Tuesday, July 13, 2021

How do you stay motivated on your weight loss journey?

I'm in a mental place right now that I'm desperate to start my weight loss journey, but beginning it is just so hard.

I'm 84kg last time I checked at 24F / 5'5, so definitely overweight. I work full time at an office job 8-4 five days a week. I spend about 80% of work time sitting on my ass. I have a horse and I try to ride him every day during the week, but it's winter right now so every now and then it's too wet to ride. There's a gym nearby, but I can't afford a membership on my income right now, but they have an indoor pool that I can pay $10 for 40 minutes to do laps, which I've tried to do on weekends. Eating wise, my partner and I are doing a meal service in our country called Lite n Easy because we don't really know how to cook as well as the apartment we're renting the stove is actually terrible, so we're eating healthy during the week thanks to that, but we get Uber Eats on Fridays to Sundays due to convenience which we're picking some not always healthy options. I definitely do not drink as much water as I should, but I don't feel thirsty enough throughout the day to drink the recommended amount so I never do.

My issue right now is motivation. I have this mental thing going where I'm sitting at work, pumping myself up mentally to go to the shops and get some good food, do meal prepping and counting calories, go ride my horse and go swimming to get fit, picturing what I'd look like thin, fit and healthy. But then all the lazy thoughts come the moment I clock off of work -- "you've been working 8 hours today and all week, you deserve your night, go home and watch Netflix" ; "30 minutes is an annoying drive through rush hour to see the horse, go another night" ; "cooking is hard and the stove at home is sucky, start eating healthy all the time when we find the new house in a few months" ; "you deserve a cheat day after eating healthy all week and it's Friday! Treat yourself with some Maccas. You know you deserve that Quarter Pounder". I even splurged on the new Fitbit so it could help me get fit, but right now it's only a glorified digital watch and a sleep tracker.

I know these are all excuses and I know I'm sabotaging myself. I know that I shouldn't have these excuses and I know many of you reading this are probably like, "clearly she isn't truly dedicated to getting fit with all these excuses". But I do want to get fit! I really do! I want my boyfriend to be able to carry me without worrying about him pitching forward and dropping us both or breaking something. I want to be comfortable sitting on him without having to worry about crushing his legs. I want to walk without watching fat jiggle around me. I want to be able to do anything without being short of breath. I want to be able to go shopping and not have to worry about things being in my size. I want to be able to ride my horse around a course without having to stop halfway through because I can't keep up with the stamina needed to finish. I want to fit in my saddle properly, and I want to look good in riding clothes without my muffin top stomach spilling out of my breeches. I want to wear a fucking bikini and crop tops and skirts and jeans where my legs look good! I want to look good! I want to feel good! I just want to be good. I don't want to end up like my sister who is 27 and morbidly obese. I don't want to be like my dad who is also morbidly obese who can't even see his toes when he tries to look past his bulging belly. I don't want to be like that.

I don't know how to be motivated, because everything I've said in the previous paragraph should be motivation enough! But the laziness is just so...strong. My laziness is like a brick wall I can't get over.

I don't know where to start.

submitted by /u/-florianraven
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3yPHKy0

50 pounds lost. My story

It has indeed been a journey.

This is my story, I am a 16 year old that used to be overweight almost my entire life, this always really affected me in my self esteem, and my confidence. I remember at the very start of quarantine I started to workout and eat in a deficit.

I started my weight loss journey when I used to be 14 years old, I remember the day I weighed myself and I saw that 95kg, (I used to be 5'8-5'9, so that made it worse) I wanted to cry. I used to be bullied because I used to be the fat kid at school, didn't think twice about my health, about my appearance, and about my relationship with food.

I can now proudly say I have ended my weight loss joruney with 50 pounds lost, and I feel better than ever! I did this alone, no paid coach, no nothing, I just one day wanted to change my lifestyle, and this has been the best decision I have ever made!

submitted by /u/M3DFP0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36yn15N

Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself against people who shame your weight loss

It seems like a common occurrence that people are shamed by their peers for weight loss. Comments like "you are too skinny already", "you look sick" etc. Trying to force food upon you and making you feel bad for trying to get healthier.

As someone who comes from a family where EVERYBODY is overweight and not a single person is fit, I got these comments a lot. I tried to present them with the facts, showing them what the healthy weight range is for my height, how great it makes me feel etc. and it went nowhere. It's pretty clear they don't know or care about the facts or else they wouldn't be making these remarks. I even tried being mature about it and saying I don't appreciate these comments, but they didn't truly care.

I ended up getting pretty sick of their disrespectful, body shaming comments and I started subtly clapping back.

Someone in my family told me "I need to gain a bit of weight I look sick" so I responded by saying "People die all the time for being overweight, but nobody has ever died from being lean with good cardio".

Another time we had family over for dinner and I decided to have smaller portions and skip out on desert. When they mocked me for being on a diet and withering away, I just responded by saying "I'd rather live another year thanks, you guys can enjoy that heart attack in a cup yourselves".

And ever since I started making these comments, I haven't heard a peep about my weight form any of them.

Some people are like crabs in a bucket, using mob mentality to gang up on somebody doing something different. If you are the victim of this, don't feel bad to be a little bit disrespectful with your conversation. As counter intuitive as it sounds, sometimes a subtle reminder that they are eating themselves to death while you are not builds enough respect that they don't want to go at it with you (like you deserve in the first place).

submitted by /u/superman91829182
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3wBkOB5

How can you possibly eat 1 gram of protein per pound during weight loss? The math seems impossible.

6’1 male. SW 282. CW: 267. GW: 175

I’m 6 weeks into my weight loss journey , I’m down 15 pounds so far. Things seem to be going great.

I am lifting weights 3 times a week, riding a bike 5 times a week, and going on a few mile hike once a week.

I have heard you should eat 1 gram of protein per day for your weight . That would mean I need to eat 265 grams of protein a day right now. Literally my diet right now is vegetables + protein. And I am getting about 110 grams of protein a day on my 1500 cal diet.

To get up to 265 grams of protein; I would need to drink 6 proteins shakes a day. That would also add 840 calories a day and tank my diet. I simply don’t see how you can eat 265 grams of protein a day. Is that bad advice ?

submitted by /u/Fat2Thin2021
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2U1s8ci

Losing the all or nothing mentality is essential

I have always had perfectionist tendencies and it’s got in the way of so much. Losing weight is the biggest one. I give myself so many strict rules, with no wriggle room for days where I go slightly over my calorie allowance or to have any cheat meals. It’s not just the diet, I force myself to have the perfect attitude to everything. Perfect workouts 5x a week. Perfect skincare routine. Always productive. So when I inevitably have a day where I feel lazy and want to skip a workout and have a little treat, I think everything is ruined. I tell myself I might as well start again when I’m in the right mindset. And then weeks will pass. I’ve never managed to stick to this routine for more than a couple weeks.

This time I am being kind to myself. I let myself go out drinking with friends on the weekend and enjoy a takeaway pizza when watching the football. But 90% of the time I am being good and in a calorie deficit. And the weight loss is still so impressive. It’s consistency not perfection. Be kind to yourself and listen to your body. You will have days where you’re more energetic, more hungry, more productive etc. Sure discipline is important too, but no one can be perfect everyday. I wish I realised this earlier!

submitted by /u/cazzayo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2U4WMBi

Advice on perspective of food when facing urge to eat more

I was two weeks ago 137, it’s been the heaviest I’ve ever been at 5 feet and three inches height. I’m now down to 130. Goal is 120. I’m struggling with snacking despite following a close IF with two meals at lunch and mid afternoon sometimes I can do an OMAD depending on how much protein I get in that meal. Calorie intake is between 900-1200 depending on food and quantity. I do have a history in the past year to binge eat as a coping mechanism due to pandemic and stress from the past year (had a bad roommate and didn’t leave my room). My exercise can be pretty low as I have a stressful job but I’m trying to do better and gain more motivation to go to the gym. I meal plan for the week and only take those meals to work. However when I get home after the last meal, sometimes I’ll break down and have pretzels or a small drink. It used to be wine/bourbon but I’ve switched to one seltzer however I do my best not to drink on week days. I want to know if there is a mental technique to deter or have a better perception of looking at food before urging to intake more calories than you preplanned?

Some of the things I do is check my weight, diet journal to calorie budget or put on my “goal size clothes” (they can kinda zip now!) to remind me the purpose of my weight loss plan.

submitted by /u/Jeanie-Kay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3xFEaGy

Going through pretty bad time due to food,feeling really low and unmotivated, need some help and advice

I started weight lose at the start of this year, i am down to 75kg from 107kg. for the first time ever i am feeling really unmotivated, i want to lose 15kg more but its getting harder everyday to control cravings. Today i binged for the first time at home since i started weight loss. I really want to lose the remaining weight and i know i can do it but i am feeling really depressed about what i did today, i am feeling like i will go back to old habits of eating. ):

Sorry for random words to reach words limit









submitted by /u/trophyhunterohin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3rjJcGJ