Saturday, March 27, 2021

Inconsistent weight loss?

Hey All, I could use some advice from you! I let myself get way out of control and got up to 326lb at 6'3", 37 years old. I told myself that if I ever hit 225 I'd do something, then if I'd hit 250 I'd do something and so on. Ultimately, my doctor said, "give yourself two years to try and lose weight naturally, otherwise I'd highly consider bariatric surgery or you will be dead by 50."

I've been using the MFP app, and the first couple weeks were terrible for me, probably because I was used to eating 500-1000 extra calories per day. I struggled to keep to any calorie deficient, but still lost 10 pounds in the first two weeks! I'm sure it was all "water weight" and was not relevant.

The next couple weeks were VERY hard, but I kept to a 500 calorie/day deficient, and I lost 2 pounds per week for the next few weeks, even though the numbers say I should only have lost 1 pound per week.

Then I stopped being as hungry and started to lean on some "super meals" like a fat-free refried bean burrito with a 50 calorie wrap, onions, 1 tsp of guac, and some hot sauce; for about 250 calories. I'd skip breakfast, eat that for lunch, then a 500 calorie dinner, and a few snacks; leaving me with a 750-1250 calorie deficit now without feeling like garbage. Granted, I know that being 130 pounds overweight means my basal metabolic rate is high just to sustain this disgusting, gargantuan, shell of a person.

I'm experiencing some weird weight loss now though, and could use your help to know if this is normal or if I'm not counting my calories right. Every week I am losing two pounds. About every third week I will either not lose anything, or will gain half to 2 pounds. Then the next week lose it.

I'm trying to figure out if that means that I didn't record something right, or if this is normal? I understand that I need to keep this calorie reduction in place for 50-75 weeks. But if this is not normal, and I'm just screwing up on counting calories I will double down on recording everything.

Can anyone share if they have ever had times when they were pretty sure they recorded their calories right, but didn't lose weight, or even gained it? Or the opposite - is it just that I'm not counting right?

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/DrSquick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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