Sunday, March 28, 2021

I am spiraling into my binging habits, again.

This post is like half ranting but I just wanted to share, if there is anything against the rules I am sorry.

My last 7-8 years was always the same, gaining weight, losing it, the gaining all of it and more. I had binging habits and some of the times there was purging too. 1.5 years ago I was at my highest weight which was 70 kgs (155 lbs) at 169 cm (5'6"), it might not be much but I almost hated how I looked. I was binging so much that even the fact I was the most active person I have ever been at that time did not prevent the gain.

Then in one year I have lost 40 pounds, down to 53 kgs (116 lbs). Not all of it was because of healthy eating/dieting, some of it was just due to stress so I don't really have the most healthy habits or the most healthy relationship with food. I was pretty happy with my body after the weight loss so I was able to kinda maintain it until now, for six months.

Now, I just can't stop eating and my growing interest to baking/cooking and trying new recipes does not help. If I have junk food at home I definitely devour them all in one day and if I don't have any junk food I just... make it. I gained about 8-9 lbs in one month and I am scared that I won't be able to stop because I have went through this same cycle millions of times. I am open to any advice or encouraging words. :)

edit: formatting

submitted by /u/tinglingmist
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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