Thursday, August 5, 2021

Working out wayyyy more, eating less, not losing anything.

Hey everyone, figured I ought to ask you all what to do as you all have much more experience than me with physical activity.

I am a 19 year old male who currently weighs 295 and is 6 foot 3 inches tall. I have been going to the gym anywhere from 4-6 days a week (lifting weights with some light cardio mixed in) for about 3 weeks now. I have been lifting with a very experienced friend and a couple of our other friends joined us recently so we are helping teach them.

My TDEE maintenance (according to tdeecalculator .net) is 2,916 calories if I was sedentary, and if I am doing moderate exercise (3-5 days a week, which I am doing a bit more and the exercise is pretty intensive), my TDEE is 3,766 calories. I have been eating 2,800 calories per day.

I have gained a TON of strength. The newbie gains are really impressive. My problem arises in the fact that the scale has not moved at all. My experienced friend told me today in the gym that I look slimmer, and I definitely feel better physically, but I just can't comprehend why I would still be the same weight. I still feel quite fat for sure, and I just want to at least see that I am making some sort of progress on my weight loss.

Should I go down in my calorie intake even further? I know 2,500 is my BMR, so it probably wouldn't be too great for my body to go below that, especially while trying to build muscle.

submitted by /u/PlaneSizeMatters
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Century Club] August 5, 2021 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes... - Accountability - Elevator Pitches - (Half-)Marathon Training - Celebrations - Water Weight - Comments - Travel - Disconnects - Activity - Years! - Fun! - Rhythms - How strict? - Relationships - Loose Skin Redux - Multiple Centuries - April Fools! - What didn't work? - Milestones - Seasonal changes - Is it worth it? - Surprising Food Facts - Mistakes were made - Time to Vent - Relief Valves - Seeing Objectively - Tips you hate - Fear and Self-Loathing - Starting - 2020 recap

Aches and Pains

This week's topic was recently suggested by u/LoadOfMeeKrob.

I'll paraphrase and expand a bit.

Being 100+ lbs overweight comes with many of its own aches and pains. Soreness and pains in joints, muscles and bone from being heavy and literally carrying around the extra weight of another adult human all the time. Additional aches and pains from conditions that may be aggravated by being heavy like arthritis, etc... In many cases losing the weight can lead to significant improvements in the management chronic pain.

Large/rapid weight loss can bring in a whole new set of aches and pains as side effects of the weight loss process itself. For example there's a list of potential side effects at this WebMD link:

  • Gallstones - probably the most painful and permanent side effect of rapid/prolonged weight loss
  • Muscle loss
  • Malnutrition
  • Headaches

But there are also other issues, such as the change in biomechanics that accompany your changing weight distribution. I don't know about anyone else, but my gait and posture are quite different at 160 as opposed to 275+. Better for the most part, but not always. My older son often catches me slouching even today and tries to get me more upright. I think he notices it more since he's only 1-2 inches taller than me, while my partner and younger son are both further away from my height

Personally, most of my aches and pains and medical conditions have improved significantly since losing the weight. Yes, I am sometimes not so comfortable lying on my side for extended periods of time -- as I no longer have the same cushioning on my hips as I once did. However I can easily get up from sitting on the floor.

Apart from that, I only noticed brain fog, headaches and being hangry all the time when I tried to cut down below 1650 kcal/day.

I don't count any of the aches and pains that come from my choice of regular activity, running. Those aren't due to the weight loss itself, but are due to the activity I'm choosing to participate in.

So how about you Centurion? Did you encounter any side effects of weight loss related to aches and pains? Good, bad or ugly we want to hear it all!

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have some questions about my cut

Copy paste from my question in another sub

I’ve been on a cut since may and have lost 11 ish pounds (148-137) as a 5’3 male at 20 y/o. I know weight loss can stall even if you are consistent, but I feel like my body fat % isn’t lowering further either and I have a couple questions about it. I have seen before about if you are dieting that you need to take a break occasionally for your body to like realize that it’s getting less calories when you’re dieting. What I’ve seen is 1-2 weeks. Is this true? I’ve had a couple days a month, never more than 2 in a row, where I either don’t count my calories or I have enough calories to be at maintenance level or a 100 or so over. If you need to take a break, is one day every 2 ish weeks enough or does it need to be the 1-2?

submitted by /u/BigBlackCrocs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help.

I think it's time I make an account on Reddit and ask for some true help. This quarantine has probably been the worst time in my life, just mentally draining and physically. Before covid I was on a big weight loss journey where I dropped about 80 pounds, (290 - 210). I felt amazing truly, it made me able to wear clothes I wanted, have a cheat meal and feel fine because I would go workout hard that day, and a lot of things I'm sure are common sense. The issue is when covid hit I was dealing with graduating university and just the fact of being stuck inside had me the laziest I've ever been in my life. This is where my issue comes up. Currently I feel stuck in a position where I cant rely on myself to take that step to start another journey, I need help.

I'm 6'3 and 310 pounds right now. Some days it doesn't look bad but deep down I understand how crappy I look and it isn't healthy. I need any advice people can give me or some motivational ideas to kickstart my journey down to ~200 pounds again. I'm willing to do anything, I used to do multiple sports and would workout a ton so I have some muscle memory and enjoy doing that stuff, I'm just in a position where I cant get the initial month of starting to truly begin. Any ideas will help, whether that's telling me diet ideas(meal prep, Keto, etc.) or telling me some motivational things that could get me to start (yoga, reading, etc.)

It's gotten to the point where now that I'm vaccinated I don't even want to go out and be seen like this, especially with friends even after being stuck inside for a year+, I feel like an embarrassment and I know they are thinking the same thing.

submitted by /u/how2losesome
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Weight Loss pattern is strange...?

Ok so far my weight loss always been like this :

For a week, the weight loss is constant, I lose between 0.2-0.3kg a day.

Then for 1 week - 2 weeks, I stall.

Finally, I lose between a kilo and two kilos instantly overnight.

Could it be the water weight? I've already lost 22kg since I started, I know it's normal at first to lose a lot of water weight but after months of doing this why does this happen? Anyone in the same situation as me?

I just find it really strange my body is stalling for up two weeks at a time and this is a regular pattern, I've noticed this multiple times.

Just yesterday I was 114.8kg and this morning BAM 113.3kg. I have been stalled for 10 days.

Anyone has a through idea why this happens? Or someone who has gone through this like me and done some research about it? Thanks.

submitted by /u/CURLYMAN1993
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 Easy Ground Beef Dinner Recipes to Get in Your Protein

What if we told you that you could take a comfort food classic like a ground beef dinner and use it to reach your weight loss and fitness goals? At Nutrisystem, making healthier versions of your favorite foods is something we’re passionate about. Whether we’re delivering perfectly portioned meals to your door or crafting healthy ground beef recipes that fit into your plan, we’re out here proving that you don’t need to give up delicious food to lose weight!

Lean Protein: It’s What’s For Dinner—And Will Keep You On Track

Protein is an important part of your journey to better health. Our bodies use protein to make bones, muscles, hair and skin. Protein is also vital if you’re trying to lose weight because it helps us to stay full longer. It’s more thermogenic than carbohydrates and fats (meaning it requires more energy for digesting and absorbing). This means that you’ll burn more calories eating a high-protein food compared to something higher in carbs and fat.

The Nutrisystem weight loss plan provides you with the protein you need to reach your goals. You’ll get to enjoy plenty of tasty and convenient high-protein dinners that we send right to your home. Plus, we teach you how to cook up your own healthy, protein-packed meals that support your weight loss.

The key is to stick to lean proteins. For example, making a swap from traditional full-fat ground beef to lean ground beef will allow you to enjoy some of your favorite meals in a healthier way, without compromising flavor or your health.

One of the nice things about ground beef recipes is that they can typically be whipped up quickly and without a lot of effort. Below, we’ve rounded up six of our favorite easy ground beef dinners that will help you pack in the protein while feeling fully satisfied with a delicious meal.

1. No-Bake French Onion Beef Casserole >

No-Bake French Onion Beef Casserole

If you’re looking to lose weight but also craving the homemade goodness of a hearty casserole, then look no further. We’ve got the perfect recipe for you! This beef casserole is actually prepared on the stovetop, meaning you don’t have to heat up your whole kitchen with the oven. It can be whipped up quickly when you have a hankering! It’s got savory beef and onions with creamy pasta, all in a single dish that tastes incredibly decadent for being a mere 326 calories per serving. Click here for the full recipe! >

2. Spicy Inside-Out Cheeseburger >

Spicy Inside-Out Cheeseburger

This delicious recipe makes a cheeseburger healthier by using grass-fed lean ground beef. And it has a fun twist—it’s stuffed with reduced fat cheese instead of having it served on top. It’s also got zesty kick with ingredients like Worcestershire sauce, jalapeno pepper, smoked paprika and crushed red pepper. We also suggest serving it on a whole wheat sandwich thin for a boost of fiber. At just 353 calories, it’s a flavorful and satisfying meal without a lot of sacrifice. Click here for the full recipe! >

3. Easy Slow Cooker Taco Soup with Ground Beef >

Easy Slow Cooker Taco Soup with Ground Beef

This recipe will grant you the delicious taste of a taco in a healthy, protein-packed soup! It’s simple to make, too. After browning your beef and cooking your onions, you’ll simply add some tomato paste and seasonings and transfer it all to a slow cooker. Dump a few more ingredients, then set it and forget it! The aroma of tacos will soon be filling your kitchen. Serve with some of your favorite taco toppings, such as sliced avocado or a tablespoon of sour cream for added flavor. A bowl of soup (before added toppings) is just 217 calories. Click here for the full recipe! >

4. Air Fryer Meatloaf with Lean Ground Beef >

Air Fryer Meatloaf with Lean Ground Beef

Meatloaf is another comfort food favorite. However, it’s traditionally not that healthy when it uses a combined mixture of ground pork, beef and veal. This can make it high in fat and calories. Our version swaps in lean ground beef and uses an air fryer to keep it light. You’ll still get the taste and texture of an old-fashioned meatloaf (the way your mom used to make), but you’ll ditch the excess fat and calories. In fact, a serving of this meatloaf has a mere 155 calories and counts as one PowerFuel and one Extra on the Nutrisystem plan. It’s sure to be a recipe you’ll want to make again and again. Click here for the full recipe! >

5. Baked Scotch Eggs >

Baked Scotch Eggs

A Scotch egg is a boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat, coated in breadcrumbs and then typically deep-fried. In our version, we’ve taken this British favorite and lightened it up by using lean ground beef instead of sausage. We also skip the breadcrumbs and bake it to crispy goodness. It’s still a protein-packed dish loaded with savory flavor but is much healthier than the traditional version. One serving is just 123 calories. Click here for the full recipe! >

6. Slow Cooker Kale and Beef Meatballs >

Slow Cooker Kale and Beef Meatballs

The key to keeping your ground beef dishes healthier is using lean meat. This recipe combines 93% lean ground beef with ingredients like onions, whole wheat breadcrumbs and kale to create nutrition-packed meatballs that taste like a traditional favorite. Kale is loaded with goodness like fiber, antioxidants, iron and calcium—but you’ll barely notice it snuck into these delicious meatballs. Our recipe makes six servings, with three meatballs with sauce counting as a single serving. For a lighter take on traditional spaghetti, serve these meatballs atop of spiralized zucchini noodles. Click here for the full recipe! >

The post 6 Easy Ground Beef Dinner Recipes to Get in Your Protein appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

I wish I wasn’t obese as a kid/teen

M/19/5’8 CW: 156lbs

So I’ve been doing a lot of reflection after getting off of my meds as I’ve had to in order to stay afloat. I realized one of my core beliefs that was instilled into me from a young age is that attractive people are better.

I was treated like crap growing up for my weight. I was bullied picked on and borderline treated sub juman simply because I didn’t look like everyone else. I can’t even look at pictures of when I was young because I get so angry and disgusted by the person I see. I learned to put a wall up with people and shield my emotions to protect me. I later worked on my personality so that people would want to actually get to know me…and it worked.

In junior high and high school was the worst though. It was now that I had become invisible sexually. No one wanted me besides a friendship add the fact that I’m gay and it just lessened my chance of getting a boyfriend or even talking to a guy.

To this day I only know of one openly gay guy in my high school that was attractive enough to hook up with the closeted guys.

Anyways now I’ve lost the weight and while I do certainly get more attention from both men and women I’m so insecure in my body and my ability to actually attain anything past friendship that I’m stuck. The loose skin I got after weight loss has given me some very traumatic body dsymorphia to the point where I won’t leave the house or I’ll call off of work just to avoid being seen.

I just want my skin removed so I can start the process of healing my body and mind. Cuz I’ve tried with the body I currently have and it almost landed me in a psych word.

The last point I guess is. I wish the I had lost weight earlier or that I never was fat that way I could not have to deal with the mental repercussions of being overweight.

submitted by /u/underconstruction__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat