Sunday, October 3, 2021

Is something wrong with my scale?

Ok so bit of a background. 25M, 178cm, Weighed ~124kg back in March if this year and decided to lose some weight for personal and health reasons. Kept to a diet of about 1800 - 2400 calories per day and 30 minutes of cardio (on a stationary bike) for 6 days a week. Got a digital scale to keep track of my progress and had got down to about 119kg around the end of june.

Around mid July to beginning of September multiple circumstances (including an injury that occurred whilst on the stationary bike) caused me to take a lax approach to my plan and I also required a surgery due to my injury. When being booked in for the surgery I found that my weight had shot up to about 123kg (using the analogue hospital scale this time). This made me realise how badly I had strayed from my programme and so almost immediately after being discharged, I began dieting again, managing to trim down my portions and get my approximate calorie intake to about 1400 - 1800 this time. I have not yet trained though and will be unable to do so until the end of the month due to the surgery

Now this is where the issue comes in. Using the digital scale at home, I've noticed a trend in a loss of about 0.5kg per day or every two days (the surgery was two weeks ago and I currently am down to 118.2 - 118.6kg), which should have me excited but upon consulting alot of places on the net know that this should be impossible without training. I always weigh myself in the mornings after my morning toilet visit but before breakfast, place the scale in the same position and always make sure to take more than one reading to make sure the reading is accurate. I am also not on any weight loss supplements or protein shakes etc, neither do I feel or look any different. Can anyone advise on just what is the issue here? Is it the scale, is my calorie count off or should I seek medical attention for this weird weight loss?

submitted by /u/TKG1607
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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