Saturday, March 27, 2021

70+ pound weight loss with protruding love handles that won't go away. I'm getting very discouraged and am looking for your help. Examples included in my post. Any advice is appreciated.


  • Height: 5'6
  • SW:265
  • CW:195
  • GW:145
  • Age: 28

Hi Everyone!

I've had a 70+ pound weight loss which I am super proud of!!! Most of that has been changing my diet completely and being in a calorie deficit. I haven't really worked out all too much but I've started that journey recently.

Throughout my whole weight loss process I've seen absolutely no changes in my hips. I have these lovehandles/saddle bags that protrude out. You can see them through clothes and it makes me very insecure. I've had people comment on them when I am wearing dresses as well. People have told me my undergarments must be too tight because its creating a bubble effect. I've included a photo for reference of someone with exactly what I have. (

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with hip fat, is this something that can ever be reduced? Or is there something within my diet I should change. I know you can't spot treat but I'm at a loss as to how to lose the weight there. I also look at r/progresspics and see people of similar size but that don't have these hip bubbles and keep getting discouraged. Any help you can offer I would appreciate it so much

submitted by /u/Right_Grapefruit3894
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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