Sunday, April 18, 2021

How to lose weight after recovering from an eating disorder?

As the title suggests, I’ve been recovered from bulimia nervosa for a little over a year. During recovery, I gained about 30 pounds and settled around 140 lbs at 5’7. Due to the nature of my disorder, thinking about losing weight has always been an incredibly slippery slope for me. Plus, I felt very comfortable at 140. However, during the last year of the pandemic I’ve gained about 10 pounds. It’s not the end of the world, but ive definitely noticed that my body is less toned and I’m less in shape. I want to drop the weight but don’t know how to navigate weight loss after an eating disorder. I don’t want to put myself in a position where my disorder comes out again. Does anyone have experience with this?

submitted by /u/MediumPsychological9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Successful weight loss despite high sodium intake?

Hello all, wondering if anyone has any personal experiences to share regarding weight loss and sodium. I've had a hard time digging through the information on the topic--articles about it often just end up talking about how sodium makes you thirsty or retain water, but nothing about actual fat loss being inhibited.

I have chronically low to low-normal sodium levels in my blood despite over-salting the hell out of most things. I have conditions that cause this and it gets monitored so please don't worry about that. But my blood pressure is fine and I want to continue salting everything pretty heavily, it helps me enjoy the food.

I have 30 more lbs to lose at least, has anyone experienced problems or successes on a high sodium diet?

Thank you for any help!

submitted by /u/weeezull
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One Year into my Journey and I have lost 170 pounds.

38 M | 6' 3 | SW: 401. CW: 230. GW: 200

I read this sub alot and never really make any posts or comments. I have wanted to write about my journey for awhile but I can never find the right words. This will be all over the place so just read it if you want I'll try to post some pictures at the end.

I lost my job at the beginning of covid, I hated it and was always surrounded by food. The day I was done I felt such relief wash over me. I was able to get unemployment and had 3 months to focus on myself. I started out walking a little at a time trying to get 5000 steps at first then 10000. I walked everyday and pretty soon I was walking farther than I could ever imagine. I am an introvert and being alone and finally dealing with my thoughts and feelings helped me overcome depression, anxiety, and self hatred I have had my whole life.

About a month in I remember waking up to the pouring rain and being so upset that I couldn't walk, but I said fuck it and drove to a park and walked for over a hour getting poured on to hit my 10000 steps. After that I knew it was over and that I was going to lose this weight and nothing would stop me.

I started eating better and went to about a 1500 calorie diet with mostly whole foods. The interest in cooking and preparing foods got me interested in going back to school for nutrition. Since then I have changed majors but I have not given up on finally earning a degree.

After 3 months and about 60 pounds of weight loss I got a warehouse job for the first time in my life and lost 30 in pounds in a month. Everyday I set a goal to be the best and work harder than everyone else. I want to be the best and I want to succeed even if the job is only physically stimulating. Truth be told I lost 160 pounds in 9 months.

By Christmas I had my friend take a picture of me and I cried like a baby, I couldn't believe that was me. I worked so hard for 9 months and by the time I took a second to look at myself I couldn't believe it.

2 days after Christmas I met a girl and had a gf for the first time in probably 10 years. 3 months later we broke up but I learned alot about myself and it felt good to be loved. Afterwards the pain was hard but needed to remind myself you can fail too. Just last week I met a girl who also shared a weight loss journey and got out of depression. It really blew me away that you can meet people with similar stories in real life and the connection is amazing. We decided to give it a go at a relationship and I couldn't be happier.

I don't know if you are still reading this but I just hope if your trying to lose weight and you hate yourself and don't think your worth anything I understand. It is hard to put yourself out there and give it everything you have. It is hard work to be happy but it is more rewarding then food or any other vice you have. You can change and be happy and have a new outlook on life. Try loving yourself and others will love you.

I walked 50 miles in one day about 3 weeks ago just to prove to myself I could. I'm not anybody special and I feel like I can do great things so anyone reading this I just want you to know you have great things inside you too.

Here are some random pics to see the difference.

submitted by /u/dodadoof
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Emotional Eater

I've been trying to lose weight lately, but I've come into an bit of an problem. I'm an huge emotional eater. I rely on food for my comfort and to sustain my happiness, and it's becoming an huge road block in my weight loss.

I'll be sustaining my diet perfectly-no binging, keeping to the plan. But the moment when something starts to bother me or makes me feel guilty (I get guilty and anxious over anything very easily) I'll break my diet and starting binging like an madman. This honestly feels a bit like yo-yo dieting minus the starvation aspect, because I'll binge because of my overloaded anxiety and guilt and then go back to dieting right after.

Do any of you have tips or personal experiences that broke this habit? It's so difficult to stay motivated to diet when there's anxiety and guilt eating away at me.

submitted by /u/Windows_is_loading
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tracking macros/protein intake insights

Hi r/loseit!

I’ve been a member here for years, mostly lurking. A few years back I lost 28 lbs(SW: 168-GW: 140), CICO only, and after years of maintenance and having a baby I’m back up to around 165 lbs.

This time though, I decided I didn’t just want to lose weight, but gain muscle, so I’ve started weight lifting using body weight, dumbbells, and resistance bands at home. In order to gain muscle, it was recommended that I track my protein intake and try to get ~100 grams of protein a day. My first day tracking my protein, I thought I was eating all the right things, but it turns out I only had 14 grams of protein. (This has to do with weight loss, I promise!)

After researching and actually eating a high protein diet, I feel SO FULL all the time! I routinely get to 100+ grams of protein a day and realize that I’m only at 1300 calories for the day. My calorie intake with my workout and body recomp goals is about 1600/day, and sometimes it’s a struggle to eat that much if I have hit my protein goal. Conversely, I’ve noticed that on the days where I eat high carb meals, I almost always go over calories, or want to because I’m so hungry at the end of the day.

This has been a revelation for me. I was straight CICO for years, a calorie is a calorie, no ifs, ands, or buts. After tracking macros though, I feel the need to share this: protein has helped me feel much fuller every day, even while working out 5 days a week. If you are still really hungry at the end of the day, try checking out your macros.

YMMV, as always, this is just one person’s account, but it has been making such a huge difference for me and I really wish someone had mentioned it to me earlier in my journey.

Stats: F/28/5’6” SW: 165, CW: 164 Time elapsed: around 3 weeks

*the scale doesn’t tell the whole story here. My pants fit looser than they have in a long time, and I’m actually not always trying to hide my upper arms in long sleeves. For once I’m actually feeling proud of my body.

submitted by /u/helloweirdo26
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Your protein shake scoops have multiple handy uses!

On my weight loss journey and while I was tracking food, I had many epiphanies. However, one thing I realised is how a simple cup of tea or coffee isn't innocent. I think we all know this when it comes to lattes, flat whites or those monstrous things from Starbucks with cream on top?! etc. But when it comes to just your humble homemade tea or coffee, it's easy to not really think about it's calories.

Anyway, I realised when I put milk in my tea I actually had no idea how much I was using. I Googled the average and it said 5ml?! I felt that couldn't be right - that's literally nothing. I'm guessing they meant 50ml?

It struck me that the MyProtein scoops have ml measurements on them! So, I don't throw them away and use them to measure my semi skimmed milk (it's so much easier than whipping out the scales every time) and I've worked out for a proper cafetiere coffee (500ml+ mug), a full 'scoop'/70ml is perfect. For a fairly milky chai tea (my standard drink - 450ml mug), about 50ml is great.

It's then super easy to pre-load my morning on MFP as I can just put in 140ml semi skimmed milk to cover breakfast chai and coffee.

The scoops are also really useful for cooking when you only need a small ml of fluid ☺️

submitted by /u/geb94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i’m still unhappy with my stomach

hey guys so basically in August i was about 67kg(about 148lbs) and i've dropped down to 54.5kg (120 Ibs). I'm 5'6(167.5 cm) and an 18 year old south asian female. i know my weight loss journey isn't that impressive but my family and friends claim to see a huge difference in the way i look. i'm still extremely unhappy with the way i look. I still have major belly fat that just sticks out and makes me feel like a whale. For the past few months i've mainly been doing elliptical workouts and the treadmill since those are the only two machines my parents put in their mini gym. i tried doing Chloe ting but i haven't seen any difference and i don't have the core strength for any of her other exercises. I don't know what to do and i just can't stand the sight of my belly.I even have to go to uni in and the freshmen 15 is terrifying me. I need advice all the way from how to get a flat tummy for someone with very little core strength to what kind of food to eat. i hate how i look in my clothes and i just wish i could remove it. please help me i don't want to keep looking like this.

submitted by /u/aylenrik
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from loseit - Lose the Fat