Friday, October 1, 2021

Is averaging a loss of half a pound every day too much?

Previously, people on here assured me that my paranoia was unfounded and that since I’d just started counting calories, I was only losing water weight and shouldn’t worry about it. It looked like after the first three weeks I was no longer getting those consistent big losses… I would maintain the same weight for a couple days, then see a big drop. Weird that it’s happening like that, but since it wasn’t going up again, no harm no foul, right?

Well, at fifty-one days I’ve done the math, and I’m worried again. I’m still losing weight at about the same speed, an average of 0.6 pounds per day, or 4.25 pounds per week. The plan I’m following in my calorie counting app is designed for two pounds per week, but most days I come up about two hundred calories shy of the budget, and burn three to six hundred calories daily depending on the exercise the weather allows.

Basically, I’m just asking for either assurance that this rate of weight loss is fine, or a slap on the wrist and firm instruction to get as close to the calorie budget as I can.

submitted by /u/Chesu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m worried about something my mom said

Hi! I think this is my first time posting here. I just wanted to say that I’m a little worried about something my mom said to me. I don’t thing she was trying to discourage me since we are in this journey together (maybe she was just having a bad day??), but when I stepped in the scale one day and saw that I was almost 225 lbs (I was at 221.8) it scared me back into my weight loss again since I had lost almost 30 pounds the first time and gained it all back and then more.

I told my mom that I refused to be 230 pounds and I was going to work on my goal of getting to 155lbs again. She then told me “ I said I would never go above 150 and then I quit trying and here I am.” Her highest was 250 I think, but she’s at 218 now?? But either way it worried me to think I was going to fall off the wagon again and gain more weight than I very have before.

Should I be as worried as I am?? I’ve lost almost 10 lbs since I started again and I’m worried that I’ll lose 30 lbs again and give up again. Do you all think she was being discouraging by accident or was she telling me that so I would work harder?? Im not sure, she wouldn’t usually say something like that to hurt me on purpose. Am I overthinking???????

submitted by /u/Thatzombiehotdog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My personal weight loss journey


Hello all, I’ve been part of this subreddit for a long time. I have been using it as inspiration and a way to feel like I’m not alone trying to fight this mental battle of losing weight

In the past I had struggled with many different diets (Keto, Paleo, chicken and broccoli, etc) trying to lose weight over and over again and had succeeded and failed multiple times. 2 years ago I had successfully lost 35 pounds by doing keto, but ended up succumbing to cravings and couldn’t gain control and put all the weight back on and then some

Finally this year 2021, I stepped on the scale, saw 266 pounds and realized that I resented the way I looked in the mirror and decided enough was enough. I had to make a change, started small by just making subtle changes to the diet. Drinking only water, removing fast food from the diet and most importantly, not restricting myself 100 percent from something. I was done with crash dieting

So if I craved a pizza or burgers, instead of ordering out, I would make it using the basic lower calorie ingredients that you could buy at a store (96% lean beaf, thin crust pizza crust, etc) Does it taste as good? No but good enough to satisfy that craving.

I also started to keep a close eye on every gram of food I put into my body by using a food scale and a calorie tracking app and eating at a 1000ish calorie deficit. By doing this I felt like I was in control. And sure 1000 calorie deficit is on the more extreme side but I was determined for a long time

And if I fell off, had a few more calories than I wanted, I wouldn’t let that stop me. I’d just make better choices the next day.

By July I was finally 230 pounds but starting to lose a bit of motivation. I became more lax on the weekends, going out to eat with friends but then tracking during the week what I ate. So I reached a plateau because of my lack of consistency. To help with my lack of motivation, my friend from work and I started lifting and going to the gym very regularly.

This helped me build my confidence up and keep going. I started putting on muscle, I felt stronger, and could see and feel the progress. Finally we reach where I am today and I feel so proud because I have not weighed 209 pounds since I was a freshman-sophomore in high school. I feel more confident, I’m starting build muscle and I’m finally starting to see a different person and not the person I was in January. My goals are changing day in and day out. And it feels so good. And the big reason I’ve decided to make this post is I finally have reached a BMI score of overweight. Im no longer considered obese! Yay! And I’m 9 pounds away from my current goal (I’ve decided to reassess at 200 pounds for the amount of body fat I’ll still have which I think will still be more than I want, and go for a weight of 185)

I hope this post will help someone like all of your posts helped me. and I’m sorry I kind of rambled, but I’m just excited! Thank you for the motivation this year loseit!

progress picture

submitted by /u/Matholiening
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ode to my Fat Rolls!

Ode to my fat rolls

Let's count them, 1-2-3

Listen here, fat rolls

You're not the boss of me!!!

Wearing only yoga pants

and extra large tees

My boobs, they're so big

They're almost to my knees

Running, cycling

The occasional yoga pose

Sore AF the next day,

You know how it goes!

Big bowl of pasta?

Oh yes please, I shall!

Oh no, you can't

You now have to log that on MyFitnessPal

So, ta-ta for now

It's time to say goodbye

For you my big fat rolls,

your end is nigh.

Happy Friday everyone!

I quit smoking 8 months ago and BAM, 30 lbs has since invaded my body. This is my first week on my weight loss journey. My first weigh in this am, 2.5 lbs down!! 37.5 more to go!

submitted by /u/MrsLucyGoosey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Are plateaus inevitable or a sign you need to change tactics?

I'm down 30 pounds since April, halfway to my goal weight of a healthy BMI, no longer obese but merely overweight, and I've been plateaued since the middle of August. I eat "below maintenance" every almost single day, ducking up to maintenance once a week because doing 1200 or 1500 got me plateaued previously.

I got this far with a mix of intermittent fasting and calorie counting. I'm at my lowest weight ever, my old college aspirational jeans are loose on me now, so that's great.

But I need to loose another 30 pounds to get to a healthy weight, I've still got a lot of stomach fat, and this is my THIRD PLATEAU. Weight training isn't an option for the time being due to covid and money. I hate aerobics/bodyweight home workouts and can't force myself to do them regularly, definitely not on fast days, which would be best, but when I have exercised it does literally nothing, regardless of how long or hard I go, so I doubt that's the problem. No, I do not add calories back for exercise, I know that everything overcounts.

I've been thinking about trying keto, fasting every other day instead of a couple days per week or eating daily but dropping down to 800 or 900 for non-"cheat days" of eating at maintenance, since 1200 is obviously too much at this point (I'm only five six, my BMR is 1500 so there's not a lot of daylight between that and 1200) and I can't actually find any real reason why 1200 is the magic number, especially for regular and small women rather than quarterbacks. I'm so tired of this; everything just stops working for no apparent reason and I am apparently not capable of consistent weight loss.

submitted by /u/Devilish-Snowball
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Began losing weight 17 days ago but too afraid to check the scale.

I have been strictly eating 2000 calories per day, my TDEE being 2505 calories. I know that isn't a huge difference but even that is hard for me to do.

I am afraid that I will step on the scale and not see any weight loss. I am on medical steroids which affect metabolism and make it nearly impossible to lose weight (the best most people are able to do is simply maintain weight and slow down the gaining) and so that makes me think I will never lose weight.

The only difference I have noticed since beginning my diet is that I can walk longer distances and am less short of breath.

I don't see a size reduction from what I can tell. But maybe it is happening gradually?

How do you force yourself to face the reality and step on the scale? What do you do if you get a disappointing result?

Thanks I appreciate any replies.

submitted by /u/amilosingyet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is this normal? M20

So I used to be 132KG. I lost around 16KG in 2-3 months. Went back into lockdown and gained 6-7kg back in 6 months.

I then started my weight loss journey once again at 124KG. Strict 1200-1300cal diet for 3 weeks with strength training and progressively increasing intensity cardio everyday. I aim to burn around 1000-1200 cal a day.

After three weeks I’m at 118.2KG. This result was today. However for the last 4-5 days, I was stuck at 120.5 then 120.1 then rapidly just went to 118.2. I take all my measurements fasted and after my morning cardio session so the water weight is out.

My question is, I thought the weight loss plateau usually occurs around the 100-90KG mark. Not disappointed at all however it was quite demotivating at times. I kept at it though and guess it’s paying off.

( I was worried about thyroid but blood work and doctor cleared that up)

submitted by /u/Clear_Neighborhood84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat