Monday, March 29, 2021

The weird things you notice while losing weight.

This is a ramble, but in the best way possible. Please excuse the thought stream - I just needed to get this out to people who actually understand the weight loss struggles. I don’t have anyone in my life that was a higher weight then lost a drastic amount of their weight, so no one really understands the current excitement I’m having over my random successes.

I’ve lost just under half of my goal - I wanted to lose 75 pounds, I’ve lost 35 so far within the last year. It’s been hard - I fell off the wagon these last two weeks, but now that the farmers market is open again on weekends, it’s much easier for me to meal plan around the vendors I know will be there while making healthier choice. The vendors also help me stay on track, since they know my goals and such.

The weight loss itself didn’t really sink in until a few realizations happened:

1) the first time I had no pants I could wear. I hate belts as a woman. They just feel weird. So I just always make sure I have pants with a proper fitting waist line. When my size 16 jeans would literally fall off my hips and legs after 5 steps...well, it was chaos. My size 14 jeans are already at the point of “I can put them on without unzipping or undoing the button” and they’re starting to slip frequently...

2) when a pair of size 12 shorts from target fit, even if they weren’t perfect.

3) when I put my arms down at my side and realized they were fully down at my side, not awkwardly pushed out by my side boob fat.

4) when I retried on my wedding dress and realized that I had already lost so much weight that the dress looked like a potato sack on me. And in 13 more months if I lose even 15 more pounds, that dress won’t be able to be altered without destroying the design and integrity of the dress itself.

Y’all I just exchanged my wedding dress last week - I went from a 16W (plus size bridal) to a 12 (misses/regular). The 12 doesn’t 100% fit just yet - it’s about 1 inch away from fully closing on the zipper.

5) discovering none of my bras actually fit - band or cup wise. The amount of money I have to spend now...ugh. But yay. But ugh.

6) my engagement ring hasn’t fit in 6 months. I tried it on again on Friday...I shook my hand and it flew off across the room. It actually can now fit on my pointer finger. Got a temporary replacement until we can get the ring resized - turns out I’ve lost enough weight to go down by 1.5 ring sizes.

TL:DR - pandemic weight loss doesn’t make it easy to recognize the successes. Sometimes the number doesn’t really mean a lot. The small things (or the big ones like a wedding dress) REALLY are the moments that can make it click and should be celebrated.

submitted by /u/redfoxvapes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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