Monday, July 26, 2021

Disappointed in myself

Like many of you on here I have been gaining and losing weight for the better part of 15 years. I haven't figured out how to successfully maintain weight. I understand the theoretical logic behind how to maintain wright. Just haven't been successful in practice yet.

So that brings me to today. Despite trying really hard to be healthier the past year, I fell off the metaphorical wagon in April and have been pretty much failing when it comes to diet since then. At my lowest I got down to 135 (5'6"F) and looked to be on my way to thin (definitely skinny fat though). But I've been overeating far too often, especially the last month. Today my husband asked me why I was sticking my stomach out while we were brushing teeth with the kids. I wasn't sticking my stomach out, it's just that big now. I literally lost all the weight loss progress I've made and look like I'm 4 months pregnant (definitely not). It sucks. I know I need to get my eating in check, but stress and poor self control have made my binge eating out of control as of late.

I like to think that tomorrow is going to be this fresh new start but I already feel so defeated that it's hard to muster up the fight needed to regain self control. I don't really know the point of this post. Maybe just a shout out to the others in loseit who, like me, are restarting their fitness journey and feel like they're fighting a losing battle. At some point we will get it together, whether tomorrow, or the day after that, or maybe next week or next month... We will be successful at this in the future, even if we must wade through a bit more failure first.

submitted by /u/tootlewho
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

46 Weeks Later - Lessons

G'Day Folks.

On the 7th of September 2020 I weighed 87.7Kg (193.3lbs) and I am 1.7m (5 foot 6), I was a 34 year old female. Today (27 July 2021) I am now 35, 63.7Kg (140.4lbs). I lost 27% of my body weight and think a few more Kg's down is the on the cards.

I want to preface this by saying that these are the lessons that I personally have taken from my experience and don’t think that they will work for everyone; but maybe they will inspire some other folks. (Also I am Australian, so yeah swearing inbound).

What Have I Discovered?

I have seen improvements in my mental health, my confidence, my endurance and my opportunities. Let me break that down.

· Mental Health/Confidence – I look better. That’s maybe a superficial summary, but honestly it is a major factor. Compliments on my new body shape, amazement that I have been able to lose so much, double takes from people I haven’t seen in a while. It really makes you feel good and gives me motivation to keep doing what I am doing. But here is the kicker, it’s so much easier now to not just eat healthier, but eat less and keep exercising. I am sure the fact that I am putting healthier things in my body correlates to feeling better in general and that translating to better mental health. Stop eating shit, you’ll feel less like it.

· Endurance – I used to moan when my wife wanted to walk places over driving, now I am the one saying, “eh, it’s not too far a walk”. The ability to just trust my body to keep going and walk to that look out or down that hard bush track. Losing weight will literally open up more avenues for you to try.

· Opportunities – I volunteer with my State’s Emergency Service, courses and qualifications that require fitness levels are now open to me! Me helping myself has given me the ability to further help others. I was recently able to tackle a Grade 5 track during a rescue and was thinking during the way down the track, "I am really going to struggle getting up this", I was amazed at how easily I breezed up it.

What Was the Main Way I Lost Weight?

I ate less. Simple as that, I just stopped eating for the sake of eating and only ate when I needed to; and when I did eat, I thought what would actually be the best thing to fuel my body until I eat again? Why do you need a big breakfast full of carbs? Why the snack at 10:30am? Why are you grabbing a chocolate from the serrvo at 3pm? What is it really doing for you? Why the fuck are you drinking a Regular Coke when the Diet Coke is right next to it? Why not water? Really stop and ask yourself. What is fuelling your body and what is fuelling your desire for sugars, salts and fats?



I started walking smaller distances at first, but now if I go for my regular walk it is at least 6km and in summer months laps in the pool, this really helped my mental health and conditioning, but again for the weight loss it was what I didn’t eat, not the exercise.


I wanted to feel better, look better and make my life span longer. I have added years and quality of years to my life by not eating shit.

Final Thoughts

There is no one to blame for how much I weighed but me, and whilst my wife supported me. I lost the weight because I did it. If you’re overweight take control, stop blaming others and making excuses you can do this, truly you can. I used to think when I saw the before and after shots that I could never accomplish anything like that, but I have. YOU CAN TOO! Even if your first step is talking to a Mental Health Practitioner please take it, you will not regret losing weight.

submitted by /u/GeoRhi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you deal with being impatient when it comes to weight loss?

I’ve been trying to lose weight for the past 3 months and I’ve lost 11-12 pounds. I’m 25, 5’3, and 181 pounds. On average, that’s about 1 pound a week, although there have been time where the scale doesn’t move for 3 weeks then I lose 2 pounds the next.

I’m just having difficulties with being impatient lol. I’ve lost weight pretty quickly before when I was eating less than 1100 calories a day, but it was unhealthy and eventually I gained it all back because I thought now that I’m “skinny”, I can eat whatever I want without people judging me. Well I did just that but didn’t step on a scale at all to keep track of my weight.

I want to do it right this time. I eat 1300-1500 calories a day, added strength training and HIIT two months ago, but I still don’t like the way that I look. Im not seeing any progress in the mirror, my face is still chubby and my arms is holding on to every bit of fat that it can. I know I can lose weight a little faster than I am now if I eat under 1200 calories. I’m just afraid that I’ll eventually get discouraged if I’m not seeing any progress. I want to be confident again when I was smaller.

submitted by /u/Kati1998
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - wedding bands fit

Hi! So I've been on this weight loss journey since December of 2020. I've been struggling with body dysmorphia and honestly had a hard time "seeing" how overweight I was. It wasn't till I stepped on the scale and saw my SW that I decided I was done being over weight. A sign that I should have taken seriously that I was over weight was that after my daughter in 2017, my wedding rings didn't fit. I just chalked it up to have given birth and swelling. But I would try them on and they just wouldn't go on.

I tried around Feb/March of this year, after losing some weight, and they still wouldn't go down. Or they COULD, but I would potentially have the rings stuck. So I put them away and didn't think much of it.

So yesterday, I decided just for kicks and giggles, since I'm close to my goal, how do they fit. AND THEY WENT ON NO PROBLEM! And they didn't stick when trying to take them off! I haven't worn them in years so it'll take some time to get used to wearing them again, but I'm so happy!!

Stats: 31f SW: 214 CW: 155 GW: 130

submitted by /u/Ciniya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost my Nan at the start of the month and have begun to binge and gain weight again.

As the title says, I lost my Nan at the start of the month and has caused me to go into a serious depression breakdown. Prior to this I was on a big weight loss journey (lost just under 100 pounds since April 2020) but the hit from her loss and the general pandemic stress has hit me like a train and I've started to binge every day getting take out and sweets and its caused me to gain 14 pounds in a month.

I used to be extremely focused and driven, but I just can't drag myself out of this depression and binging cycle I find myself in this month. I still have around 60 pounds left to go so I really cant afford for this to go any longer.

I guess I'm reaching out here to vent, but also to ask, have other people gone through this situation before and if so, how did you manage to pull yourself out of it?

Any help/anecdotes are really appreciated.


TLDR: Depression binging after loss of Nan. How to break out of this sadness and eating cycle?

submitted by /u/SuperMightyFish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting Over… Again

Stats: 20F, 5’4 | SW: 167 | CW: 157 | GW: 140

After gaining 20-ish pounds in two years from bulimia, depression, and birth control, I finally started my (somewhat healthy) weight loss journey mid May 2021. I woke up every day at 4:30 to do 40 minutes of cardio before work and did intermittent fasting 16:8. I did really well for about a month, ended up going down to 153.5 lbs.

Then I got my period for the first time in a while and then I got depressed again, and I didn’t work as much. I realized it was so much easier to distract myself from hunger when I was busy at work. But at home? Nearly impossible. Especially when I needed comfort during a really traumatic time (I have period related trauma). And then we had heat flashes, where it was already 75 degrees around the time I’d go to the gym. All the reasons kept piling on top of each other.

I’ve gained a few pounds in the last month and man I feel like such a failure. I’ve had numerous purging relapses. I’m tired of the loneliness and hiding that comes with it.

My 21st birthday is in October, and I really want to reach my goal weight by then. So, I guess here’s me starting over.

submitted by /u/tradingmistakes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Healthy food burn out/boredom

Hey there! Hoping to find some advice from all you healthy eating/weight loss experts. Lately I’m having trouble enjoying eating any of my usual healthy meals. Nothing sounds remotely good to me. And I’m not even a picky eater compared to most people I know. Other than the fact that I eat plant based. I have been eating 90% vegan for about 4 years. (Vegan wanna be here.) I feel like my lack of appetite or lack of motivation to eat healthy is creating a lack of progress in my weight loss journey. So my question is, what do you guys eat or do when you are bored/burned out of your usual meals? Anyone have any healthy snacks/meals they want to recommend?

submitted by /u/jammiesandtea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat