Thursday, October 28, 2021

How do you figure out WHY you overeat?

Throughout school and college, I was always athletic. Maybe not the most active person, but I was always a good weight and always physically able. In my late 20s (I am 34 now), I was hitting the gym three times a week and eating 1,500 calories a day, but still gaining. That year, I gained 60 pounds. It took many months, but I was eventually diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism (neither are good for weight loss).

Once medicated, I managed to get about 30 or so of that back off with counting calories, but I am going back up again. I started weight watchers a few months ago and was down another 12 pounds and only about 30 away from my goal weight, but I just fall off the rails.

I read a lot on here about how you have to know your why before you can address eating disorders. But... I can't pinpoint it. Do I "treat myself" and eat when I'm stressed? Yes. Do I eat when I'm bored? Also yes. Do I eat when I am in a great mood and celebrating? Again, yes.

I do well at work because I don't have time/access to "bad" food and I only purchase healthy stuff to bring, but when I get home, it gets crazy. And even if I wake up in the middle of the night. The first thing I do is go for the treat cabinet. My partner keeps it stocked so it's not like I can just rid the house of it (although that would help me so much).

I struggle with all-or-nothing thinking, as well. And, most of the time, if I have a bad meal, that turns into a bad meal day, then a week, then it's "back to it on Monday," but if Monday comes and I have a bad meal, the cycle begins again.

I need advice. I am so uncomfortable in my own skin.

submitted by /u/Sh3nry16
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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