Sunday, August 29, 2021

Tips for exercise/weight loss while living in snow

Anyone else live where it snows or extremeley cold (-30) most of winter? If so, what do you do for exercise? Especially is you are outside most of the time during spring/summer/fall?

Or if you don't change up your exercise routine, do you eat differently during winter to avoid putting on winter weight?

I am living in a beautiful part of the US and just got a stationary bike for the winter months. I know I will not want to leave most days as it's so cold, it's -27 some days, even with the sun out. Trying to plan a better routine this coming winter season and looking for some ideas.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/000fox000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - September Sign Ups

Hello lovely losers! It's almost September, which means it's time for a new DAC.

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post (and day 1) to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported by the internet version of a push up bra! Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remove moral judgement/stigma/shame directed at yourself about it: Keeps me honest.

1800 calories (tracking in 5-day cycles, Friday/Saturday at maintenance):

Exercise 5 days a week: Would like to be doing more strength work & HIIT. X/X days.

Alone time to word vomit into journal: Keeps me sane.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for -

Express gratitude to today me for good choices: Thanks, I hate it.

Your turn losers! How is your September going to go?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 10 pounds!

Buckle in because I think this will be a long one. here’s a link to all the photos I’ll be talking about

I’ve struggled with my weight since middle school. Before that, I was one of those kids who was a bottomless pit for food and never gained an ounce. Once I hit puberty at around 12 it all caught up with me, and I was one of the first girls in my group of friends who developed breasts and as I’m sure many of you know they don’t come without “curves” in many other places also. As a girl who grew up in the early 2000s, we were told a normal body weight was “fat” and very thin was idealized, there was a lot of pro-ana propaganda on the internet. It didn’t take much influence for me to begin to hate my body, eat my feelings, and punish myself afterwards.

This continued until about junior year of high school, where I leaned up a bit (despite almost no changes in my lifestyle) which convinced me that I must have “lost my baby fat” and that I would be thin from now on. (Narrator: “she would not be thin from now on”)

I started college in the fall of 2014 and moved out with my then boyfriend and a roommate. As most poor college students do, I began eating poorly, drinking, and letting the very stressful lifestyle of working and schooling determine how my days went. Coupled with that and a very unhealthy relationship I found myself again turning to food to help me cope with my feelings. As I started to pack on the pounds I felt more and more out of control of my body and myself. This came to a head when I decided to shave my head in 2017. I was horrified with what I looked like, I had no more hair to hide behind and I felt vulnerable and I couldn’t recognize myself (not to mention my then-boyfriend agreed that he didn’t like it -thanks bud)

I decided that it would take about as long to lose weight as it would to grow my hair out, and there wouldn’t be a better time to start working on myself. I started small, and did little floor workouts in the mornings before work. Eventually I had lost around 18 pounds after about a year. It wasn’t much longer after that when I ended my relationship. Sounds great to end a toxic relationship so I can continue to work on myself, right? Wrong. That summer (2018) I got evicted from our shared duplex because I couldn’t afford rent and my new roommate didn’t have her share either. I was effectively homeless and it would take 9 months for me to find a stable home again. Once I did, guess what? Yep. You guessed it - I went right back to comfort eating.

This time I outdid myself and surpassed my all time high of 175lbs (79kgs) and made it to 199lbs (90kgs) as my highest weight of my life. Without getting too off track, the shit show had only intensified with other aspects of my life and that left me feeling helpless, further compounding the helplessness of my weight gain and bad habits. I had no motivation to be better anymore, I felt spent from my first big weight loss and didn’t want to start all over and do it again to only potentially have this happen again.

In July of this year, where conveniently I weighed the most that I ever have, I decided to make a life altering decision to join the US Coast Guard. I got my study book and called my recruiter and he told me “your application looks great - but I need you to be 160 pounds or less” (72.5kg) and i knew what I had to do. I really, really wanted this. Finally I wasn’t motivated by looks or how I felt about my body. I was motivated because I will have to run 1.5 miles (2.4km) in 15 minutes, do 39 sit-ups in a minute and 15 push ups in a minute to graduate boot camp, and before I can do that I need to lose 40lbs (18.4kg). I got a personal trainer, I dedicated myself to a sustainable calorie deficit with appropriate macros, and started going to the gym every day.

Today, I weighed in at 188lbs (85.3kg) which is my first 10lbs (4.5kg) lost since I started. I hope to be at my goal weight by December, and then re-evaluate a new goal weight for my new lifestyle. For the first time I’m making sustainable changes and I know that I can really change for the better, and I won’t be yo-yoing 50 pounds until the end of time.

It may only be 10lbs, but i feel so proud of myself already and can’t wait for the next 10lbs.

submitted by /u/Shitposies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i feel discouraged now that im so close to my goal

hey, what's up everyone? hope you all are having a wonderful day! Haven't been on here much lately but I hit a little bump in my weight loss journey so I was hoping to come here for some support.

I've been feeling pretty good. I stopped weighing myself on the scale the past month or so cause I am close to my goal weight. I'm doing intermittent fasting and intuitive eating. So far I had lost around 60lbs.

I did my measurements a couple months ago so I thought it would be a good idea to measure again and see what I lost in inches instead of the scale.

I did my measurements and I lost 2.5 inches from my chest and half an inch from my waist. Also, 1 inch off my hips. If you look at my pictures in my profile, you'll see why this is discouraging.

I ended up weighing myself right after and I've lost almost 10 lbs since I did the measurements. I'm a little bit over 150 now. my goal weight was 145. My belly is still huge and now im losing inches off my chest which I had not noticed before in my weight loss journey (same bra size until now).

It's messing with my head. if my belly is not gonna get smaller, i dont want my boobs to get smaller. I know that probably sounds stupid and maybe some people wont understand and im sorry if i sound like I'm complaining, I'm just discouraged after this weight loss journey and feeling really un attractive.

submitted by /u/applepuddin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Concerning behavior or??.

Quick story I'm an ex overweight woman and in January signed up at a gym and starting bodybuilding, and am in the normal weight range and happy with how my body looks for the first time ever.

Over the last month I've noticed if I don't go to the gym my mood for the day is terrible, I feel terrible, and I feel like I have to get on my treadmill and run or run outside to make up for it.

If I can't get to the gym I'm finding myself obsessing with exercising on my treadmill and the calories I can burn off or just not eating a meal so I don't go over my calorie intake (since I couldn't/didn't exercise) that day.

I'm really starting to wonder if this is ED exhibition of habits or if this is "just a stage" I'm at in my weight loss journey....

Edit: I am a competing in a bikini competition next year also and still have more weight to lose for that before I'm really ready to step on stage

submitted by /u/chesterssecret
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Concerns about my calorie deficit.

Hello everyone, so I've just decided to start my weight loss journey again. I am a 127kg 20-year-old male, first of all really big changes have occurred. I had to cut out a lot in order to realize my calorie deficit. I've made loads of sacrifices I removed iced coffee drinks and to my shock, I haven't had fast food in over a week. I substituted a lot of it for healthier home-cooked meals keeping an eye on the calories making sure they were below 2500 a day. So far great success I was 130kg at the start of the week and my current weight is 127kg. However here is where I think I may have messed up, I set a target for "below 2500 calories" but I didn't specify how far below. So by the end of the day, I realized I had only consumed 700 calories and gone "okay great" I thought "oh well it's low but I am satisfied" pushed it to the back of my mind... big mistake.

On the days I ate around 700 calories I got hunger cravings like you would not believe I kept telling myself "no your full you're full!" then sometimes I would get to the next morning and eat breakfast or just snack on low-calorie foods. This gave me great weight loss in the short term but I had terrible side effects I got up to go to the bathroom and nearly passed out in fact this happened multiple times throughout the week my hearing and my vision would vanish.

Now here was something I found out which was quite interesting. Days I let myself go and eat more I ended up at 1700 calories and completely stopped eating, that was when I was full, I felt great hardly any issues at all, and without fail it was always 1700 calories no more no less. I began to wonder "why do I stop eating at 1700 calories?" I'm not really sure it almost feels like 1700 calories is the healthy target I should be setting especially considering I seem to experience fewer cravings and hunger at that range. Is this optimal for someone like me is my body just naturally aiming for it because that's the case or should lower my calorie deficit just a little bit.

Thank you I look forward to your answers and I will read them all and take them into account.

submitted by /u/RadsXT
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

11 Tasty Smoothies You Can Make With Your Nutrisystem Shakes

Protein shakes are fantastic to have on hand. They take mere minutes to prepare, they’re easy to take on the go, plus, they make for a tasty treat that can help keep you feeling fuller for longer stretches of time. Nutrisystem Shakes are no exception. With each delicious vanilla and chocolate shake, you get a whopping 15 grams of protein and five grams of fiber… all at just 120 calories.

And that’s not even the sweetest part! While our customers will attest that the Nutrisystem Shakes are totally tasty on their own, you can also doctor them up to suit any kind of craving. Whether you’ve got rich and creamy chocolate on the brain or you’re in the mood for something tropical and refreshing, you can use your protein mixes as a foundation for any number of flavorful concoctions.

Running low on Nutrisystem Shakes? Quick! Click here to stock up > 

Check out this round-up of delicious smoothies you can make with your Nutrisystem shakes:

Helpful hint: Simply click on the recipe name to get the full recipe!

1. Pot of Gold Mint Shake >

shamrock shake
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day all year long in slim-down style with this sweet and creamy take on a fast food favorite that goes big on flavor but light on calories, fat and sugar. Featuring a flavorful blend of Nutrisystem Vanilla Shake Mix, vanilla almond milk, cashews, mint extract, spinach and ice, this tasty treat is every bit as delicious as it’s calorie-laden counterpart at the drive through, but spares you all the diet destruction.

2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie >

chocolate peanut butter smoothie
Indulge in this rich, favorite flavor combination to satisfy your cravings while staying on track. Featuring your Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake Mix, reduced-fat peanut butter, a medium frozen banana, and some water and ice, this is a super simple and decadent healthy treat.

3. Pineapple Mango Smoothie >

mango smoothie
Enjoy a tropical getaway with this delicious and refreshing smoothie that is perfect for cooling off on a hot day (or dreaming of warm weather on chilly winter days!). Simply blend water, frozen pineapple and frozen mango with one serving of the Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake and be transported!

4. Berry Delicious Smoothie >

This creamy, dreamy smoothie is bursting with berry flavor. Add one serving of Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake Mix, half a banana, berries, ice, water and non-fat yogurt to your blender and mix until smooth. When available, use locally grown and in-season berries for maximum flavor.

5. Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Smoothie >

thin mint
Feel like you’re indulging in a refreshing and chocolaty ice cream cone or milkshake with this Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Smoothie. Combine low-fat milk, Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake Mix, NutriChocolaty Wafers, ice and fresh mint leaves for a rich and crisp blended treat.

6. Lemon Cooler Shake >

lemon smoothie
Sip this sunny pick-me-up when you when you need a boost of energy or when you are trying to stay cool on a hot day. This sweet and refreshing smoothie will keep you going with it’s delicious and protein-filled blend of Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake, lemon juice, lemon zest, skim milk and vanilla extract. Bonus: You can also swap out the lemons for oranges to enjoy a sweet Orange Creamsicle smoothie.

7. Kiwi Vanilla Smoothie >

kiwi vanilla
Kiwi-lovers will love this tart, yet sweet green smoothie loaded with fresh kiwi, banana and kale and blended with a Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake, water and ice. Indulge in the sweet and vibrant taste of kiwi with a smooth and creamy twist.

8. Red, White and Blueberry Smoothie >

Blend up a colorful and sweet combination of strawberries, blueberries and a Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake packet for a berry-licious smoothie that is packed with flavor and vitamin C. It’s hard to resist the sweet and creamy combination of vanilla and berries, so whip up a large batch to share!

9. Green Tropics Smoothie >

green tropics smoothie
Whip up a cheery combination of pineapple, banana, coconut water, spinach, Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake and ice for a trip to the tropics any time of the year. Delight in the crisp, sweet flavors of this tropical smoothie and enjoy knowing that you are getting a full serving of vegetables.

10. Chocolate Coconut Smoothie >

Chocolate Coconut Smoothie
Indulge in the rich and sweet flavors of chocolate, almond and coconut and you’ll feel like you’re drinking your favorite candy bar! Blend together Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake, half a banana, almond milk, coconut extract and ice, and you are ready to sip a heavenly smoothie that tastes more like dessert than a healthy meal.

11. Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie >

mint chocolate
This Mint Chocolate Smoothie is everything you want in a creamy, dreamy chocolate smoothie, plus Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake Mix: It’s super simple… and super delicious!

For more delicious smoothie recipes that you can make with your Nutrisystem Shakes, visit the Shakes and Smoothies category in the Recipe Center.

The post 11 Tasty Smoothies You Can Make With Your Nutrisystem Shakes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf