Saturday, April 24, 2021

Saggy Skin/stretch marks


I’m so excited to be starting my weight loss journey with all of you! I just came across this community after struggling with weight gain during Covid and I’m really pumped to get serious about this!

So basic info: female, 5’10” currently about 200lbs (fluctuates from 195-200 day to day).

I’ve always been around 175lbs, and at the time, my body dysmorphia was already a mess, so the extra weight has been really tough. I am in therapy as I’m working through this, but I want to try and get in the best shape I can after hitting this point!

For my actual question; I’ve always had minor stretch marks on my thighs and legs, but I’m noticing as I’ve gone down a bit in weight (my highest was 207), that I’m starting to get the inevitable saggy skin/stretch marks.

I’d like to keep it as much under control as possible (I know it’ll be impossible to be “perfect”) as I move forward and I was curious if anyone had any lotion or balm brands that have worked for them as they go through this (my sister, who was recently pregnant, swears by coconut oil?). Like something that’ll help the skin with its elasticity as it’s gradually moving back in weight.

Thank you all!

submitted by /u/HashtagAvocado
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gaining 10 lbs in 2 weeks

Age: 33 W: 202 H: 5'9" So, I just wanted to make a post in the hopes I can get some advice. In Jan of this year 2021, I was 184.8 lbs. I ate some gluten on 1/13 and all of a sudden felt crazy with food binging and within 3 weeks, I weighed 197.6. That went up to 199.8 on 2/25 and I was like okay, I'm cutting out sugar and going for some weight loss! (I had done intermittent fasting from Nov 6-Christmas & then stopped it on Christmas vacation. I feel like I felt down about falling off the wagon and just started eating and couldn't stop. Sadly, IF isn't a good fit for me).
Anyway, by March 6, I was 194.4 and then I hovered between that and 196.6 for the whole month of March. I started exercising daily with a new program and was down to 193.4 on 4/9 and then 191.6 on 4/12. I was so happy my little consistent efforts were working!

Okay, so here's where it truly gets crazy. On 4/17 I was 198.2 and devastated. I was dealing with bloating, but it felt like the 8 lb loss was a total lie and it was just so weird! I had also been asked if I was pregnant that day (actually the person just exclaimed joyously, you're pregnant!) Which definitely felt worse! I cried really hard that night and was 3 lbs lighter in the morning at 195.2. Like WHAT?!

I've started to have horrible acid reflux and severe bloating this past week of ovulation and the scale was still 196.2 but it jumped to 200.4 by nightfall and the symptoms were at their worst. Fiery acid reflux. Tonight it was at 202. I had a glorious run this morning & felt great all day, but ate some junk this afternoon & chewed through a whole bag of big league chew. These kind of cravings remind me or pregnancy, but it's the wrong time in my cycle. I think that's one of the hardest things, people telling me I look pregnant, and feeling pregnant, but for sure not being pregnant.

Anybody have any experience with this much scale jumping? My tests all came back normal in December but I'm getting re-tested now because I just gotta imagine that something is off here! When I see the scale jump, I end up eating a whole bag of gluten free oreos, but I'm still eating high protein and veggies in between like a night of bingeing. Maybe it's sodium and water retention on the nights I binge?

Ugh, I'm a mess! Can't wait to figure this craziness out!

submitted by /u/Unicornmamashots22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Went an entire week without fast food and have lost 25lbs in last six months!

SW: 210 CW: 184 GW: 155

I was starting to reach a plateau around 187-189. I decided I would try to go an entire week without eating fast food, take out pizza, or ice cream. I was able to lose 2 or 3 pounds without much exercise in one week.

I had fast food today, and I honestly didn't even enjoy it that much. The healthier I eat, the less I crave the garbage food that made me obese. Previously, most of my weight loss was from exercise but I'm beginning to love vegetables and healthy foods that make my body feel better.

I had the idea of alternating weeks between eating whatever and eating my restricted diet (I'll likely add more items to that list like chocolate, alcohol, and sugary drinks). I feel this way I won't feel like I'm missing out if all I have to do is wait a week before I can have something I crave. During my healthy week, I'll continue to develop healthier eating habits. Even today when I knew I could eat whatever I wanted, I still choose a vegan falafel bowl for dinner.

I'm going to experiment with alternating weeks and see how it goes. I'd be curious to hear from anybody who has tried anything similar.

submitted by /u/RickyJamer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss update

First 10 pounds lost!

I’m so excited. My starting weight was 160, 2 weeks ago I hit 155, and today I am 150 pounds! For reference I am a 5’3 F. I stepped on the scale this morning thinking I would be the same weight as I have been eating awful this week, but still staying at 1,200 calories a day consistently. Smaller portion sizes are helping tremendously. I never workout but I work at Chipotle so 4 days a week for 7-8 hours I am on my feet 24/7 and not eating. I’m noticing my clothes fitting better and am very very excited to keep losing weight!!! r/loseit has been helping me tremendously in keeping me accountable and motivated in my continued weight loss. It’s taken me around 1 1/2 months to lose 10 pounds as I don’t workout, but I can’t wait until I hit 20 pounds lost. Thank you guys for keeping me motivated and accountable I couldn’t do this without you guys.

submitted by /u/Suspicious-Wall3859
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone else noticed that when you try to lose weight people around you buy more junk food?

I (23 F, 5'6, 148 lbs) have started trying to lose weight. I know I am in the 'healthy' range blah blah but I used to be 130 lbs and I prefer that weight to my current one. The way I am built my weight doesn't really look that noticeable or at least I gain the same amount every time I gain and lose the same and drop back to 130ish.

This has happened once before and Idk how I gained but clearly I fell down with some bad food habits over the past two years. So, in order to be more healthy I've decided to limit junk food. If I do eat it I eat in small portions and stop when I'm done.

That has included not buying junk and stopping ordering food from fast food places. My family whom I live with tend to purchase these foods in large quantities. But, here's the weird part they buy it for ME!!!!!!! They themselves eat it and they also say but we bought it for you! Like wtf I've been talking about stopping junk for about two months now and for the past three weeks managed to avoid all the garbage that has been stocked in the house.

Now I've been watching them and I realised they literally get me this type of food. It's not even that I ask for it but sometimes they bring it to me. For Easter when I started talking about weight loss they bought an Easter bunny (small chocolate one) and literally gave it to me as a gift lol. Okay this is sweet but after saying I really dont want anything with chocolate they brought this specifically for me and then when I would eat small portions of this they would say omg how long does it take for you to finish that tiny bunny. It's the Lindt one. I felt so bad and ate the whole thing eventually.

Now I've decided to say I'm not hungry which is working better. I just say I am not hungry and I dont eat with them because they seem to have some feeding issue with me.

submitted by /u/No_Okra5919
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Favourite pair of jeans.

Nearly two months ago when I truly started my weight loss journey (last fall weighed in at 186 and just by cutting takeout and soft drinks from my diet, I weighed in at 173 at the beginning of March) I was out looking for a pair of jeans, couldn't find anything in my size. The saleswoman told me "Don't worry! That material stretches!" As much as she meant well by it, I felt discouraged and I didn't want to go on a tangent about losing weight therefore wanting to find a pair of jeans that fit well and made me feel confident at my current size. I am now 17lbs down from then (cutting down on calories based on my TDEE and doing cardio 5 days a week - I tend to row for 90 minutes a day) and I am absolutely in love with my jeans, soon it will be time to take out the sewing machine and take them in at the waist!

submitted by /u/Not_Another_Karen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hate losing weight when my twin isn't [rant]

My twin sister and I have both struggled with weight issues our whole life. It seems like if one twin is losing the other isn't or is gaining. I've recently in a little over a year i've been on a long weight loss journey, despite getting pregnant in June I've managed to lose 60 pounds. Gained 20 of that during my pregnancy but lost all of it plus 10 now 7 weeks later. I'm pretty proud of myself but mostly because I've changed how I look at food entirely. I used to eat large portions of junk, almost lying to myself that I wasn't ingesting a ton of calories, but of course I was. Ill still eat some what badly but I'll lightly snack on it a few times a day, I usually allow myself at least 300 calories of something not so healthy (usually its organic chocolate or something that I can trick my brain into thinking I'm not making a terrible choice so I don't binge later.) All of this has been working great!

My twin sister is currently the weight I was before I started to lose which was close to the highest I've ever been. I almost feel guilty and like I'm being a bitch or a bad sister losing weight and getting things right for my health when she's struggling with hers. I love her so much and I just want to get healthy together. We're in our 30s now, I'm worried for our health if we don't. The other day my sister and I got dressed up to go out for our birthday at a local restaurant (where we safely socially distanced from the general public ) My mom came over to watch my little boy and instead of complimenting my beautiful sister that spent hours on her makeup and hair my mom told me I looked really nice because she can tell I'm losing weight. My sister is nothing but encouraging when it comes to me getting healthy but her mood dropped after that comment. I try to encourage her to walk with me but she doesn't because she's embarrassed. She hides from the world now like I used to, and seeing someone you love experience the pain you've experienced is hard to watch. I just wanted to rant about this, I hate this feeling and I wish so much that my twin and I could get healthy together.

submitted by /u/spookypickles87
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from loseit - Lose the Fat