Wednesday, October 27, 2021

PSA: Olive Oil - measure that shit. It is calorie rich and will destroy your efforts if you’re not paying attention.

I hit a major plateau these last two months- At first I chalked it up to birthday season but today I realized it’s more likely because I was SERIOUSLY under estimating my calories from the cooking oil I have been using. Possibly by as much as 500 calories a meal!

I like sautéing veggies but it’s weird measuring exactly so I pour it directly into the pan without measuring (I figure it creates an extra dirty dish if I measure it and I’m going to lose a good amount that will stick to the measuring cup/spoon or whatever). But even worse, sometimes I would naively exclude it altogether because ‘it’s olive oil- it’s good for you!’ and because ‘I didn’t really use THAT much. Couldn’t have been more than a tablespoon!’

So I measured today (i weigh my veggies in a bowl before cooking) and instead poured the olive oil directly onto my raw veggies while still on the scale….and lo and behold, I learned 38 grams of olive oil is 1) barely anything at all and 2) is 335 calories!

Ugh. Anyway, please learn from my experience. Measure your food- even if it’s ‘not easy’ - do it at least once just so you have a good reference in mind for all the other times you estimate it. And then maybe you won’t lose two months of time on your weight loss journey.

(On the plus side, I am very excited to get my weight loss back into gear. It has been a VERY discouraging last two months)

submitted by /u/rios04
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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