Thursday, April 29, 2021

Can eating too few calories stunt weight loss?

I started CICO on April 9th, eating around 1200cal/day (this number is based off of my TDEE- I’m not starving myself). I had started sometime last year but fell off the wagon and ended up 30lbs heavier than I started. Anyway, I decided to try again a few weeks ago and upon looking through my entries on MFP I noticed I was logging around 8-900 calories a day for 4 out of the 7 days this past week, which I believe is accurate because I was so busy that I hadn’t even noticed how little I ate and also wasn’t hungry. I also cycle around 10 miles/day on a stationary bike and don’t log exercise so my calorie count was even less. I actually went up a pound and have been stagnant since then and am wondering could that have caused this stop? I know there are ups and downs in weight loss so I’m not concerned about that- I’m just wondering whether eating too little for a few days here and there can trigger your body to hold on to what it has or whether it takes an extended period of malnourishment for that to happen?

submitted by /u/North-Cauliflower193
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel like I'm not making any progress, and it's really discouraging

i was one of many who put on weight during covid (around 20lbs), i was already around 10 above the healthy weight for my height and age (i'm 5'2). so nothing extreme in terms of weight loss, but i'm not really seeing much progress.

since the new year, i've been making changes to my lifestyle. i got a job that keeps me on my feet, went back to school in person, a gym membership, and even a personal trainer. so i've been busy and a lot more active than i was for a majority of 2020. i go to the gym 5 days a week, 1 time is with the trainer. i also have an apple watch to keep track of my calories and exercise minutes. i've been more mindful of eating and calories, but not perfect. more recently i've been focusing on getting enough protein.

i really do want to lose weight, i want my old body back and to feel comfortable with myself again. as a teenage girl, gaining weight is so diminishing to my self esteem, and i just want to feel good about myself again.

but i'm not really seeing much change. i know weight loss takes a while, but going from minimal exercise to the gym and weight training 5x a week, i expected more of a change.

my measurements have gone down, but only by 1/2- 1 inch since january. some of my clothes fit a little better, but not as well as they used to. my weight has gone down a few pounds, but it's just discouraging. with the trainer, i found out my body fat percentage has gone down but weight stayed the same, meaning i lost fat and gained muscle.

but still, i'm not seeing much of a change, and i feel like i'm doing something wrong. does anyone have advice for this? is there something i could be doing differently? i'm going to try to get my step count up and walk more, i've heard that just walking a lot can help too.

submitted by /u/Virtual-Pie8795
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

171 —> 210 M16


So I want to start this by saying I really don’t know what I’m doing so bare with me.

I started my weight loss journey when I was 14, I was 190 and used very unhealthy methods and dropped to 170 in the span of a couple months. I gained an eating disorder and I am still dealing with it. This was December 2019 - July 2020. I then shortly after, gained most of the weight back but I was still down a couple pounds.

I was dealing with a lot of family issues and food was a way to feel good for me. At this point, it’s now around July! I’ve moved with my dad and was feeling ambitious. I had goals and I knew what weight I wanted to be. We didn’t have a scale and when I went to my dads girlfriend’s (at the time) house I weighed 183. Not pretty but not bad for my height (5’ 11”). I was still down from my initial starting weight.

My dad stopped talking to her so that meant no more scale. Completely in the dark when it comes to what number would eventually show on that scale. I downloaded a calorie counting app and was trying to eat at a deficit of 1500 calories. I have no idea if it worked or not but I am assuming not.

I would go back with my mom on long school breaks and holidays. I’m fully online so I’m able to do that. At my moms house I wasn’t as monitored when it came to eating. My mom never checked to make sure I ate, and never had time to cook so takeout is usually the option. Everyday I was eating 6 bags of chips drinking 4 glasses of juice and finishing the night with pizza and ice cream.

This pattern happens every time I am there so I would say 2 - 3 months of this behavior. Again no scale so I had no idea. That leads us to yesterday, I finally asked my dad to get a scale because I wanted to “see if my sister gained weight” which, was true, but not the only reason. I wanted to see if I had maintained my weight of 180’s and see where I was starting for the upcoming summer.

Today as I’m walking downstairs for dinner, I see it and get nervous. I ignored it and went to eat my dinner. As I’m doing my dishes I bring it up because I thought my sister had gained weight (for context my entire family is really skinny). She puts in the batteries and gets on. She’s 116 and had maintained her weight flawlessly. Me and her predicted I would be around 170 - 180. I step on a little and see the number fly up to 200. I get off immediately and try to laugh it off. A couple seconds later I got on and saw that my weight was 210.6... I felt like crying. My lifetime biggest weight... My dad who is in the military was 190... wearing his uniform.

I’m sharing this story as a cry for help. My mind is racing with thoughts about how I am not going to eat when I go to my moms and how I’ll lose the weight but I’m scared I’ll just fly back up even higher next time. It’s been 8 months since my first post on this subreddit and I’ve gained 40 pounds.

submitted by /u/tonytheoven
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

fuck everything. i’m not worth the weight loss. (rant)

this is hard man. warning: whiny excuses and bullshit ahead

F/19/5’2”/206.8 lbs. i’ve been trying for 5 years now. 5 years of “ill start tomorrow” then failing tomorrow. i’m bored. i want to eat. even when i’m doing something i want to eat. when i’m distracted i want to eat. it doesn’t matter what i’m doing, i want food. it feels amazing. it’s the most addictive feeling in the world being able to eat whatever, whenever, in ANY amount. nothing tastes as good when i know i can only have a bite of it, in spite of people saying it tastes better when it’s a treat. i don’t want one damn bite my whole life.

when i have the opportunity to binge, when there’s food around, i don’t give a fuck about my weight. i could care less if i’m fat forever in those moments where i have my favorite foods in large quantities in front of me. i lose all sight of my goals, they don’t matter to me, but the guilt afterwords is real. doesn’t matter though, cause the guilt can and always does fade and i’m back to eating several thousand calorie meals again.

I gained 45lbs during this pandemic. I surpassed a weight i always ALWAYS told myself i’d never even be within 15 lbs of ever again. I see the scale and i’m apathetic to it. every time i gain it’s a shock for about 2 seconds then it becomes a new normal and I just keep going. I’m so scared to reach a point where getting to my goal weight is something that will take years rather than months like it could have had i not gained these 45lbs.

I’ve tried everything. I know exactly why to do. Yes, i’ve done it before. people say if you’ve done it once you can do it again but back then i wasn’t even trying, back then it was easy, it was my first time. i’ve approached it the same way and it’s just fucking impossible. i’ve approached it other ways and nothing is working. ease into it, start little, habit changes, proportions, cheat days, fasting, omad, none of it fucking works for me man. i mean, of course it works, but i am not doing it. i won’t do it. i don’t understand why i can’t stick to it. the craving for food (even when i’m not hungry) is beyond my want for a healthy body in those moments.

what’s sucks is sometimes i feel so inspired and motivated. “this time it will be different. why am i acting like this is so hard? i can totally do this. this time is it” i have that feeling like 7 times a month, gotta be several hundred times the past few years and i’ve learned not to trust it because never have i ever stuck to it and actually did something when i got that feeling. 3 lbs lost here 2lbs lost there, and 5lbs gained the next day because fuck food is so good man.

i feel like i’m bound to be overweight forever. i feel like i need to accept that and give up. i feel like i deserve it since i can’t do something as simple as not eating several thousand calories a sitting. i can’t even stay on my calories for one fucking day. slow or not, ease in or not, I fuck everything up for that feeling of freedom and satisfaction. i sabotage myself and lie to get food (aka, tell my friend i have calories left and to get me snacks when i’m 1000 over) the scale is going to keep rising and i’m going to get more and more apathetic to it in favor of food and pass the point of no return. you may think there isn’t one but i feel pretty sure that there is.

i wish i could just stop eating like i’m fucking starving. i wish it didn’t feel so good to be able to do whatever i want. i wish i didn’t hit a new highest weight every single day and stop giving a fuck minutes later. this is so pathetic i think i might deserve to be overweight if i can’t control some dumb ass cravings

funny thing is, i’m eating a fucking pie out of the container with a fork while i write this lmao. can anyone one relate?

submitted by /u/sugarcocks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Completely off track, binging, gaining weight back, feel like shit for it. don't know what to do. I need help.

hey all.

I've been on my so called 'weight loss journey' for exactly 7 months now. back in sept 2020 I got a gastric balloon. it was due to remain in my stomach for 4 months. 2 months in, I was doing great. I made a lot of effort. I was really motivated. I was off sugar, eating right and walking so so so much. I started at 315lbs...lost about 30lbs in those 2 months. the next 2 months...I made no effort. I stopped eating right, I kept on with the walking and stuff but the food aspect never really cleared up for me. since the ballon exited my body (end of jan 2021)....its just been a series of unfortunate events and lack of effort (at most times).

as soon as I started losing weight, my period went crazy. I had been on a period for 3 months straight. bloating, constant hunger, back pain, moodiness, crying etc was almost an everyday occurrence. went to numerous drs and specialists to be told what I suspected in the beginning: my body was having a crazy reaction to the weight loss. I am now on the mini pill to stop my period until I get to a healthy weight range. but this issues caused my weight to fluctuate like CRAZY.

since jan I have gained back some weight, lost it, gained it, lost it, gained it, lost it...on and on and on like this will a couple weeks ago. I was stuck at 288lbs for the LONGEST time...I finally got down to 280 2 weeks ago. today I checked my weight and I am 284 again.

2 weeks ago ramadan started too. I had such big plans. I wanted to utilise ramadan not only spiritually but also for my weight loss. I thought: I will get back on the wagon and stay there. I got sick a week in (I was also still on this 3-month long period btw). terrible cough/cold (not covid as of yet - doing a test tomorrow). in ramadan you don't have to fast if your on period or sick. so I missed so many fasts. still not fasting. no idea how I will feel tomorrow. I feel so bad for missing it. and I never took a day off work though cos I just got this new job and didn't wanna take any time I ended up sleeping through my alarm from sheer exhaustion and missed my morning meeting. finally took the day off after almost 10 days of coughing through meetings and deadlines. taking tomorrow off too.

today I just went ham....ate so much. I wasn't even hungry. ill be honest. ate junk, sweets, desserts. drove to subway just for 3 cookies (which I ate in the car by the time I got home). 2 doughnuts...a whole 2/3 big ass meals even though I was def not hungry. over 3000 cals today.

and speaking of god. its just really getting to me. the calorie counting. I HATE IT. I HATE HATE HATE that I have to count every morsel of food I consume. I hate it!!!!! I hate logging in these apps and worrying about taking 1 bite of chocolate or an extra bite of rice or some shit. its so exhausting mentally. I feel so tired and sick of doing it. I am getting more and more obsessed day by day. and when I see my calories turn red (cos I went over, which I have been doing every single day this month) I feel upset, like a reject, depressed and sad. and the cycle goes on. I eat, I log, I feel sad. I work out to balance things out. I lose no weight. or adversely - I gain weight.

I feel like I have 0 grip on what is going on. tomorrow I have to wake up and think about all this again. its getting so tiring. I tried to go a day without calories counting...and it was so nice until I couldn't stop thinking about it. and didn't even do that bad on that day (yesterday). I was just in my calorie range and I did a workout. but I feel like calories counting is weighing me down. dieting is weighing me down. wanted SOOOO badly to be slimmer/healthy is WEIGHING ME DOWN!

I look around and I see beautiful, slim, healthy people everywhere and then I see me. I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I hear so often I need to learn to love myself before I can make progress. I have tried. I really have tried, I promise but I can't seem to do it. I can't seem to love myself for how I look today. in this body. I hate it. I hate my flabby tummy, the fat arms, thick thighs, bubble butt and double chin. I hate it all. I want it gone so badly but it seem like as soon as I seem to make progress...I mess it up. as soon as I hit that 280...I started to fuck up. I was dreaming of being in the 270s by now (2 weeks after hitting 280). instead im sitting here on 284 feeling like a true loser.

I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless. 31lbs lost in 7 months WITH the fact I had a gastric ballon is bad. I really do think so. I read about people who lose 80lbs/90lns/100lbs a year on here and I think WOW that's amazing. I really (from my heart) love that for them. can I do it? no way. I wish could.i literally pray every night to god to help me lose weight. I know its on me but I just feel soooooo hopeless.

money wise things have been hard this year. relationship wise too. friendship-wise too! I have been able to kinda sort those things out (slowly, slowly) but this weight thing seems to haunt me evermore. im starting to feel low, useless and depressed. like I was 1 year ago. and im scared. im worried for me.

I don't want to be stuck here. I don't want more and more time to pass with me just wishing I made a change and then crying about how I could have lost X amount in the last X months...

im so tired ya'll. I am so so tired.

submitted by /u/stressedoutpeach1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hardcore May anyone?

So I've been noticing I'm starting to creep 100, 200, or 300 over my calorie goals most days. I also find I'm starting to make excuses to skip or shorten workouts. As a result my weight has plateaued the last 2 weeks. I have been calorie counting for about 5 months and am 28 pounds down (53 pounds total lost over 2.5 years of non-consistent effort) which is respectable but 11 of those pounds came of in the first 10 days, so other than the rapid water weight loss at the beginning it has just gotten slower and slower. I'm lucky if I lose a quarter of a pound a week now. I am super proud of the work I'm doing and I am definitely still recompositoning. But frankly I'm getting a bit bored.

I want to challenge myself again. I'm stagnating with the same old deficit, the same old workout routine. Now I want to see how much I can do, how far I can walk, how long I can go without going over my calories. I want to go HARDCORE. It's pretty dramatic sounding for basically sticking to my diet better and exercising 5 days a week, but it helps me feel motivated and like I'm a badass.

The plan for me is:

  • Stick to 1500 calories per day

  • Dont eat back workout calories

  • Get 5 -10 k steps every single day in May

  • Do ring fit for 30 minutes or go to the gym for 30 minutes(when the lockdown ends) 5 times a week.

  • When at work or on a sedentary day at home do the hourly pushup challenge (my partner does a challenge at work where they do 10 quick pushup or 10 squats on the hour when it is slow and I want to do the same). So do 10 pushups or 10 squats every hour I am at work or just lazing around between 9-5 Mon- Friday.

  • Challenge myself to choose the "hardcore mode" when doing stuff, which to me means when I'm finding something too easy, adding a twist to make it harder. Climbing up hill getting easy? Well I guess your doing high knees up that hill now. Planking not straining you like it used to? Add leg lifts princess! Gotta move 10 bricks? Put that wheelbarrow away, your carrying each one over by hand.

Anyone want to join me? Hardcore May buddies? What does your "Hardcore May" look like?

submitted by /u/comprepensive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hello!!! First time poster

hello all!!!! Proud to be here, a bit worried. So I drank soda for roughly 15 years, I’m 24, so about the age of 9, I would drink 2 liters a day like they were nothing (my teeth are royally fucked) but besides that point up, up until about 8 months ago, I drank about 10 cans of Pepsi a day, and I went to the doctor, again about 8 months ago, and I was 264 lbs (6’2 M) and decided it was time to make a change, fast forward today... I just weighed in at 177 pounds, I shed 86 pounds in less than a year, no working out, just complete cut out of soda (minutes the occasional 7up can or sprite from McDonald’s (the sprite from McDonald’s has crack in it, I swear) and I’m looking to see if this is normal? I do not eat as much as I used to, I do not eat breakfast (rarely if maybe once a month, rarely each lunch unless it’s a SMALL meal, and I eat a decently sized dinner) I am EXTREMELY thankful for this weight loss, it still feels weird because my blood pressure is surprisingly... low, lol. It used to be 160-180 over 90-100, and now it’s roughly 110/65 at the lowest, sometimes 130/65, the occasional hiccup of 140-141 over 75/80 but and normal resting heart rate is about 65-70, 40-45 while sleeping... occasionally 110-120 if I’m anxiety ridden that day (have been diagnosed with heart problems) basically what I’m asking is, the weight loss that I’ve accumulated, is it normal? Thank you all, LOSE IT!!! - Caleb :)

submitted by /u/98GtStang
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from loseit - Lose the Fat