Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Possibly doing something wrong? (CICO questions).

Hi all,

Posted here before and I always get good advice.

So I started CICO begging Nov of 2020 along with basic strength training (SW:260 GW:185/BF%15-18 and CW: 213). 30M 6’0.

First fourth months I got down to 230 which seems fairly normal but then over the next six months I only got down to 213.

First 9 months it was 500 cal daily deficit so it should have been a minimum of a lb a week before cardio but there’s been so little movement in my weight loss. Last month I switched to keto and added my max of another 300 calorie deficit to make my calories 1500 a day. The weight seems to just be coming off at the same speed. I -have- to be missing something as I only have eaten at a caloric surplus for maybe 10 days cumulatively looking at my food journal. The avg I’m burning weight at is just over half a lb a week.

Additionally, for strength training I have been using PPL at 6x a week for the past 3-4 months. My strength seems to be progressing despite being on a deficit.

I really wanna hit my GW before year end but that’s looking to be tough at this rate. I have checked my meds for metobolic side effects, did a check up at my doctor and got nothing out of the ordinary so all suggestions are welcome!

submitted by /u/ItsAPrinny
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lessons I've learnt during my weight loss journey-Keep it simple and boring and the fruits will be tasty(also some personal myths getting broken along the way)

M23 SW-185 CW-150 GW-140-145

How did I do it?Plain and simple.2 meals a day(600 cal each)4 hours apart.Intermittent fasting for 20 hours daily.Very little to no exercise.

How long did it take?Exactly 150 days.

Key takeways-Only diet and no exercise will definitely burn off that fat but you'll still look very rickety as you aren't lifting weights.Also that belly and chest fat will take a LOT of time to go away(Mine is still there).Keep that in mind.Intermittent fasting will work like a charm.You just have to be consistent and honest with it.

Myths-Youll definitely hit a plateau (i haven't.I think people confuse losing weight slowly with hitting a plateau).Low cal diet with slow your metabolism (can't really say much on this but i never felt tired honestly).

Just keep swimming.

submitted by /u/khurjabulands
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying something new

SW: 210.5lbs, CW: 205lbs

So the majority of the year 2020 and a good chunk of 2021 was spent overeating and barely getting any movement that wasn't going to work and back home. My gym was closed and I was in no mood to work out at home or to go for walks. The only thing I was in the mood for was stress eating sugary stuff and stress drinking unholy amounts of coffee. Fun covid times all around with not so fun weight gain of almost 30 lbs by the middle of July 2021. Which lands me at my almost highest weight (the highest officially being 212 lbs 5 years ago).

Now I feel like attempting weight loss again. In a way. I have been trying to lose weight, on and off, since the age of 14. Now being 32, I have spent 18 years yo-yo dieting through a plethora of restrictive methods. My biggest success was through CICO with 40 lbs lost in the span two years right before the pandemic. But in my heart of hearts I truly believe that if I never have dieted at all I wouldn't be by far as fat as I am right now.

I don't have it in me to start another restrictive cycle that is going to end in failure. Isn't it the definition of madness: repeating the same fcling thing for 18 fucking years and expecting different results?

In the last 5 years restrictive eating constantly led me down a miserable and stress filled spiral (the CICO phase included): obsessing over food, massive overeating episodes, hair loss. I don't suffer from any eating disorders or body dysmorphia (at least I don't think I do), but I do have disordered eating habits and a lot of shame associated with food and eating. I am so f*cling exhausted with all the restrictive dieting. Just thinking about starting any restrictions again makes me fly into rage. Seriously, sometimes I feel like, if I get another well meaning diet advice, I will spit into the person's face and just deal with consequences. What a great head space.

So I feel it's time to try something new. A month ago I stumbled upon something called intuitive/mindful eating. It's not a diet, not even a weight loss strategy. Which is good I guess. At this point I don't now, what I truly want anymore: being thin or just feeling good in my body. I am not sure it's the same thing.

I still eat the same things: mostly home cooked whole foods. I shifted from eating three big meals to eating three smaller meals with two big snacks in between. I shifted the majority of calories consumed to mornings and afternoons with dinner being the smallest meal, where it used to be the biggest (fuelled by my overeating usually happening in the evenings).

I pulled all my "hidden" sugary treats out of the drawers and put the in a box in the middle of the dining table with unconditional permission to take whatever I want whenever I want. To my surprise I didn't eat all that much out of that box.

I still track, but only before bed after all my meals. I now calorie counting still affects my food choices. It's just a never ceasing running tally in the back of my head. I can always guesstimate calorie content of my meals pretty accurately.

It feels great to always be satiated. My hunger ques are ok, I guess. I am good at knowing when I am not hungry anymore (just very adept at ignoring that knowledge).

Mfp tells my I ate pretty much at maintenance for the last month, but I still lost 5 pounds. Probably due to all the working out. I am very happy to be back at the gym.

I have this new thing (not something that ever happened to me before), where from time to time I feel physical hunger, but have zero appetite to the point of feeling repulsed by food. I have no idea whether it's normal or just another f*cked up mental thing I have to deal with.

All in all, right now I am not sure in which direction I am going with all this. Just very sure I don't want to go back to restricting.

submitted by /u/No_Hurry4699
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Been walking an hour a day for a month, marginal weight loss

I ended up getting up to 275 pounds thanks to antidepressants and now I'm trying to lose it while still taking those meds because I become unstable if I don't take them. I had done a diet before, without exercising too, and lost about 25 pounds in a matter of 2 and a half months! I hated the diet because I was hungry all the time and the food tasted like shit, and being depressed and on meds didn't help. Sadly my weight is now up by about 50 due to school and life stress and I can't seem to lose anything.

It's been a little more than a month since I started walking around the park to extend my walk home from work up to 1 hour. I thought it would help since I don't move around much otherwise. I'm also staying away from cookies and other snacks, eating fruits instead. Also staying away from bread, pasta and rice, as per the diet my nutritionist gave me.

Only lost 5 pounds so far and it feels really disappointing. I had lost more than 10 pounds at this point last year so I'm losing my confidence. I don't enjoy walking itself and the music gets boring like how the gum you chew loses flavor after a while.

I tried doing aerobic steps but that was super boring, even more boring than walking. I tried doing Ring Fit Adventure on Nintendo Switch but it's too intense and I can barely burn 150 kcal in 15 mins. It gave me some muscle mass but didn't help much losing weight. Also it makes me feel really sore, but at least it's kinda fun. I burn about 400 kcal if I walk for about an hour so I was sure I would lose some weight but I'm still a fat sack with little change. That's about 2500 kcal a week (Sunday is rest day)

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/AnxiousIntender
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

I've lost 38lbs (17 kgs) without eating 'health food'

Male, 33, 6' 2'' (188cm). SW: 225 (102kg), CW: 187 (85kg), GW: 154 (70kg).

I'm so excited to share my progress with you guys! I've managed to lose 38lbs since March through calorie counting and regular jogging. My main go to meals have been things like pizza, burgers and fries, pita and felafel, pasta and bolognese, tacos and burritos, pancakes and waffles. All homemade from scratch. Each day I would drink (a lot of) coffee with a splash of milk for breakfast, and then I would stick to lunch and dinner as my two meals. I would also have snacks or dessert each day, consisting of things like candy snakes, chocolate, fruit and nuts, coke or ice cream, sometimes some wine. I've been easily hitting 1500 calories a day, and then doing my jogging on top of that. I started my weight loss journey back in March this year, but I've been following the plan listed above for the past three months or so where I've started seeing impressive results. I eased into this plan, starting with 1800 calories for a while, easing into skipping breakfast, and slowly upping the amount of running from 20mins 3 x a week to 40mins 5 x a week. It now feels like a very natural routine. Another important part of my approach has been regular therapy over Zoom to address the underlying issues of my weight gain, among other things.

It's been really important to me that I eat super delicious food that I love, and that I go to bed feeling full and satisfied every night. In the past I've done more extreme diets where I deprived myself of all the food I love, and I've always caved in and given up. It's totally changed my life making these delicious foods from scratch while understanding all the calories that go into them.

This community rules! Thanks for the inspiration. And make sure you're eating some delicious food too.

submitted by /u/packyoursnacks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Emotional eating and stress making weight loss difficult

In the past, my weight has fluctuated a lot within a 20 pound range. But it has always been easy for me to get focused and reach my “normal” weight again without too much effort. I could typically drum up some motivation and just make it happen.

Now, between the pandemic and stress from grad school, I have put on about 20 lbs over the past year. And it has not wanted to come off. I think the biggest culprit is emotional eating to cope with stress. Being exhausted has also made it hard to feel motivated about losing weight.

Anyway, I’m back on the weight loss train. I’m using noom which is working fine. I like that it keeps me accountable. I’m counting calories, walking more, exercising, all the things. But it’s tough. A lot tougher than it’s been in the past. It’s like I have no willpower anymore.

Today my small win was turning down dessert, maybe for the first time ever. I went on a walk with some friends and everyone got ice cream after, but I skipped it. IT WAS SO HARD. Will this get easier? Anyone have advice to stay motivated? Tips to manage emotional eating? Would appreciate some advice.

submitted by /u/bluelemoncows
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Almost at goal weight, cannot lose the last bit

I put on 60-70 pounds during the pandemic and since December/January, I've lost about 50 and I'm sitting around 20BMI now. Problem is I'm kinda skinnyfat and have no muscle and I want to lose the flab. For the first many months, dieting and weight loss were so easy I didn't think about it and I lost 10 lbs a month at least.

Since April, I have been unable to lose the last bit of weight, and my weight has stayed in the same 5-10 lbs interval no matter how hard I try. I feel like I'm dealing with a major loss of metabolism, as I eat so little yet tiny amounts of food make me full and even though I'm eating so little, I wake up in the morning feeling bloated and full from the night before and I'm not losing any weight. Like I cannot even eat a normal sized meal in one sitting, I have to graze on tiny bits of food or it's too much. I run every day and while it makes me feel good, it's not helping the weight loss.

I'm kind of at my wit's end here. I've been meaning to get my thyroid checked and see if it's underactive because other than that I have no idea why I can't lose this weight. It seems like the only way to actually lose it is to eat so little I'm totally starving myself, but I also find it hard to go to bed hungry these days.

Does anyone have tips for losing the last bit of weight? Any ideas why I can barely eat without feeling disgustingly full?

submitted by /u/dat_boi_256
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from loseit - Lose the Fat