Tuesday, March 30, 2021

First time posting, third time attempting to lose weight

Hi all. Yesterday I read through many of the posts here and I wanted to start by saying thank you for sharing your numbers and stories. They were so motivational and made me feel like maybe this time around I can do it too.

I'm 34/F, current weight 190LBs, 5' tall (starting GW is 175- I'm going for baby steps here). My weight has always kind of yo-yo'd but then when I turned 26 I got pregnant, and though I only gained the recommended 25 pounds, I couldn't lose the baby weight and then kept gaining after that. I tried counting calories, hitting the gym regularly, it seemed like nothing I did helped and I was miserable to boot, so I gave up. Not proud of it.

I'm fed up with my weight at this point and know I have to change if I want to be around for my daughter. I feel like I'm better equipped to do it this time. I cook my own meals most days of the week and I want this more than I think I ever have before.

I guess why I'm posting- I'm a little overhwelmed with all the different practices/theories out there. Does anyone have a good book they can recommend in regards to general weight loss? (I'm really not looking to join a strict diet plan, I feel like it would stress me out too much and I wouldn't remain committed).

I'm counting calories but given my previous failures I'm worried I'm underestimating how many calories I need to cut (I'm aiming for 1,675/1,700, it might be slow but I'm okay with that, I need sustainable). Now I'm reading about macros and wondering if I should worry about those too.

As for exercise- it *seems* like strength training is the way to go- can I do this at home with smaller weights to start? I'm too embarassed to go to a gym right now, and I'm a single mother who can't just get up early and leave my child alone for an hour to do it.

Any advice for sticking to your plan/finding motivation/tips and tricks would be very much appreciated.

submitted by /u/Mickolas3031
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3dht5CI

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