Saturday, July 10, 2021

Weight loss advice for 22M, 89kg, obese BMI. with 40" waistline

So i'm 22 years old, Male. I weigh 89 kg (height: 167 cm) and have a waistline of 40". I'm currently limiting myself to 1500 calories per day using the MyFitness App and I also plan to do intermittent fasting, perhaps 16-8. Will this be enough?

As for my exercise, I barely have time to do them what will school works and all but I want to make time. My last consistent exercise was a year ago, I'm not kidding and this was when the pandemic temporarily halted school. Now, we have online classes, so yeah, I barely have time :( . One of my problems I guess is that my mind doesn't know how many reps or how long I should be doing stuff. I'll be posting the equipment available to me if any of you can help me find a routine that I can do perhaps 2-3 times a week.

The equipment I have at home are as follows (my dad mostly uses them)
Equipment for arms and legs:

Cycling equipment

And I also have a Jumprope.

So any advice that can range from dieting to exercise will be GREATLY appreciated. Aside from wanting to lose weight because for once in my life, I'd want to be normal and not overweight or obese, which I am right now. Many thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/IJustWantAnon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel defeated [rant]

I (20F) have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. I’ve always been slightly overweight. Nothing major, but more than I wanted to be.

My highest weight was about 180lbs back when I was around 16. I had taken the initiative to start walking to school every day and did my best to eat healthier. I had ended up losing about 25lbs. In 1 year which brought me to about 155lbs. My goal was 130. Around this time I had just graduated from High School and was going to college. I did my best to maintain my weight loss in college but was only able to maintain my current weight

I had been floating back and forth between 150 and 155 until a little over a year ago when I was finally able to weigh in at under 150 (149.6) for the first time. Since then I’ve been trying my best to at the very least maintain my weight but I’ve been unsuccessful. I’ve gained 10 lbs in the past year bringing me up to 159.8 and I’m devastated. I feel like I’ve been on a nonstop diet since I was 15! I am always passing up on meals and trying to eat small portions and such. I know I’m not perfect and I mess up here and there but it just feels like it shouldn’t be this hard to not gain weight! I’m not even upset about the fact that I’m not losing weight but I’m actively gaining weight???? How???? Why????

I just feel gross and ashamed in myself. I’m exhausted I feel like Ive spent over half of my days for the past 5 years preoccupied thinking about how much I’m eating and how to cut down, etc. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life constantly worried about what I’m eating! But how do I do that without gaining tons of weight when my efforts to lose weight are failing to even maintain my previous weight loss? I just feel like giving up but I hate the way I look and how I feel in my skin. I am very short so a change in even 2 lbs either way makes me feel significantly different.

Just a rant I needed to get out there

submitted by /u/heellllllln
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sick of battling weight loss

Hi everyone I just joined this sub the other day. I turned 40 recently and decided to jump on the scale after my jerk neighbor asked me if I’m pregnant (I’m not). I am 5’7, 177 lbs female. I was skinny (always around 120) until about 25 and then gained a lot of weight. My highest weight was around 187 lbs and I felt awful. I decided by 30 I would be in the best shape of my life. I got down to 130 and honestly looking back I looked too thin. I worked out like 6 days a week, two hours a day and ate only two meals a day. I did maintain that for several years. After about four Years I couldn’t do it anymore and still ate healthy but cut down working out. Fast forward to right before covid I probably weighed 150ish and felt and looked good. I couldn’t go to the gym anymore and lost motivation. A few months ago I started running/walking with my husband but really wasn’t watching what I was eating. I started eating better three weeks ago and was feeling good. Then my neighbor asked if I was pregnant because I looked big. This crushed me and I decided to weigh myself. Boy was I in shock when I realized I’m 177. So I decided today I am working out more regularly and tracking calories again. I’m still bitter about my neighbor who btw name is Karen but I’m using it to motivate me. Motto of the story is unless you see a baby hanging out of a woman or she offers up she is pregnant don’t ask!

submitted by /u/hp519
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why must my spouse denigrate my weight loss efforts?

My spouse used to be supportive and understanding of my weight loss efforts. Now he's snide and mean about it and I don't understand why. It started out as little comments here and there and has just escalated. For example, the other night we had taco night. Everyone loves taco night, right? Including me. But I'm monitoring my kcal intake, so I measured out what I was going to eat and logged it. Then I enjoyed tf out of two soft tacos and was satisfied. Cue the sarcastic comments about how I'm starving myself, I can't even just be part of taco night without the damn food scale, and worst of all, how I'm setting myself up with neuroses and how is that going to affect our kids. WTAF? My husband is a very big and heavy guy, so I'm wondering if this is just coming from a place of insecurity, or if this is just his way of sniping at me because we're having other issues. Either way, I don't know what to say to him to tell him to cut it the fuck out without starting a big fight I don't feel like having. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/KatoftheKnight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“You’ve gained weight!!”

I’m visiting my parents and ran into an “auntie” while I was out grocery shopping with my mom (auntie what we call older female family friends around here). Things were light and cordial for a few minutes as we chatted and then she said it, “you gained weight!!!”.

“You must have been eating a lot huh?”

I didn’t gain weight. I lost 70 lbs in the last year to be exact. I haven’t been eating a lot at all. I’ve been watching what I eat and regularly hitting the gym.

My mom knew this and saw how crushed my face was so she quickly changed the topic but the damage was done. After we got in the car, she tried to tell me that the auntie just hasn’t seen me since I was a child and that I’m just a little larger than everyone else around here so that’s why she probably made the comment. She did say that she was still so proud of me for losing weight.

But to me, that comment means that it doesn’t matter that I lost weight. I am still fat. I am still big. I am still seen as “abnormal”. It also just confirms my worst fear: my weight loss is not at all visible and I look exactly the same.

I already suffer from body dysmorphia and have some issues with my body image but this crushed what little confidence I have left. I’m still going to continue losing weight (because I am still technically 10 lbs away from a normal BMI), but I’m just waiting for my body to finally be at a place where people stop pointing out my weight.

It doesn’t help that my family also regularly points out how they’re proud of my weight loss but always adds how I could eat less / work out even more to lose another 20-30 lbs. They’re always insinuating that I’m going to go back to my old habits and reminding me not to eat too much every time I put something in my mouth. Its getting to the point where I wait until they’re out of the house to eat something or have to purposefully eat 1/2 the serving that everyone else in the family is eating in front of them.

submitted by /u/saintguccibby
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to deal with impatience

Hi y’all. I am 28, 5’4” SW: 263 CW: 247 GW: TBD

I should preface this by saying that I have made peace with being plus size. My body is strong, provides for me, has an hourglass shape, and I’m happy with myself as I am. However I know that my long term health is at risk at this weight.

I recently got a new job where I walk a mile each way and healthy snacks/lunch are provided. I didn’t even notice 7-10 pounds dropping off in that first month. Once I did I decided to roll with it and integrate IF and it is working amazingly. I think I finally found something that works for me!

However I deal with intrusive thoughts telling me if I restricted more I could lose weight faster. I know this is unsustainable, unhealthy, and would pretty much kill my social life, so I override these thoughts. Also working it out in therapy. How do you deal with impatience to reach your goal?! I wish I could fast forward through this summer of hard work. I fantasize about the day I can show off my weight loss to my family. I’m certain I can get there at 5-10 lbs lost per month. How do I live in the now and not the future?

submitted by /u/xoxo10123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Spinning my wheels because I drink too much.

I put too much effort into losing weight through my diet and exercise to allow myself to be so hindered by having a drink or two every night, but I can't get myself to stop with the alcohol. I don't even get drunk anymore, so it's totally not worth it, but I can't stop. Make me hate alcohol, guys! Please! Tell me all the reasons why I should quit drinking (only pertaining to weight loss though). Is it possible to be on track to lose weight if I have a drink every night, or am I spinning my wheels? I drink Vodka in seltzer water at night and my weight has remained the same no matter what I do for a long time now.

submitted by /u/headcase247
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from loseit - Lose the Fat