Thursday, March 4, 2021

[F26 5'0 | 165 lbs -> 120 lbs] I FLIPPIN DID IT!!! + PICS

SW: 165 lbs GW: 120 lbs CW: 119 lbs (I'm not done yet, though ;))

Okay so 45 lbs (20.4 kg) isn't a whole lot compared to lots of you amazing folks, but it definitely shows on someone my height! I was at my heaviest in 2018 and absolutely hated myself. I had always been a tad overweight, but It shocked me how I just kept climbing and climbing.

I recall sitting in my car one night (alone and sad af) eating hella taco bell like I did basically every night, thinking to myself "I will never, never change."

Overall, I'd say I have been actively losing weight strictly for around 1.5 to 2 years. The journey has been incredibly slow, but I think that the fact that I have held steadfast on my weight loss through ALL the plateaus I hit, proves to me that I am capable of keeping this up for a long time. I am super fuckin proud of my progress and my body.

Awesome things that happened on my weight loss journey:

  • I stopped ripping holes into all my jeans and leggings in my thigh area due to chub rub
  • I know BMI doesn't mean much but I went from Obese >> Normal
  • I lost almost 1/3 of my body weight
  • I hit the weight 123.4 (heh)
  • I saw my pelvic bones one day. I remember sitting in bed just moving my hips around in awe.
  • I had a tendency to buy clothes that were too dang small for me. I started fitting into them!! then they got too big for me :( -- but really :)
  • My flatter belly just keeps shocking me every time i look at myself in the mirror or sit down.
  • I don't start wheezing when I do random normal shit
  • I can see my collarbone
  • Every time I lost weight after 140, I would announce to my friends, I'M tHe LoWeST I'Ve BeEn in 12 YeARS!!

Some info about what I do:

  • I do CICO and eat 1100-1200 a day. I started with keto though!
  • I sort of do OMAD (700-800 cal meals once a day)
  • I weigh all my food, ALL OF IT
  • I am conscious that the world is not portioning shit for a 5''0 female
  • Avoid sugar where possible. Use sugar substitutes
  • I didn't do any exercise (regrettably), but I am going to start soon and I have more stamina when I go out walking now for sure.
  • I am patient. Plateaus happen.
  • Recognize that weight loss is absolutely about lifestyle changes, not dieting.

Kinda weird showing so much of my body to strangers on the internet. Oh well, here you go, strangers!

Included is NSFW pics!!!, some SFW Pics, face gains, and a graph of the last 6 months of weight loss :)

I wish you all so much luck in your journeys. Take it from me --the journey is WORTH IT! Please keep going, I believe in you!!

submitted by /u/Plaguefaced
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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