Saturday, March 27, 2021

Photos: Progress Was Made - and Some Maths Was Done - 5'4 75kg > 57ish

SW: ~ 175/180lbs / 75-80kg CW: ~127lbs / ~57kg GW: ~ 120/115? / ~50-55kg

Extra goals: Sub 1hr 10k. Run a marathon. Get hench.

I started this journey totally by accident in late December 2019. My commute used to be so long, I could only make one gym class and various things about that just really weren't working for me.

So the fat kid who never ran got on the treadmill. I knew it would be good for me because it was hard.

And it was HARD. I'm a sweaty person and I did not disappoint (still don't). My first full on mile sprint was 11:57, and my first 5k was over 45 mins. But I kept at it, and when the lockdowns came, took it outside. I'm still working, still improving, but I ran a sub-30 5k a couple of months ago, with an 8:35 mile in there, so I'm not unhappy. Slow progress is still progress.

The first time I weighed myself since I'd started running was March-ish and I was already down by about 5kg. Around April I found r/loseit and started browsing. Introduced logging my food and CICO (due to various living situations, I still haven't bought a food scale, though I'm planning to buy one in a couple of weeks). This time round, for no reason whatsoever, it totally clicked. I think it was partially due to all the great advice on here, and partially due to me now being an adult etc. But honestly... it was hard but it was also so easy? I'm very often still confused about what's happened.

I also often feel like my weight loss has REALLY slowed down, and that I could be at my goals right now. But actually, when I look at my weight over time, I lost 10kg (properly weighed) or 15kg (assumed) from December 2019 to October 2020, and another 8.5kg or whatever from October to now. Month by month, that's still pretty good.

What did I do? Eat biscuits, Godiva, curry, the occasional drink, and a HUGE plate of mac and cheese. I'm not even joking. I've been logging pretty much everything, taking smaller portions on a day to day basis, swapping out for lower-calorie stuff where possible and doing my best to have self-control. I still have a long way to go with regard to fixing my snacking problems, but I know for a fact that when I buy my own food, I'm able to stay away from the chocolate and replace it with better alternatives (HELLO GRAZE WOW BAKES).

I won't lie, I've been pretty lax on a lot of things, and running ~20-25miles a week has absolutely given me the leeway to get to where I am without counting every calorie. Mostly giving up drinking also really helped, and knowing I'm running on the weekend regardless helps keep me on the straight and narrow. I have some pub trips booked in for the summer so... we will see, but I also have a marathon booked for October. It's all about balance 😆

I'm getting round to cleaning out my wardrobe, so put on a lot of very large skirts/shorts today.

I don't have proper before photos, but this is me in March 2019, which was probably my highest weight vs. me in March 2021, at what is absolutely my current lowest in memory (and feat. my terrible attempt at recreating the same pose and my messy room)

submitted by /u/intotheneonlights
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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