Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My December healthy living goals.

This is not a weight loss post. I can’t worry about weight loss after I’ve already reached a healthy weight. I know how trying to lose more weight after reaching a healthy weight goes for me. I don’t have the best relationship with food.

This is a post about healthy living goals that are not weight-related, for December:

  1. Watch how much I “exercise for the sake of exercise,” with numbers displayed on the machine, because doing that is not so healthy for me. One 20-minute Pelaton ride a day is plenty, but I also want to increase how much I walk outside. The problem isn’t exercise—it’s exercise with stats displayed, because of my issues with food.

  2. Walk outside more. Walk for a few hours a week outdoors.

  3. Wake up at a decent hour, since I’m between jobs and don’t have to. 7:30 AM is a good time, earlier if the dog is being a little hyper.

  4. Keep up my hobbies like art, music, and Spanish.

  5. No food goals other than ethical ones. Not ready for that right now.

submitted by /u/Fantastic-Judgment-2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is this normal for maintenance phase?

I know there are a million posts on this subject and I'm thinking this is pretty normal, but I just wanted to confirm.

I started my weight loss journey in June of 2020. I'm 5'5", female and started at about 162lbs. At my lowest, I managed to get down to 110lbs, but that was too low and I upped it a bit. I settled around 112lbs or so for quite a while and then decided to go to maintenance. Since doing that, for the past few months I've gained about 4lbs and it seems to fluctuate up and down relative to that. Was the weight gain normal, or is it a sign that I'm doing something wrong? It does seem to be pretty consistent - is that all I should be focusing on - consistency? Or should I be wary of the gain?

For reference (since I can't post an image of my graph), I weigh once a week and in the last two months, my weekly weigh ins have read like this: 115.6, 116.4, 116.6, 116.4, 116.8, 117.8, 115.6, 116.6

submitted by /u/Talnesa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loseit Mod Application! Come Join Our Team!


Note: This is a 2 part application process.

Hello community!

The time has come where we look to expand the moderating team here at loseit. If you read our state of the sub post found here (Link) you will know this is long overdue and a must for us to move forward as a community. A community, which in case you missed it or were unaware has now surpassed THREE MILLION USERS!! I have been hanging around this sub for 5 years now and it really is incredible how much it has grown.

First and foremost I want to state loud and clear PAST MODERATOR EXPERIENCE IS NOT A REQUIREMENT but of course is an asset.

So what does it mean to be a moderator of loseit?

First, we expect maturity and common sense. It's important to keep in mind that often when people first visit this subreddit, they're in a particularly dark time of their life. You're going to interact with a lot of people. A few of those people want nothing more than to take advantage of those people and turn a profit. Being able to weed those types of people out is going to be important for daily moderation duties. In short, you need to be able to shift from courteous, to stern but fair, based on the circumstances. You'll deal with plenty of trolls, so please take that into consideration before applying. Being a moderator has its fun moments, but you deal with plenty of jerks anonymity on the internet brings out.

Second, it is important to remember not every situation will require the same answer as the last one. Everyone comes here with unique experiences and situations and while the main premise of “weight loss” is universal, ones individual battle to do so will be different from others and we need to be welcoming and open to discussion. That being said it will, at times, feel like you’re saying the same thing for the 10,000th time. That poster does not know that and you need to express compassion and care like its the first time you’ve ever said the words you are about to type.

Third, the most important thing for everyone reading this to remember is this is 100% a volunteer position. There is no secret compensation from reddit for doing this job. You will have to be willing to invest time several days a week to this sub both from a mod perspective and from a user interaction perspective.

Preliminary Questions

Below are a list of 6 questions to help get the process rolling. These are fairly simple and easy to answer. Feel free to add as much information to each answer as you like. Once we go through these initial responses we will send out more detailed questions to applicants we wish to interview further.

  1. WHat is your timezone? What hours do you typically browse reddit? How much time daily can you commit to being a moderator? Please be realistic with your answer. Saying 4-5 days 1 hour a day is better than 7 days a week 3-4 hours!
  2. Who are you? Give us a quick summary of who you are. Your weight loss journey, your time spent on this sub etc.
  3. Any past mod experience on any internet platform? Or maybe in real life work situations?
  4. Do you have any experience with CSS or automd?
  5. Why do you want to become a moderator of loseit?
  6. Can you provide us an example of a time in your life either personal or online where you have to problem solve/figure out a solution for something?

Please submit all answers to the above questions to MODMAIL. Please use title “Moderator Application” (under other) so it stands out to us as modmail can be a busy place.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. This post will remain live/pinned for 7 days.

The Mod Team

submitted by /u/ThatCanadianGuy88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost most of the weight but I'm still flabby or aka "skinnyfat." Any tips on getting through the final stages? My belly still makes me self-conscious.

Admittedly I haven't done much exercise apart from walking. I jog here and there, but most of my weight loss came from cutting back on alcohol, eliminating fast food, and walking a lot. I also just don't eat as much. I try to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and rice and noodle dishes. Also moved to Europe so that helps.

I feel like I have come a long way. I was wearing a size 34" waist jeans at the beginning of this and now I'm a 28... but I still look/feel flabby. I have a good amount of fat left. I just want to feel lean for once in my life.

It's annoying because I'm solidly in the "healthy" BMI range. So why do I still have a substantial amount of fat left? There's still probably a 2 inch thick layer around my waist. I suppose this "flab" issue comes down to body fat percentage, right? Do I need to calculate BF to figure out how much more weight to lose to really get lean?

I never wanted to get down to 125 lbs as a 5'9 woman, but here I am in the mid- 130s and it's still there? Has anyone else gone through this?

submitted by /u/AudiovisualHoe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scared when I hit a certain number

I’m new to Reddit and found this thread helpful on my weight loss journey, so finally contributing here today.

I’ve been yo-yo dieting since I was 15, at my smallest 120 lbs and at my heaviest 215 lbs.

Since last summer, I’ve lost close to 50 pounds. Rather than being excited about this progress, though, I’m feeling increasing anxiety. As I approach a normal BMI (10 pounds away), I’m reminded of the many times I’ve hit that number before and then immediately sabotaged myself, letting myself gain everything back and then some.

Does anyone feel scared when they get close to a goal? How do you manage those feelings? I want this time to be different.

submitted by /u/Ok-Dingo345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any Good Calorie Calculators?

· I am 15 years old · I am 117 pounds · I am 5'1.5, and I do a full body workout 3 times a week.

 My weightloss goal is to eliminate about 10-14% percent body fat leaving me around 105 pounds. I know that is extremely light for my age but I want to feel comfortable in my clothes. I am not fat but a majority of it is in my stomach and I am close to being fat. I used to do cardio but my shin splints haven't healed despite it being 3 months. I was losing about 1 pound every week and would hit my weight loss goal soon, but now I can't run. So I wanted to do a calorie deficit which I find much more difficult than running for half an hour. I have tried to beg my mom to take me to the doctors but she is apparently "too busy" even though she sleeps until 2 PM. I have looked through a bunch of calorie calculator apps and the results have been skewed despite my information being the same. I think it's the method they use that varies, but I would appreciate it if someone could offer some advice on this. Go ahead and ask any question, all help is appreciated. 
submitted by /u/BlitzingPlatinum
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Working out and eating a calorie deficit but not loosing weight (gaining or maintaining same weight)

Hi, I’m not sure where to start so I’ll just state my stats. I am F29, 5’9 233 lbs and I’ve been stuck at this weight or slightly higher for months.

When I first started my weight loss journey I didn’t do it the right way, I started and an extremely low calorie deficit that is unhealthy. It worked and I lost some weight but after a couple months I was eating less than 1000 cals and gaining weight! I stopped dieting all together and just went back to eating normally.

I wasn’t binge eating, I just wasn’t restricting myself. Also my weight gain is a result of medication that I am on. Anyway I recently got into diet and exercise. My calorie deficit is 1200 and I burn/workout at least 500 calories everyday but the scale is either going up or staying the same, it’s been a little over a month. I’ve heard of metabolic adaptation but what am I supposed to do about it? I’m really lost here so any advice is great! Thanks.

submitted by /u/Weary-Explorer17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat