Monday, March 29, 2021

Weight Loss Plateau PSA

Hi all, first time poster here and I couldn't really find a post about this so I feel the need to share.

A little background, I have lost 32 out of 50 pounds so far with CICO and exercise over the course of 7 months. I purchased a scale to do weekly weigh-ins and just check my overall progress. Things are going great for the first 6 months, and then last month I hit a wall. Plateaued at 170 despite sticking to a calorie deficit and regularly exercising.

Until this morning, I was VERY confused and disappointed that I was seeing no progress (scale or non-scale) because I knew I wasn't eating at maintenance or over. I scrolled through different Reddit posts about plateaus and FAQs, and spent my afternoon watching videos on Youtube about weight loss plateaus and what to do about it. Most professionals agreed that a 2-3 week plateau is normal, but over a month requires re-evaluating diet, exercise, etc.

I stumbled across an interesting tidbit: if you store your scale vertically (i.e. leaning up against something vs. flat on the ground), you might need to step on the scale a second time to calibrate properly. I STEPPED ON THE SCALE THIS MORNING A SECOND TIME AND I HAD LOST 5 POUNDS FROM MY LAST WEIGH-IN FROM THE PREVIOUS WEEK.

All my disappointment and confusion disappeared. So, if you're not seeing any scale movement despite sticking to a routine, check to see if your scale is properly calibrated. Yes, I know that not all scales are accurate and weight can fluctuate for many reasons, but it might be an easy fix. It was for me. I hope everyone has success on their journey!

submitted by /u/ladyonecstacy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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