Friday, March 26, 2021

i lost 35 pounds during i’m 50 pounds heavier. how do i start over?

i hope this doesn’t break any rules but i wanted to share my story and why i’m starting over in a healthier way which includes CICO. for some context: i’m a woman, 5’9”, started at 205 pounds and dropped to 170 and now i’m 220.

buckle up y’all this might be a long when quarantine started march of last year i thought that would be the perfect time to start losing weight. i wanted to be skinny by the time my best friends wedding came around in june. i buckled down and jumped right into eating 1200 cals a day (sometimes less) and worked out daily for at least 30-45 min. i started seeing results quickly so i kept going. i lost 35 pounds in 3 months. but i felt terrible. i was still insecure af, didn’t think i was skinny enough, and barely had any energy to do anything. i got sucked into the 1200 is plenty trap and once i came back from the wedding i couldn’t sustain it anymore. i was honestly starving. i slowly started giving in to my cravings and eating “bad” foods again. i rarely work out anymore and slowly regained the weight plus more...i feel so guilty. i’m just scared to fall back into that obsessive mindset again.

which brings me to now. i don’t follow those low cal subreddits anymore cuz they’re just too much. i know CICO is the foundation of weight loss but starving yourself obviously isn’t necessary neither is working out all day. how can i incorporate CICO without falling back into the unhealthy mindset that constant calorie counting, weighing every single thing, and limiting foods can bring? i want to lose weight and get fit but in a healthy way this time. any tips are appreciated. i know this was kind of all over the place.

TLDR: how can i use CICO to lose weight after already losing weight on a low calorie diet once and gaining it all back because i felt restricted and had an unhealthy obsessive mindset about losing weight?

submitted by /u/aisforalcoholic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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