss has really slowed down. I'm also only about 3lbs away from the weight I eventually want to live at anyway.

So I'm considering basically maintaining from now until March, aiming to eat at my sedentary TDEE; I have a dog, exercise semi-regularly, and hold an on-my-feet part-time job, so there SHOULD still be a deficit of 150-250 calories a day, meaning I can expect to lose 1-1.5lbs per month.

My reasoning is:

  1. It will be good practice to see if my Ultimate Goal Weight feels sustainable and comfortable for me.
  2. It will give me time to reconsider whether I want to cut/bulk or simply do the longer, slower approach to body recomposition.
  3. Being in a caloric deficit makes you feel colder, and with weather that is typically freezing or below, that doesn't really appeal to me.

Has anyone else done something similar? Any tips for keeping warm while in a deficit?


submitted by /u/e-spero
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from loseit - Lose the Fat