Saturday, March 27, 2021

Just wanted to thank you all

Hello everyone. It's my first post.

So it's been approximately two weeks since I joined this platform and tbh, I am loving it. I have been trying to lose weight for more than a year now. I failed miserably all those times. I was falling for the wrong kind of videos on YouTube which promised weight reduction in a week or month. None of them worked for me. Obviously, in the beginning, I did lose some kilos but it came back very soon. The thing was that they were not sustainable or even healthy. I am 24 years old and been overweight throughout my life. I put on several more kilos in this lockdown period. I always wanted to shed weight but never thought seriously about it. However, in the last couple of months, my weight began to create numbers of health troubles for me. There was a constant pain in my knee whenever I got to stand, irregular periods was my another major issue. Also, I have huge breasts and they kill my back every time I dare to skip wearing a bra. There are many more issues that became very apparent in this lockdown period. It was depressing when none of the workouts worked for me. I started to believe that I can never reduce my weight. But I didn't give up, I started reading things online and I came to know about calorie deficit. I was such a fool, I used to exercise day and night but never thought about my diet. I used to eat a whole lot of junks. One day I counted and my calories were more than double what I should eat in a day. Fortunately, in a video related to weight loss, this online weight loss community group was suggested. So from there, I got to know about it. I immediately installed Reddit and joined this group.

From the last two weeks, I have been so disciplined. I believe it is due to this group who are so supportive of each other. I read so many posts and comments. It is rich and informative. So many helpful sites and apps are recommended. All these things in a single place in such a well-organised way helps me to stay on right track. I was 91 kg when I started and today I weigh 88.40. I am really happy because I am keeping healthy deficient of 600 and exercising for an hour daily which again helps me to burn 200-300 calories. I believe, this healthy calorie deficit thing and exercise will help me. I don't want to feel like a sixty-year-old in my 20s anymore. Initially, it was tough to cut down on food portion but in these ten days, my appetite has reduced drastically. I don't feel hungry all the time so it has become easy for me to follow.

So yea, it's going good for me and I hope I achieve my goal and continue all these healthy routines even after reaching my goal. Thank you everybody for being so helpful. I have just begun with my journey but just felt like saying thank you.

submitted by /u/PlatypusFabulous3823
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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