Friday, October 15, 2021

How do I count calories in the stuff that I eat?

Hello, I know this is probably a very dumb and simple question, but I just have to ask, since I never cared about weight loss and what I ate until now... How do I count calories in the stuff that I eat? Because everytime I take a look at the product I want to find out calories of, it always shows something in "kcal" and when I bring up "kcal to cal" convertor online then 1 kcal is apparently 1000 calories. But some products that I checked have like 19 kcal which would translate to 19000 calories, and those are pretty small products as well and I just thought to myself "no way I just ate 3kg of stuff (I think 1kg is about 7200 calories or something). So I just wanted to simply ask, how do I find out how many calories do I actually eat?

Thanks for help in advance!

submitted by /u/ThereIsNoGodOnlyDoge
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does breast size reduce as you lose weight?

If so, how drastically? Is there anyone here who has lost weight and their breastcsize stayed the same? I'm 4'11, 110lbs (doctors say I should be 86-98lbs to be healthy) and my chest is C-D cup. They're big and baggy, I'm really hoping to go down to a B with weight loss.

For clarity, because I know people will say "110 is sooo skinny!!" I'm not skinny lol, that would be skinny for someone 5'9, but I'm very short and my arms, thighs, and stomach are fat, it's at an unhealthy point, it's even affecting my heart and acid reflux now. To be a healthy thin (not stick thin, just normal) body, 86-98lbs is the absolute most ideal for my body personally. It's different for everyone.

submitted by /u/isthatallyouknow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loosing weight with an eating disorder proving impossible & I'm starting to give up

Starting stats: 5'5 SW:181 CW:177 GW:140

Hello reddit,

My weight loss journey begin in Fall of '19 when I decided I needed to loose weight when I moved to college. I started IF and gained 30 ILBs in 3 months & had begin binging regularly. I worked out and was used to 3 square meals a day, and snacks.

I came back form school, defeated, and decided I needed a change. I started CICO & working out consistently. Too consistently. If I missed one day at the gym I would panic and beat myself up causing myself immense anxiety. My weight went from 170-155 and I was thrilled, until my weight platoued at 155. I panicked, and lowered my calories drastically to 1200. I'll never forget the night that I came home from the gym (my 3rd workout of the day) and sat down to have some pasta salad, only to eat the entire bowl and 3000+ calories in one sitting (I calculated afterwords). I felt so sick I thought I'd make up for it by not eating for the next 3 days, which worked great until I had my vitamens on the third day for dinner and binged again to the point of extremely sick.

For the next month I binged ate and abandoned the gym until I had a depressive episode and contemplated suicide. I began planning my death, and a couple days before I was going to kill myself, I told a friend, saying goodbye. Long story short, they got me to the hospital where I had a mixed manic episode lasting about a week, my first one. I was then diagnosed with bipolar 1. I have been on a variety of drugs but weaned off everything save lithium.

Since this has happened, I've only had one other manic episode. My problem is depression- I can hold a calorie deficit of 500-700 with no issue, until a couple days prior to my period and I go off the rails. I was eating 1900 kcal/day being extremely active and went to bed satisfied to absolutely starving. I decided to let myself eat a maintenance during these periods but that isn't enough food. Typically my binges seem to come from extreme restriction, but that isn't the case here. I have been binging consistently for about a year now. I've done some research about this and it has some signs of PMDD. No matter what it is, I can't get on SSRI's due to being bipolar and I'm already on birth control. When I am manic, I don't eat, and when I am depressed I overeat.

I have tried intuitive eating, and it works great. It is the only thing that completely fixed my binging. But I gain weight on it. I can't find a way that works that I can sustain. I hate being this weight. I feel fat and I know that this weight makes me very unattractive. Even my Mom has mentioned loosing weight to me. I hate being fat, feeling this way, and I feel I have exhausted all my options. CICO, keto, IF, Vegan, you name it.

When I am normal, I get urges to binge, and I have the power to dismiss them. When I am depressed, I just stop caring completely and anything goes. No mater what I tell myself when I am stable, I always binge when I am depressed

Please note: I have been in ED therapy, currently in personal therapy and an IOP.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't even feel like myself anymore. If anyone came to say that I am beautiful or valued at the weight I'm at, please save it. I feel so uncomfortable in my skin at this weight.

submitted by /u/Outrageous_Worry_309
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The string trick is working

OK so this may sound weird for those who don't know, but I found a psychological weight loss method that actually seems to be working for me.

The gist of it, is that you tie a string around your waist (tight enough to feel it and be a little uncomfortable, but loose enough to fit a few fingers past) and you wear this string 24/7.

The whole idea is to keep you focused on your stomach throughout the day which helps you to be mindful of what you eat (plus side is if you eat too much you feel the string tighten due to bloating) it's also a good way to monitor progress without using scales by feeling the sting get looser as you lose fat.

What I've noticed is when I eat dinner, I actually have started to stop when I'm full (instead of continuing until the plate is empty) because feeling the string tighten too much really is uncomfortable. I've also been rejecting junk food with the thought process of "I want to take this string off one day".

I know it sounds super silly but for some reason this has actually been working for me. I've already gone through the process of feeling the string loosen up over the weeks and having to tighten it up again which feels like an achievement.

So far I've already lost 14lbs just by adding a string into my weightloss journey??? It seems so bizarre!!

Have any of you found any weird things that actually work too?

submitted by /u/Autumn-shadow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


There is a reason why you can’t just google the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Diet and workout fads make people in the industry a lot of money.

Please do your due diligence and make sure you aren’t sinking money into a fad gym or diet regimen.

So many of the things promoted in fitness groups are bad for our overall health.

Juice is 100% dietary sugar. Even if you can lose weight drinking juice, you can develop “skinny diabetes. Juicing is one of the most heinous diet fads. If you love celery juice, go crazy. Please don’t drink juice for weight loss!

Fasting. This is controversial. Some people can and a lot of people can’t. Fasting causes certain people to binge eat. Others who have genetic diabetes can go into shock or comas. Please don’t fast or suggest other people fast unless you’re under the close supervision of a doctor—and even then, be weary. This falls under the “it depends on your body type and genetics” category. It’s a slippery slope to being pro-ana. There’s another way.

High impact exercise doesn’t help most (over 90%) people lose weight long term. Body composition is in your genetics. Low impact exercise can tone most bodies. Weight loss is mostly resting basal metabolic rate and CICO. If you love this exercise—do it. But it isn’t for the majority of people. P90X and HIIT DO NOT work long term for about 97% of people. If it works for you and you can sustain it, congratulations you won the genetic lottery and you have an athlete’s body. Don’t try to be like athletes if you just want to lose weight and be fit. You’re setting yourself up to fail.

Please get your thyroid checked. Get your vitamin levels checked. B, D, Iron, Magnesium. If you have hyperthyroidism, under no circumstances should you take stimulants or diet pills. A lot of supplements are dangerous for these folks. This is a great way to induce a stroke. We need to know what the whole body is doing to do this well.

Please stay off of tiktok. So much diet and exercise content is sponsored and sponsored content only exists to take your money.

On that note, if you read articles about weight loss, diets, or exercise (esp. places like Livestrong)—check to see if it’s sponsored. You can’t trust sponsored content. It isn’t required to be factual. If you like scientific studies, check to see if they’re peer reviewed. If they aren’t it’s not good info.

Please be patient and kind with yourself. Weight loss that’s quick and easy or expensive isn’t going to last. If it’s hype, make sure there’s real science behind it. Jumping around will certainly get your happy chemicals going, but most of it isn’t going to make you lose weight. Lifelong healthy eating, healthy sleep hygiene, and stress reduction will do more for you than any fad. It had to be about the whole lifestyle, not something you squeeze in after work. Nothing good is instant or easy.

You kinda have to love doing it. So pick the thing you love and do that.

The formula is simple: - Portion control (or calorie control) - Stop eating junk - Raise resting basal metabolic rate - Exercise for health and fun, not weight loss - De-stress - Drink water - Sleep

submitted by /u/Sub-Machine-Fun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight gain w/ workouts

Hey everyone, I started working out June 2021. I was doing outdoor HIIT from June until September. At that point I had lost 50 lbs from diet alone. I switched to weight training 3x a week (sometimes 4) in a gym. It's mostly free weights and a few machines. Since starting my workout I've gained 25 lbs back. Most of that has been since September. For the most part I am eating healthy. I have had a few days where I have been insatiable, mainly after leg day. My smart scale shows 6 lbs gained on muscle, but I know that those can be inaccurate as it only measures up to the belly button. My calories are within my suggested amounts as well.. They are about 400 less per day than when I had lost the initial 50 lbs!

I'm just wondering if anyone else hit a wall like this after starting weight training? Obviously, I've looked online. Most articles say that I can expect a handful of pounds, temporarily, but nothing this drastic.

Oh, I also measured myself and in total I've lost 19 inches, but that includes the initial 50 lb weight loss. Since June I've not lost in inches, I have gained in some areas but I expected that.

Everyone around me says that they can't physically see weight gain of 25 lbs, or any at all. That's the only thing reassuring me right now.

submitted by /u/Beckabeckabecka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying something new/Cheat day

I lost 140 pounds about 11 years ago, due to covid and other life events I gained it all back. Sucks, but I'm a week into dieting again and it's going okay. I'm trying something new this time. I am eating 2k calories a day at first for weight loss as suggested by the weight loss calculators I used. The "cheat day" mentality is met with some controversy so my attempt to subvert that is to try and eat UNDER 2k and bank anything I don't eat. I have 2500 calories banked after one week and tomorrow I intend to use as much of that 2500 as I want but not go over 4500 calories. Did I crack the code? Or is this no different than a cheat day?

submitted by /u/Vlah_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat