Friday, October 29, 2021

First week down and I feel… good?

Hello! So, just to preface: I started a fairly sedentary job as an analyst in May 2021 and have since then slowly packed on a little extra weight (gyms being closed for sometime didn’t help, but I did try some at-home workouts. My brain separates locations and what I do there. Like, work is solely work. Home is solely hobbies and chilling, etc. so it was extremely difficult to trick my brain into do consistent workouts at home).

I went to the doctor last Thursday, had some blood work, and checked my weight (routine stuff for a heart issue I was born with). I was sitting at 211 after fasting. For the record, I am a 24 5’11” male. So, I decided that it’s time to actually take my health seriously.

I cooked every meal this week (or thrown stuff together lol) and have been counting my macros and calories on top of going to the gym daily. Granted, next week will be the test of my commitment. I eat breakfast (Greek yogurt/boiled egg) at 8 am, snack 10 am, lunch 12 pm, snack 2 pm, then wait for dinner at 6-7 pm. Surprisingly, I haven’t been hungry like I thought I would be? My daily caloric intake has been between 1200-1400 the entire week (I did one of those fancy calorie calculators and I was allotted ~1900-2000).

I weighed myself for the first time in a week this morning and sat at 208.6. So, in a week, I am down ~2-2.5 lbs. Is this actual weight loss or just normal fluctuations?

Here’s my question: is this sustainable weight loss? I have been watching carbs and counting calories. I’ve cut out added sugars. I have been exercising everyday (primarily cardio with 20 minutes strength)

submitted by /u/willythewise123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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