Sunday, October 3, 2021

The beach 2000-never project. Day 27

Hi everyone,
First and foremost what an amazing sub this is, truly inspiring to read about all your weight journeys. So a typical saying in my friend group is lets get slim for beach 2015, 2016 and so on but it never happens. This year most of us in the group (like many other from what I could read) have put on some extra kgs due to Covid and we have set a goal to get under 100kgs until Christmas as a start.

So after reading around on the this sub I started counting calories and been logging them since 7-sep to keep track so I don't eat more calories than I burn. That have worked amazingly well so far and since I'm a huge fan of Excel its kind of satisfying to fill in the numbers a couple of times a day in the spreadsheet and get an overview on how many calories/kgs that is lost each week.

Since Christmas is two month of and only the first stop on a longer journey I wanted to doublecheck somethings so I'm not doing them incorrectly and creating bad habits from the start. So with all that said here comes what I hope all of you can help me sort out:

From what I could read a calorie deficit on 500-1000/day is the preferable amount to be on for a healthy and sustainable weight loss in the long run. Is it possible to do a week now and then when you go way lower than that, say like 1 week each month? Or will that completely mess up the metabolic system and make it burn less calories than it should in the long run?

I'm using to calculate calories, is that an accurate one? If not which one do you recommend?

So far I have only kept track on calories but since my goal is to start moving around a bit more next week and maybe start some lighter exercises to keep muscle mass I get the feeling that protein, fat and carbs needs to be added to the spreadsheet. Is a 30/35/35% split the way to go? Or do you recommend another split?

The long-term plan is to exercise/move more and more during the journey but instead of buying a gym card that prob. never will be used like usual I'm taking it slow with the training goals this time. If I get so far that training gets a place in my life routine is it protein that's important to increase in the diet to build more muscles? Any recommendations on how to best calculate this?

I have read that you should eat like 5 different meals each day, is it possible to take that number down to 2 (lunch/dinner) and maybe take a shake or something for breakfast/snack instead? Before I got on the bigger side of the scale I usually just ate a big lunch and maybe dinner/breakfast half of the week if the hunger kicked in. Is it reasonable to try to get back to that eating pattern or is it a bad way of eating?

Read somewhere that you should eat after 20:00 is it some truth to that? How does fasting work and is it worth looking into it?

Sorry for the long post and a big thank you to everyone that read it. When you feel that's it rough remember that your journeys is an inspiration to everyone that haven't started their journey yet and for that fact alone you´re amazing!

Have a great Sunday!

submitted by /u/EnvironmentalMoney
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is something wrong with my scale?

Ok so bit of a background. 25M, 178cm, Weighed ~124kg back in March if this year and decided to lose some weight for personal and health reasons. Kept to a diet of about 1800 - 2400 calories per day and 30 minutes of cardio (on a stationary bike) for 6 days a week. Got a digital scale to keep track of my progress and had got down to about 119kg around the end of june.

Around mid July to beginning of September multiple circumstances (including an injury that occurred whilst on the stationary bike) caused me to take a lax approach to my plan and I also required a surgery due to my injury. When being booked in for the surgery I found that my weight had shot up to about 123kg (using the analogue hospital scale this time). This made me realise how badly I had strayed from my programme and so almost immediately after being discharged, I began dieting again, managing to trim down my portions and get my approximate calorie intake to about 1400 - 1800 this time. I have not yet trained though and will be unable to do so until the end of the month due to the surgery

Now this is where the issue comes in. Using the digital scale at home, I've noticed a trend in a loss of about 0.5kg per day or every two days (the surgery was two weeks ago and I currently am down to 118.2 - 118.6kg), which should have me excited but upon consulting alot of places on the net know that this should be impossible without training. I always weigh myself in the mornings after my morning toilet visit but before breakfast, place the scale in the same position and always make sure to take more than one reading to make sure the reading is accurate. I am also not on any weight loss supplements or protein shakes etc, neither do I feel or look any different. Can anyone advise on just what is the issue here? Is it the scale, is my calorie count off or should I seek medical attention for this weird weight loss?

submitted by /u/TKG1607
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monthly check-in for my weight loss , 6.6 lbs down in 1 month , 28.4 to go

So after a lot of struggle I finally found my rhythm a month back. Haven't lost much though, but it's a start. And I need something that keeps me going , hence I will be posting here my monthly progress to keep a tab.

More details : I am 5 5" /29/F trying to lose around 35 pounds in total and developing a healthier lifestyle. In this last month I have increased my protein intake, and limited my carbs and fats.

Another non scale victory, is I was able to do my first wide stance push up today!! In fact I was able to do 3 in a row. I was never able to do any push ups . I guess the protein increase is paying off now 😃.

But I feel this weight loss rate is very slow . It is frustrating to see only 6 pounds move in a month. I am working out 30 minutes a day 6 times a week, somethimes cardio, sometimes pushups , squats etc.. And I complete 10K steps a day (including workouts). Eating at 1200 calories. Although I had some cheat meals here and there.

What else can be improved any suggestions ? Should I get a pair of dumbbells and start strength training with them ?

submitted by /u/NimbuMasala
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

any advice for me?

hi! so, i'm a 16 year old female, 165cms, and probably about 287lbs. i think i want to, as an end goal, be around 200lbs, but i'm not sure. (i'm aiming for still pretty curvy, some may say chubby, but smaller than i am now. i like the look of a fuller woman, and i don't want to be "thin," i guess. respect to my skinny ladies out there, but i'm aiming to still be a little chubby.) my diet is largely controlled by what my mum buys, and we're pretty broke, so spending a lot of money is a no. i have a treadmill! it's pretty shitty, and kinda scary to run on, but it works. i know i could totally look for advice online, but i can't find many good resources for chicks who want to turn their fat into muscle. will strength training help me lose weight as well? what kind of easy diets can i go on that don't include a lot of involvement from my mother (she doesn't really care about weight loss, but i think if i keep up a routine she'll buy me a scale and better food.) she knows i'm already quiet strong, and she knows i want to get stronger, so i don't think she'll mind helping me out in getting some strength based exercise equipment. any advice helps. thank you!

submitted by /u/nphyyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, October 2, 2021

I. Need. Help….. Please.

I’m starting to lose my mind. Can someone please help me?

What was the first thing you changed that started showing results?

What was the easiest thing you changed?

What helped the least?

What helped the most?

I’m recovering from an eating disorder (lowest weight 170} current weight 240, and I take 4 different psych medications plus birth control. I’ve spoken to my doctors countless times and they won’t help me because of my ED history. I’m trying to get off some psych meds and get on some weight loss pills just to help me get started (don’t judge me please you don’t know my story). I’m just so overwhelmed. I lost 50 lbs through an ED and I lost 30 lbs through diet and exercise and I can’t figure out how to replicate any of that. I don’t work, I’m a student full time, and I have a gym membership. My goal weight is 180 but it would be cool to see 210/200 on the scale come New Years. I’m frustrated.

submitted by /u/MahinaK
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to lose weight but having limited options…

So recently I’ve noticed how out of shape I am after walking out the shower and noticing a beer belly. I want to slim down and be able to get rid of it (as well as lose face fat). The problem is my parents never really get anything healthy from the store and I’m left with junk food and fast food. Im thinking of starving myself and eating one meal per day with drinking a gallon of water (I ate 1 fish o filet sandwich from McDonald’s and I’m thinking about not eating until the next day). What would you guys do in this weight loss journey? (For context: I’m 5’8, 20M, 165lbs and I want to be able to get to at least 150).

submitted by /u/Licoi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have no idea what I look like

Two and a half years ago, I rowed for college and was in the best shape of my life. The training and dieting I did for that led me to lose 25lbs, but I was unable to see the difference. Literally could not see the difference between the obese, depressed student I was and the student athlete I'd become.
To be honest, my weight loss then was disordered, and I don't want to return to my obsessive state. I just wish I could have enjoyed the strength I'd amassed and the discipline I, who was never an athletic person, suddenly pulled out of nowhere.

Then, I wrapped up my degree, moved to a new country, and the rona struck. And I spiraled right back to where I started. No more rowing, discipline out the window, and all too frequent drinking and indulging. I hate how I could feel what was happening and did nothing to stop it. I couldn't muster a scrap of the discipline I'd had too much of not too long ago.
I'm beyond disappointed and filled with disgust for how my body feels after all of this abuse.

However, I could and can still not see the difference between fit me and hedonist me. Now, however, this has tilted the other way. I've always seen myself as extremely overweight, even when realistically I was mildly chubby, completely healthy, or a competitive rower. This past year, however, it didn't seem that bad to me. Chubby, yes, but not fat.

But last night, I had my first gig with my band. Photos were put up today and I feel like I am seeing what I truly look like for the first time. The only reason I haven't been crying for the past two hours is that I feel too stunned by the complete disconnect between what I thought I looked like (cute, bit chunky but very presentable), and what the photos show (a glittery seal). It's forced me to realise that I've never had a faithful image of what I look like, and it's both shocking and horrific.
I've just spent 1.5 hours on my stationary bike, and have restricted dinner. My partner had bought a bottle of bubbly to celebrate the first gig, but the thought of drinking tonight actually hurts my stomach. I hope this is the final push I need to get back on the wagon, but I am scared that my approach won't be healthy - again.

I'm not sure what my aim is with this post, I apologise for the pointless rant. Right now, I am just feeling absolutely gutted and the thought that some Internet strangers are listening to my sad realisations is comforting on its own, so thank you for being here.

submitted by /u/LillFeather
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from loseit - Lose the Fat