Saturday, September 11, 2021

Unpopular opinion: If you're successful at losing weight, you still didn't find the answer to weight loss

What's funny to me about the weight loss world is that when you're overweight, everybody always has (mostly unsolicited) advice, but after you lose the weight, the same people will ask what your "secret" is.

I truly don't think anyone has THE answer to weight loss. Because I don't think there's a singular issue.

I've been diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder recently and you'll never guess what is detrimental to those who have BED. Diets. Keto. IF. All of the saviors that most will hail as the be all end all solution to obesity.

Therapy was my solution. But should it be everyone's solution if it worked for me? Of course not, and I think diets and lifestyles need to be treated the same way.

In my opinion, we should be encouraging people to find what works for them, not try what works for us.

submitted by /u/RestingBitFace
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to deal with slowing weight loss?

F27 | 5'1" | SW: 81 kg | CW: 62.9 kg | GW: 55 kg

Hi everyone! I've been at this on and off since about a year, though I have only gotten "serious" in the last 6-7 months. I've just been logging my food, coupled with 60-90 minute walks at a leisurely pace 5-6 times a week. As expected, the weight loss is slowing a bit and I'm starting to struggle mentally with it. I have adjusted my intake to keep pace with the new weight, but it's taking me some time to adjust mentally. I also don't really see much of a difference in the mirror, even though my clothes all fit better/are way too big on me, and the few occasions I've met people (still working remotely) they've noticed it too. Any tips on how to cope with this and prevent self-sabotage?

submitted by /u/2019journey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help!

I have no idea where to even begin anymore with weight loss. I’m 6’1”, 415 currently so clearly I have plenty of weight to lose. 5 Weeks ago I started Keto and working out. I lost 11lbs that first week (probably all water weight) but nothing since then. Literally no other weight loss. Now yes I understand I’m probably getting healthier but I’ve lived an entire life of being overweight and I’m tired of it.

Ive done many diets and exercise regimens, I lose weight and then I gain it all back plus more. I get to a point where I just say fuck it all and I don’t care anymore during the diet. I don’t know how to stop that mentality either. That’s where I’m at now. Fuck this diet and exercise bullshit. Clearly it doesn’t work for me.

Nothing keeps me motivated. I need help. How do you stay motivated? How do I stop food cravings, boost metabolism, make better choices, stick with a diet? Literally anyone willing to take me under there wing I’m all ears. I know I need to change my life I just need help bc I don’t know what I’m doing.

submitted by /u/dmarkley85
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Pharma Assistance to Loseit

So hey all. Long time reddit user, infrequent poster.

My new weightloss catalyst was we finally bought our land in Hawaii and I have huge goals that won't happen unless I'm healthy.

I'm not sure what the general view in this sub is on pharma assistance, but binge eating is a mental health issue. I was normal weight, even under weight until my late 20's. Stress and aging caused me to gain through my 30's and 40s. I hovered around 200 late 30s early 40s (5'9). I had mixed degrees of success with things over the years like Atkins, Keto, CICO, but cheat days and binging always crept back in. I sort of accepted that bouncing between 180-210 via yo yo dieting was just me. When the pandemic hit (I'm an RN and work in clinical research) My binging spiralled badly and I went to a PCP appt to talk about pharma help and found myself at 246 lbs. WTF. So.... I got put on Qsymia induction dose for two weeks and am now on phentermine 15 mg in the morning and topirimate BID.

I'm not going to claim that these medications are easy on me, especially the phentermine. However, my cravings for food are absolutely crushed. Its so easy to stick to a routine. I have zero binges. I skip breakfast. Power bowl for lunch (most of these are 200-300 cals). No snacks. Dinner is usually some combo of lower carb veggies, proteins, soups, wraps, things like that. If I have a snack in the evening its a cheese stick, a half cup of cottage cheese, or a piece of fruit (not often fruit bc I generally count carbs). I actually struggle to get over 1200 calories. I have lost 20lbs in less than 6 weeks. I have not had a single piece of candy. No desserts or snack foods. Nothing. And it's fine, it was effortless from a cravings standpoint. So. Much. Water. The phentermine makes me drink upwards of 100oz per day. I get regular BP monitoring and bloodwork.

As I hit my goals I will have to incorporate more exercise (I'm 46 and I still hurt right now at 226- joint pain). I have come to terms with the fact that I will likely have to keep taking Topirimate QD for the rest of my life to help me treat my binge eating. The pause from the intrusive binge thoughts is allowing me to form new habits of counting up all calories and choosing this over that. I have long term goals and was on a slippery slope toward losing them. I won't let that happen.

I guess I'm saying to you that if you start to slip, consider seeing a weight loss clinic. Physicians are increasingly beginning to treat this like the mental disorder that it is and there are many tools to help. There are lots of folks that would scoff at that and have a bootstrap mentality (I've seen it in this sub some and its unfortunate) but obviously that is not working for many, and raw willpower only takes you so far.

There are other weight loss formulas out there as well like Contrave (buproprion and naltrexone) and glp-1 agonists (we've done a ton of clinical trials on these agents with amazing results).

Would love to hear other stories and encouragement from the community on the issue.

Would love to hear long term stories about how you incorporated pharmaceutical help into your lifetime success.

submitted by /u/reefshadow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First post here, wanted to open about first big personal weight loss millestone

First time posting here, just want to open up to somewhere. So i started losing weight 2 months ago from 131.9kg(which Is the heviest i have ever been) and yesterday was the day i lost my first 10kg ever! I was so happy for it, since i have been heavy all my life, and i can count the times when i have lost weight with one hand.

And the Best part Is that i haven't been taking too strict chainges to my day to day life. I started counting my daily calories and limited them To first 1800, and two weeks ago lowered it To 1600. And ofcourse there have been days where i have overeated and feeling pretty bad about it, even To a point where i have gone running To make my self feel better afterwards, but not so much lately.

And for exersice i have been going to evening walks/runs(about 30-40min) 3 To 4 times a week on top of my pretty active workday at construction. Right now i am just hoping i can keep this up, and find my self liking what i see both in the scale and in the mirror.

submitted by /u/randomusername130
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

26F not losing weight and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?

I'm 26F, and 5'3" tall. I was 121 pounds 3 years back until I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and was put on meds. At that point in time, I was eating intuitively, my work at a biology lab involved mostly standing and light walking around, etc. So it was not a classic sedentary lifestyle.

Something changed once I started to take the medication I think. I don't know if I started to eat more, because I didn't notice any major changes in my eating, but I put on 6-7 pounds over the following 2 years. So I was around 128 pounds in December 2020.

This February (2021), I had an awful depressive episode and my doctor put me on an antidepressant cocktail. Since then I've suddenly jumped up to 141 pounds. It was a really quick weight gain, I could even feel my body get heavier. I had weird and specific food cravings all the time. I was monitoring my weight off and on but through my mental health issues, I couldn't really care much.

This summer I decided I need to lose weight. I stopped eating out for more than once a week, I started counting my calories. The BMR calculator said I need 1700 calories per day but I am restricting myself to 1200-1300 calories a day. I've been working out ~2 times a week, doing cardio, deadlifts, weights, etc. My weight isn't increasing at least, but I'm unable to lose any weight at all. Not even a few pounds. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I finally gathered the courage to stop taking the antidepressant cocktail last month. I seriously suspect that is the main reason for my weight gain. But even after getting off the medication, cutting my calories, etc. I'm not losing any weight. How do I figure out what I'm doing wrong? I'm sure I'm not counting calories wrong. I've been pretty meticulous about it. Even if I am counting them wrong, I don't think I'll be 600-800 calories off. How do I then explain my lack of weight loss?

submitted by /u/Cats_andCurls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to feel satiated after eating?

I’m in my 20s and have gained 25 pounds in the last year and a bit that has caused a lot of negativity for me surrounding my own body image. For the last few months I kept telling myself okay today I’m going to start for REAL but kept pushing it off because I would eat something bad and felt like I needed to start fresh. Yesterday was day one of my weight loss journey and what I want to know is how do you guys feel truly satiated after a meal? I had a coffee for breakfast, soylent for lunch and a homemade taco salad for dinner. What are you doing to get that full feeling without binge eating on snacks afterwards? It’s day 2 and I already feel like this is going to be impossible. I’d rather be in a coma than try and lose this damn weight because my food cravings are so bad.

submitted by /u/TunaTonitini
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from loseit - Lose the Fat