Tuesday, February 2, 2021

When does weight loss/dieting start to help things like cholesterol?

F, 29, 5’6”, SW: 206.2 , CW: 160.4

I started 6/30/20 with CICO and some casual running. I’ve now lost just over 45lbs.

In October I went for some delayed new patient bloodwork for my new primary care doctor. I had my annual exam yesterday and we went over the results. My doctor told me that I had slightly abnormal blood work with my kidneys and that my cholesterol was pretty high. He said the kidney thing was likely dehydration and that the cholesterol could be helped with increased cardio exercise and cutting out oil, mayo, greasy fried foods, etc.

At the time of my blood work, I had lost 27 pounds from my June starting weight. I was doing some combination of running 1-3 miles and walking 1-3 miles about 4-6x/week with additional couple mile walks throughout the week with my dog. I was also drinking approximately 80-100oz of water a day. I was eating much better and had cut out pretty all mayo like condiments/oils and dressings and all fast food like McDonald’s, Burger King, etc. I’m currently still doing all of the above.

I’ve never had any abnormal blood work or elevated levels of anything else before. I realize October was only about 4 months into my weight loss journey however, I’m a little discouraged that it hasn’t helped my body for these two items. To be fair, I don’t know what my cholesterol level was before June so I absolutely could have been at way worse levels and my October reading was a vast improvement. But the fact I did a complete 180 on my diet and it’s still so high worries me. I also don’t think I was dehydrated as I feel I definitely drink enough water daily.

I go for repeat blood work within the next 90 days for my kidneys and not until next October for my cholesterol. I realize no one here is my doctor but does anyone have any suggestions on what I should be doing in the meantime to particularly lower my cholesterol levels?

submitted by /u/heyhellowhatup98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3reqJKg

Folks who menstruate- how much of a change in your cycle is normal after/during weight loss?

I (23F) lost around 60 pounds in about 6 months in mid-late 2019, and I now weigh 158lbs and am 5’3”. I an currently on another kick to lose more weight after maintaining my weight loss throughout the entire pandemic. I have noticed that I am not getting a normal period any longer. Before any weight loss, my period was medium-heavy for 5 days long. Then, it changed to a very light 3 day period during my initial weight loss and during most of my maintenance. Now, I only get a couple days of weird spotting. I went to the doctor to get my period (or lack thereof) checked out and got prescribed birth control to fix the issue (there was no further evaluation). My period is still just really light spotting.

I am still in the overweight category of BMI and I feel like I eat to satiety every day at around 1600-1800 calories. I just feel like my period has changed and gotten shockingly light since before I lost weight, and I am concerned that something might be wrong. Is this a normal side effect of weight loss? Have any of you experienced anything similar with your periods throughout your journey?

submitted by /u/urnice2jk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3tldM2Z

Family using my weight loss to brag

I started my weight loss journey just a little under a year ago, I’m 5’7, female and my starting weight was 250lbs and now I’m 70 pounds down and at 180lbs. I’m happier than I’ve ever been and still can’t believe it sometimes. My family has been super supportive of me during the whole journey, especially my mom and I’m really thankful for that. However my mom also feels the need to tell everyone about it, even strangers at the mall when we’re clothes shopping. I’ve told her that I don’t really feel comfortable talking about it unless someone else brings it up,(even then I try to change the subject as fast as I can) but she still continues to do it. I know she’s proud of me and wants others to be happy for me as well but I just can’t help feel annoyed when ever she brings it up unprovoked. Has anyone else experienced this??

submitted by /u/otieoats0807
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2MPrr1L

Freaking out after eating spaghetti

I used to live on carbs but have largely cut them out in my weight loss journey - all I really have carb-wise is two pieces of wholewheat toast per day and occasionally some sweet potatoes. But tonight I was hungry, and my planned meal didn’t sound satisfying enough, so instead I had bolognese with normal white spaghetti.

Not even 10 minutes after finishing, I feel really bloated. I’m wondering if it’s some sort of intolerance, or if I’m just now noticing how bloated I used to be before cutting out carbs - either way I feel like I made a mistake and like I’ve mucked this week up already. Is white pasta a no-go for a healthy diet, as I can’t imagine giving it up forever!

I guess I’m also looking for reassurance that I haven’t done any damage to my weight loss. I’m surprised at how guilty I feel for eating it - I’m a bit ashamed of myself for not sticking to my planned meal and worried I’m going to slip back into old habits. After one bowl of pasta!!

submitted by /u/whosmilhouse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/39GN2ST

Anyone else who can't see the weight loss?

I have trouble visualizing my weight loss. I have lost a significant amount, yet I do not see anything drastic when I look in the mirror. I just look like a slightly smaller version of pre-weight loss me. But the number that my measuring scale shows is the lowest I have seen since my teens.

I am forever trying to take more space than I really require. At work I hold my breath and prepare to shuffle through narrow looking openings which turn out to be easy to navigate through. I still attempt to dress myself in my older and looser clothes which are falling off me. If asked to draw myself, I would draw a body which is much bigger than my real one.

I do not know what I really look like. It's weird.

submitted by /u/OrdinaryTonight3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3tizG77

Here we go!

A month ago I posted here, but deleted my post after the very first comment started with "You can't". I was not in a place to see those words as the very first comment!

So today I am here to say that I have started my weight loss journey. I started that day, and have lost the first kilo out of the 9 total I plan to lose.

My method: 10 000 steps a day, I eat the same things I always have, just overall less, smaller portions and less snacking.

My other goal(other than weight loss) is to walk 2021 kilometers this year... I am at 160 so far.

So here's to a great year, good luck everyone! I don't know where to put my stats, but I am 34f, 1.66m tall, 56kgs, GW 48 kgs.

submitted by /u/elanja1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YB2pWv

When did you notice a difference in your body?

Hi there! I’ve been on a complete lifestyle overhaul over the last couple of months after I got up to 220lb during lockdown (my highest ever weight), and I weighed in yesterday at 202lb and I’m so happy! My lowest weight in recent years is 200lb and I’m so close to being in the 100’s! (For reference, 5’9” female)

I was wondering when you all personally started noticing any differences? So far my clothes feel like they fit exactly the same as they did before and I don’t feel as though I look any different in the mirror but I remain hopeful that it will happen soon!

I know there isn’t a “one size fits all” when it comes to weight loss so I’m really curious at which point you all noticed!

submitted by /u/CactusJess8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3tno6aG