Thursday, March 4, 2021

[F26 5'0 | 165 lbs -> 120 lbs] I FLIPPIN DID IT!!! + PICS

SW: 165 lbs GW: 120 lbs CW: 119 lbs (I'm not done yet, though ;))

Okay so 45 lbs (20.4 kg) isn't a whole lot compared to lots of you amazing folks, but it definitely shows on someone my height! I was at my heaviest in 2018 and absolutely hated myself. I had always been a tad overweight, but It shocked me how I just kept climbing and climbing.

I recall sitting in my car one night (alone and sad af) eating hella taco bell like I did basically every night, thinking to myself "I will never, never change."

Overall, I'd say I have been actively losing weight strictly for around 1.5 to 2 years. The journey has been incredibly slow, but I think that the fact that I have held steadfast on my weight loss through ALL the plateaus I hit, proves to me that I am capable of keeping this up for a long time. I am super fuckin proud of my progress and my body.

Awesome things that happened on my weight loss journey:

  • I stopped ripping holes into all my jeans and leggings in my thigh area due to chub rub
  • I know BMI doesn't mean much but I went from Obese >> Normal
  • I lost almost 1/3 of my body weight
  • I hit the weight 123.4 (heh)
  • I saw my pelvic bones one day. I remember sitting in bed just moving my hips around in awe.
  • I had a tendency to buy clothes that were too dang small for me. I started fitting into them!! then they got too big for me :( -- but really :)
  • My flatter belly just keeps shocking me every time i look at myself in the mirror or sit down.
  • I don't start wheezing when I do random normal shit
  • I can see my collarbone
  • Every time I lost weight after 140, I would announce to my friends, I'M tHe LoWeST I'Ve BeEn in 12 YeARS!!

Some info about what I do:

  • I do CICO and eat 1100-1200 a day. I started with keto though!
  • I sort of do OMAD (700-800 cal meals once a day)
  • I weigh all my food, ALL OF IT
  • I am conscious that the world is not portioning shit for a 5''0 female
  • Avoid sugar where possible. Use sugar substitutes
  • I didn't do any exercise (regrettably), but I am going to start soon and I have more stamina when I go out walking now for sure.
  • I am patient. Plateaus happen.
  • Recognize that weight loss is absolutely about lifestyle changes, not dieting.

Kinda weird showing so much of my body to strangers on the internet. Oh well, here you go, strangers!

Included is NSFW pics!!!, some SFW Pics, face gains, and a graph of the last 6 months of weight loss :)

I wish you all so much luck in your journeys. Take it from me --the journey is WORTH IT! Please keep going, I believe in you!!

submitted by /u/Plaguefaced
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to break up with my scale, but I keep crawling back.

I'm 5'10 35/f @206lbs. I've been on my weight loss journey since last December and I've lost 30lbs, which I'm really proud of. But now I've been stuck at 206 for weeks and it's killing me.

I know the scale doesn't tell the full story. I know I'm losing fat because I'm working out hard and eating at a deficit. I know you hold on to water weight if your muscles are sore. I know all this but I keep stepping on that scale!

Getting under that 200 mark is a huge deal for me. I think I'd happily chuck my scale in the trash once I'm there, but until then those six pounds are my albatross around my neck. It's such a psychological battle.

Has anyone successfully broken up with their scale and had a few tips? Or even been there? I dunno, I'm just struggling.

submitted by /u/T6igirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Week four - comments and a question

Hi good afternoon. I'm a 34 y.o. 6'1" male and as of this morning I weigh 288.6 pounds. I'm on week four of a diet plan. What I'm doing is 1200 calories per day of huel, combined with 18:6 intermittent fasting. I eat 400 cal at 12pm, 3pm, and between 5-6pm. I'm pretty well settled into my routine, but the first few weeks were rough and I was bingeing on the weekends.

Here's my question: 2 days ago my partner bought me a new digital bathroom scale, which I'm very thankful for. I had been using a pretty crappy/old analog scale to track my weight, so I'm glad to have something more accurate. When I weighed myself for the first time I noticed the weight was about 10 pounds heavier than the old scale. My daily weight tracker looks very strange right now. I started at 300 pounds, lost weight to 284, then jumped back up to 293. I don't even know exactly what my starting weight was anymore. Moving forward will be no problem, but what should I do about the phantom weight for the first 3.5 weeks in my weight tracker app? Should I leave it as is, or should I estimate what it probably was?

I want to be able to accurately analyze and communicate my weight loss journey, and I feel like I can't do that right now. I know this is probably a small thing, but its bothering me. I'm sure I'm not the first person who's encountered this. Any advice?

submitted by /u/itwontworkok
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Plateau in my journey

M21 5"8 SW226 CW185 GW160

Hi guys!

So I've reached a plateau in my weight loss journey. I have been the same weight for 2 months. I track calories and generally eat healthy (fruits, mostly protein, not a lot of carbs). In regards to exercise I either go on a 4.5 km run or do a strength training session at the gym. But I have been running for those 2 months and I cannot seem to lose weight. FYI my TDEE says I have a Basal Metabolic Rate of 1719 calories per day and that my maintenance calories are 2900! I rarely eat 2900 calories but still I cannot seem to budge the scale anymore. Does anyone have any tips? Or do you think I will eventually lose weight if I keep exercising how I am exercising and tracking calories?

Also does anyone have any recommendations on what my calorie intake should be? I am sure around 1700-2000 is reasonable. I know calorie trackers in regards to exercise are not necessarily accurate but let's just pretend they were - that would mean if I ate 1700 calories (my metabolic rate) and then kept exercising (i track with an apple watch that I burn 350 cals on a 30 min run, and 500 cals at the gym) I should probably start to lose weight, no?

Let me know your thoughts!

submitted by /u/Footloose27
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Here I go again... but this time, I'm looking for some friends.

I am F/31/5'4". I currently weight 177 pounds. In Feb 2019, I was over 200 pounds, and I started my weight loss journey. It wasnt the first time I tried to lose weight, but it was the first time I was successful. I did CICO and a lot of walking and cardio, and within 9 months i had lost 60 pounds. I was so proud, and confident, and convinced I'd never return to my ways. I never did quite reach my goal (127) but I was down to 143 at my lowest.

Then came the pandemic, and the lockdowns, and my whole life went topsy-turvy. I couldnt get out, my kid was home all the time, my husband was home all the time. It was cheaper to just cave into their meals than eat all my carefully planned ones. I quit exercising. I started binging. I stopped weighing myself, measuring myself, taking photos.

Here I am, almost completely back to square one. I was 180 pounds on Sunday when I finally mustered the courage and strength to take control of my life again. I know I can do this, because I've done it before, but that doesn't take the sting out of it. I've gained 12 inches around my hips, 13 inches around my thighs... like what? Wtf did I do? How did I let it spiral this long? I'd be lying if I said I havent been an emotional wreck all week long. I'm trying to not beat myself up about it... but I'd be lying if I said I haven't done that, too.

I'm determined, though. I can and will fix this. This was just another step in my journey. An experience to learn from, and make adjustments so I dont crumple under such sudden life changes. But last time... I was really lonely. I dont have any friends where I live, and I could really use a friend on a similar journey to share experiences with. Someone to cheer on, and care enough to cheer me on, too. I'm hoping to find that here. Preferably someone close to my stats, but I wont be picky about that, either. I will say I'd rather the person be female, though. I've had a lot of creepy guys in my PMs last time when I would post my progress, so I'm leery of guys reaching out, sorry!

Here is my unprogress pic. Its so upsetting so see how this shirt used to hang off me, and now I'm back to this... I'll be back to that first picture hopefully around the same time frame. Here I go again!

submitted by /u/smw89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Question] Taking anti-depressants and could use some weight loss tips.

Hello everyone! Im M/25 and so far I’ve had no problem gaining or losing weight when I need too. I went from 210 in the 8th grade to 130 in the 9th grade. Slowly gained weight until junior year and gained about 30lbs (both fat and muscle) for powerlifting. Was about 230 in college, dropped down to 170 for the military, fast forward and I was about 210 for a couple years. This past year and a half though I’ve been on a multitude of medications for varying reasons and I’ve blown up in weight and can’t lose it. I’ve switched anti-depressants because of unwanted weight gain and finally I just don’t care. I kinda have to stick with this medication now and I’m at 246lbs. Mostly like anyone else all my weight is in my stomach area. I eat healthy, I exercise but I can’t lose the weight. I’ve tried different exercise plans, diets (at least for a month I’d follow these) but I can’t seem to lose the weight. Does anyone have any advice for me?

submitted by /u/Ret-r0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


F24 5”9 SW:285 CW:240 GW:160 So according to MFP, I’ve been logging my food every day for 232 days. I’m feeling pretty bummed out cause I feel I’ve been consistent, I’m using a food scale, I’m trying to overestimate calories when I can’t get an exact measurement. I thought by this time I’d be around 60lbs lost, with my goal being to hit 80lbs lost by the one year mark, but that seems pretty unlikely though. MFP says that as long as I’m eating less than 1800 calories a day then I should be losing about 1 pound a week. I’ve been eating less than that so I can lose faster, but never less than a 1000! Most of the time my weeks average around 1300 - 1500 calories. I found that around the beginning of February/ end of January I had started to plateau at my current weight, so I decided to try to stick more closely to 1400 calories. I’m still stuck. Is it possible that by doing too much of a calorie deficit I’ve stunted my metabolism? I thought even if that was the case cutting more calories would still show some results. I’ll admit I haven’t been the most consistent when it comes to exercise. I find it really hard to exercise regularly all by myself, and no one in my household ever wants to work out or even go for a walk with me. The only exercise I’ve ever really enjoyed doing by myself is swimming, but the pool by my house is still closed. I’ve been trying to do some resistance training, just following along to some YouTube videos, but it leaves me so sore and unmotivated the next day. I know the key with all of this is to stick through it, I’m just frustrated. Thought I’d be a lot further along by now than I am. It’s really hard not to compare my progress to some of you guys on here, y’all are doing so good! Sorry, needed somewhere to let this out. The people around me are well meaning but don’t offer the healthiest weight loss advice... I’m not the first person to plateau, so if any of you guys have any advice for staying motivated during one, I’d really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/TheRebelWarden
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from loseit - Lose the Fat