Sunday, October 10, 2021

Unsupportive partner


I'm February of 2020 my mom passed away (after suffering from cancer for a couple months) and I took comfort in food. I put on about 53 pounds all together. During the time I was gaining weight my partner would make little comments about me putting on weight, not comprehending how stressed I am about other things.

Fast forward to March 15, 2021 and I decided to hire a nutritional couch and it's been a wonderful tool, I've learned lots and it was totally worth it. I have lost 42 pounds since March which I'm extremely happy about. I have primarily given up gluten and refined sugars, however, I have a sweet tooth and will indulge on a regular basis. With that said, I have been learning to indulge in moderation, I'm still making progress with my weight loss so I'm okay with it, I don't get mad at myself over it.

My partner now comments about how if he were me he would feel like a failure when he indulges and often compares me having 3 cookies to him drinking weekly (he has quit drinking because it was a problem). I try to ignore it because I know he's comparing oranges to a basketball. Yeah they are the same shape and color, but they are not the same. It still gets under my skin. Time to reevaluate the relationship.

submitted by /u/wintermeowww
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I Am Beginning My Weight Loss Journey Again

Hello all,

I am female, 26 and 70kg. I am also 5'2. I haven't been trying to lose weight on and off for years but something always derails the process. I have epilepsy and I used to go hard at the exercises during my previous journeys till I had a seizure trying to get through a routine and the chronic pain I have makes most exercises difficult. I know these sound like excuses and I really do try to work out but I feel stuck. Getting sick all the time just keeps me from shedding any weight.

Then there is my family. I am trying to limit my calories and its become this weird thing where everyone is trying to push food towards me then telling me I need to lose weight. I don't know exactly how to measure calories for Ghanaian food so I am just winging it with smaller portions. My family members do say they have to lose weight but have bad eating habits they aren't trying to fix and bring me down for trying to work on mine or work out but at the same time pick at my weight. Its all very frustrating.

Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to deal with this and how to workout with the pain in general?

Thank you.

submitted by /u/cottoncandysedai
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What can cause long term metabolic changes?

When I was 15, I have lost about 25lbs in one year without ANY problems...I mean sometimes I even had to eat a ton of junk food just to stop the weight loss from progressing so rapidly. No sports, no counting calories, just eating how I felt it should be 3 times a day and it worked just perfectly. At one point (1.5 years ago), I just started gaining it back without any changes in eating until I gained it all back and some more. The problem tho is, that since then, the weight became so much more difficult than it used to be. Now I am 18, trying to lose it again and its SO difficult. I mean I am eating 2 times a day, healthy, no cheating but there is almost no progress. Any idea what could be causing this?

submitted by /u/oObErrYnn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help! Weight loss stall. Why??

39 F 5'8" SW: 196 CW: 171 GW:145

I need help. I'm stuck. I started my weightless journey a year ago this month and have lost 25 lbs which is great but have been stuck the last few months at zero loss. I've made changes like added in weight lifting and doing it more often. I walk regularly.

Calorie intake is between 1300-1500. I track everything and my diet is whole foods and focus on protein. Every morning I do Greek yogurt with berries, lunch is a protein and a veggie and dinner will be something random like eggs and bone broth or soup. If I have a treat its usually a few squares of dark chocolate just to keep the sugar cravings under control and/or a fruit.

I feel I cannot go any lower on the calories without feeling like Im depriving myself. My scale hasn't moved in months. I take measurements as well and have pictures as well. I know muscle building can make the scale go in the opposite direction but my measurements haven't changed at all.

How do I get out of this plateau? Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Isobelly_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 Ten-Minute Workouts

Daily activity can give you a powerful boost on your way to your weight loss goal. Exercise keeps your body burning calories and fat while reducing your risk of heart disease and other ailments. It also keeps you alert during the day and ensures better sleep at night. Here’s the best part: You don’t need to spend hours in the gym or jog for miles to get the benefits of being active. In fact, in just 10 minutes you can stoke your metabolism and build your strength and stamina. You can even fit workouts into your other responsibilities.

Here at Nutrisystem, we recommend 30 minutes of physical activity each day for the best results. That’s why we developed the My Daily 3 activity plan. This breaks down the 30-minute recommendation into three quick, 10-minute activity sessions spread throughout the day. This will help you gain the benefits of regular exercise without making a 30-minute commitment all at once.

Click here to learn more about My Daily 3 >

Two Simple Ways to Stay Motivated to Exercise

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Here are 10 quick workouts that won’t take a big bite out of your busy day:

1. Walking


Calories Burned: 49.7

Grab a friend, your dog or your smartphone’s earbuds and go for a stroll. To get the most benefit, walk as briskly as you can for 10 minutes—the faster you go, the more calories you use.

2. Stair Climbing


Calories Burned: 74.3

You can almost double the impact of walking by going up and down steps. Both directions help to strengthen your leg muscles and build your heart and lung power says Healthline. Want to get even more from climbing stairs? Carry light hand weights as you go.

3. Calisthenics


Calories Burned: 55.7

Remember the workouts you did in your high school gym class? Jumping jacks, lunges, squats, crunches and toe-touches are still good ways to increase your fitness and tone your muscles. Do three sets of three for each exercise to start and then go up to three sets of five (and then 10) repetitions in the coming weeks as you get stronger.

How to Know if You Need an Exercise Rest Day

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Calories Burned: Depends on activity

Make the most of your running or cycle session with high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It isn’t for people who are new to exercise. However, it’s a quick way to work out for anyone with a base level of fitness. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), HIIT consists of “repeated bouts of short duration, high-intensity exercise intervals intermingled with periods of lower intensity intervals of active recovery.” ACE explains that you should be doing one minute of exercise for every two to three minutes of recovery. The starting and stopping increases your heart rate and helps your body adapt to strain and recover quickly. ACE recommends doing no more than two days of HIIT per week due to the intensity.

5. Playground Fitness


Calories Burned: 49.7

When you take the children to burn some energy of their own, you can get in workouts for yourself. Do five dips on the parallel bars, five pull-ups and five jumps on and off the bench. Then give the kids a spin on the merry-go-round.

6. Jumping Rope


Calories Burned: 124

Kids may spend hours singing and skipping over the rope. However, you’ll soon see why it’s a part of training programs for professional boxers, too. According to ACE, this exercise gives your legs a real workout. They explain that it’s convenient exercise that is said to benefit coordination and cognitive function. Do it by yourself or find a couple of friends and go Double-Dutch style.

5 Common Mistakes New Exercisers Make

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7. Tai Chi

tai chi

Calories Burned: 49.7

While this may look like slow-motion karate, the practice of Tai Chi builds flexibility, balance and strength. It’s also been shown to reduce stress and improve mental focus says Healthline. The basic moves are easy to do for most ages and levels of fitness. You can learn a simple Tai Chi routine from books, online videos or in-person workshops.

8. Dancing


Calories Burned: Depends on style

Who says exercise can’t be fun? Set up a playlist of tunes that get your feet moving and let your body swing and sway to the rhythm. Go for songs that have a fast beat for the most benefit.

9. Cleaning


Calories Burned: 55.7

You can get your workouts and chores done at the same time. Vacuuming, dusting and scrubbing the sinks can build your strength. Choose one room or area of your home and give it your all for 10 minutes. The result: you’re fitter overall and happier to be in a tidier space.

“Allergic” to Exercise? 5 Fitness Tips You Won’t Hate

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10. Yard Work


Calories Burned: 57.3

Outdoor home maintenance is another way to cross off two items from your “to-do” list at the same time. Rake up the leaves or pull the weeds in one corner of your yard. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and give your body a real workout.

*All “Calories Burned” values are calculated using data provided by Harvard Health. Values are based on a 155-pound person.

*Always speak with your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

The post 10 Ten-Minute Workouts appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Weight Loss Program - High Involvement

I am at a point in my life where the need to rebuild healthy habits after COVID, PPD, and the loss of my father is more pressing than anything else.

Yes, I have weight to lose but I have a lot of baggage and need more support than a program or a weekly trainer.

I have searched, but haven’t found anything that could offer me the following:

  • nutritional plan
  • check-ins multiple times a week
  • muscle gain / weight loss

Separately I want to hire a weight-focused therapist, virtual if possible, and haven’t found anyone that speaks me. Cost isn’t the most pressing issue compared to what I’m looking for.

Does anyone have any direction or guidance on who or what programs to look at?

submitted by /u/innocuouseight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Intermittent fasting 16:8

I've been struggling to find a plan of action to lose about 60-70lbs and it has been incredibly frustrating. Read a lot lately about intermittent fasting and the health benefits, including weight loss, it can offer and I'm intrigued... but would like to hear from people who have followed it and had success.

I'm thinking 16:8 would be the most doable for me currently. Is this enough of a fast? It seems like some people go for a day or more of fasting and I don't think that would work for me.

Any success stories out there using the 16:8 method? I'd love to hear them, not just in relation to weight loss but also to increases in health overall.


submitted by /u/jmh52014
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from loseit - Lose the Fat