Monday, April 12, 2021

A Student Called Me Fat...

So I have been working since COVID lockdown last year to lose weight. I had lost about 20 pounds ( starting at 240) but my weight loss stopped when I started my student teaching in January. I have been mindful of my eating, but with my hectic schedule and my 2 hour long commutes everyday, losing more was on the back burner. I started noticing that on my way to the bathroom after lunch everyday, a group of girls would walk by me and one (that I don't even have in class) yells "FUPAAAA". At first, I thought it was a fluke and I'm just being paranoid. It has happened again today, and it has been the third time so far. I try not to let it ruin my day (because teenage girls are the wooooorst anyway). But gosh does it hurt. It just made me reaffirm my goals for weight loss before I start my first teaching job in August. Sorry for the post, but I don't want to tell anyone in my life about this because of the embarrassment and shame.

submitted by /u/Cuesey123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What is wrong with me?

33, f, 235lbs, 5'6

I have tried WW and calorie counting. I've gotten to the point that having to track calories or points really screws with my head. I used to be incredibly fit and obsessive about exercise and calories and I don't want to go back to that mindset but I feel absolutely hopeless to lose weight. I have a background in nutrition, weight loss, and exercise so I know what needs to be done. Why am I incapable of doing it?

Has anyone on here lost weight without tracking? I have a very simple app that I am keeping a food diary in, not counting calories or anything. I want to do this. I'm tired of being miserable but I need to figure out what my mental block is.

Thank you for reading and if you have any advice, I am welcome to all of it.

submitted by /u/123papaya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Calorie deficit weight loss help?

I (23f) recently became more motivated & serious about losing the nearly 25lb I’ve gained in quarantine over the past year & downloaded my fitness pal about 5 days ago to track my calories & exercise. Anyways, I entered my goal as weight loss, my current weight, goal weight, etc. & the app recommended 1410 calories per day for me. Each day, I have intentionally been about 400-600 calories shy of the 1410 calorie goal in order to maintain a big calorie deficit & lose faster. Here is my confusion: is the 1410 calorie goal it set for me already creating a deficit for me? Would I lose weight still if I ate the full 1410 per day? Like if the normal recommended intake is 2000 or something, is it an intentionally lower number so I will lose weight already? I do about an hour & a half of working out every day and burn at least 600 calories (which is taken into account in the app), but since I am doing that AND eating significantly less than the daily calorie allotment I’m wondering if my deficit is as stated on the app or if it is that plus some? I hope this makes sense, and I may be over complicating this, but if someone could please help explain it to me I’d really appreciate it!

submitted by /u/blondegoblin512
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice needed!

Hey everyone! I hope you're doing great!

As the title says, I need advice. I've been struggling with weight loss for a couple of years now and I really just want to reach my goal weight and stay there. Now, I know what to do to lose weight, adjust my diet and start working out. This is what has worked for me in the past. The issue is that I always gain the weight back even though I'm not doing any extreme diets, just cutting my calorie intake ( to a reasonable amount, let's say around 1900calories) and I work out regularly. I need advice with obtaining the right mindset, I don't know how to stick to it, to a routine. I am purely doing this for myself, I want to feel better and look better, and I have a pretty supportive environment. I just don't know what's wrong with me and I why I can't last. Last year I trained and ate healthy for around 4 months and I lost 9kg but then I gained it over the summer because I went through a tragic event that left me feeling hopeless. I am only now starting to feel somewhat recovered from that event and I just want to get my life together. Any advice would be much appreciated. Just fyi I'm 18f, 171cm tall and 83kg ( I believe that's 5'6 and 183 pounds)

I'm just really in need of help, I want to get healthy while I'm young and live an active life. Sorry for the long post!

submitted by /u/dopecoffeeangel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I saw my full body in a picture today and was very happy!!!

One of the main things that sparked me to try and get back in shape was seeing some pictures with my full body last fall/winter. I've always struggled with weight loss and managing expectations, which led to discouragement and then the cycle would start over. However, this year, I promised myself there was no "magic number," I wasn't going to go crazy by "cutting carbs/sugars/fats/whatever" and set myself up for an unrealistic diet. Instead, I started working out 3-4 days a week (lots of HiiT and Cardio) and tracking calories on my phone with an app. I specifically have only weighed myself every few weeks and have not tried to be a madman about workouts and diet like in the past. This had led me to drop 20 pounds since the New Year, going from 247-226 while still maintaining my focus and motivation.

Jump to his past Saturday, when my wife and I took our kids on a long walk. At one point I was horsing around with my kids and my wife snapped a candid pic of it without us realizing. I saw it later and I was very happy how I looked in the photo. I'm trying to take it a day at a time and really just focus on my overall health without the BS that has tripped me up before, but this was a definite win for me. Thank you to everyone on this sub, it's so great to read the different stories and it's definitely a pick-me-up on the days when its harder. Take care of yourselves.

submitted by /u/get_the_funk_up
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cutting sugar has drastically reduced my insatiable hunger!

Context: F, 27, 5’10” (SW:210,CW:160,GW:145)

About 5 years ago I started my weight loss journey, and have maintained around 150-155 for two years. This past winter was very hard, as two of my methods of coping with stress are hanging with friends and exercising outdoors. Relearned some unhealthy habits of turning to food, and have crept back up to 160.

So last week I decided I needed to clean up my diet again and decided to cut out processed sugar, allowing myself to eat as much fruit as I want.

The first two days were really hard. Breaking the mental habit of ice cream at night was challenging,even knowing that I didn’t need it and was fully satisfied from my dinner. But after those first two days, I’m surprised to notice how much less hungry in general I feel. Over the past few months I have felt like I really could not stop eating and at the end of each meal I was already thinking about the next. I’m amazed at how quickly this feeling is going away, despite my activity level also going up.

I’m sharing this for some who might be starting their journey to say push through the sugar addiction, it’s really worth it when your body is “unhooked”. also curious who else has had this affect?

submitted by /u/mehoymanoy_3232
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How Frozen is Helping me Lose Weight

So today, I'm(20M) down ten pounds from my highest weight after about four months of struggling to find the long-lasting motivation that I need to lose weight and keep it off long term.

I've been overweight since I was a teenager, but never more than ten to fifteen pounds (read: never enough for my doctor to call me out, no matter how much that would have helped me). After graduating high school, I gained more weight. I never broke 150, and even though that's still obese for my height (5 feet even, God cursed me), I thought, "Well, I'm under 200lbs, so I'm not that fat."

During quarantine, I hit my highest weight of 165.5. My joints ached. I've got an old injury from when I was more active and it hurt carrying that 40-60 pounds of extra weight. Something had to change.

This January, I tried cracking down on my food intake. And it worked! For a while. As soon as I hit a plateau, I gave up. I went back to eating what I wanted when I wanted, wasting my money on fast food, and not caring. About three week ago, I got the courage to step back on the scale again and... I was at 160. I hadn't jumped back up to my highest weight, but I had gained back four pounds of my progress.

Well, a few weeks ago I hopped back on the wagon. I'm down to 155.5, the lowest I've gotten so far, and I don't see myself stumbling as much as I did at the very beginning of the year. I think one of my biggest mistakes in January was thinking way too big picture. I planned out my diet weeks ahead of time, and was very impatient with myself and my weight loss. This time around, I'm planning only for my work week and I'm looking forward only to losing the next pound. I'm tracking my progress pound by pound too, and I'm not going to get ahead of myself.

My biggest problem with eating is spur of the moment, instinct decisions like grabbing fast food because I see the restaurant or eating way more than a serving size of a treat because that's what my greedy lil hands grab. I've still got those thoughts, those urges, and those instincts. What I've started to do is say to myself "Do the next right thing." It's a cheesy line from a cheesy movie, but it works. I'm not looking too far ahead, I'm just thinking about this one decision this one time.

Those Next Right Things add up. I'll keep you guys updated on how this works for me in the long term, but it makes me feel good and it's really helping. Thank you Frozen for giving me this little tool via the most heartbreaking song in the second movie.

submitted by /u/bazzyzazzy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat